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Journal Articles

Development of ARKADIA for the innovation of advanced nuclear reactor design process (Development status of the design optimization support tool, ARKADIA-Design)

Tanaka, Masaaki; Doda, Norihiro; Hamase, Erina; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Mori, Takero; Okajima, Satoshi; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Matsushita, Kentaro; Hashidate, Ryuta; et al.

Dai-28-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2024/06

To assist conceptual studies of various reactor systems conducted by private sectors in nuclear power innovation, development of an innovative design system named ARKADIA (Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI-aided Design Integration Approach through the whole plant lifecycle) is undergoing. In this paper, focusing on the ARKADIA-Design, achievements in the development of optimization processes in the fields of the core design, the plant structure design, and the maintenance schedule planning, as major function of ARKADIA-Design, and numerical analysis methods to be used for the detailed analysis to confirm the plant performance after optimization are introduced at this point in time.

Journal Articles

Development of a design optimization framework for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 3; Development of a prototype with user interface

Doda, Norihiro; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Hamase, Erina; Yokoyama, Kenji; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Mori, Takero; Hashidate, Ryuta; Tanaka, Masaaki

Keisan Kogaku Koenkai Rombunshu (CD-ROM), 29, 6 Pages, 2024/06

As a part of the development of the "Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI-aided Design Integration Approach through the whole plant lifecycle (ARKADIA)" to utilize the knowledge obtained through the sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) and combine the latest numerical simulation technologies, ARKADIA-Design is being developed to support the optimization of SFRs in the conceptual design stage. ARKADIA-Design consists of three systems of Virtual Plant Life System (VLS), Enhanced and AI-aided optimization System (EAS), and Knowledge Management System (KMS). A design optimization framework controls the linkage among the three systems through the interfaces in each system. In this study, we have developed a prototype of the framework for core design optimization using the coupled analysis functions in VLS and optimization control function in the linkage of EAS and VLS to investigate the applicability of the framework to the SFR design optimization process.

Journal Articles

Simulation-based dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of an internal flooding-initiated accident in nuclear power plant using THALES2 and RAPID

Kubo, Kotaro; Zheng, X.; Tanaka, Yoichi; Tamaki, Hitoshi; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Jang, S.*; Takata, Takashi*; Yamaguchi, Akira*

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O; Journal of Risk and Reliability, 237(5), p.947 - 957, 2023/10

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:65.59(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a method used to assess the risks associated with large and complex systems. However, the timing at which nuclear power plant structures, systems, and components are damaged is difficult to estimate if the risk of an external event is evaluated using conventional PRA based on event trees and fault trees. A methodology coupling thermal-hydraulic analysis with external event simulations using Risk Assessment with Plant Interactive Dynamics (RAPID) is therefore proposed to overcome this limitation. A flood propagation model based on Bernoulli's theorem was applied to represent internal flooding in the turbine building of the pressurized water reactor. Uncertainties were also taken into account, including the flow rate of the floodwater source and the failure criteria for the mitigation systems. The simulated recovery actions included the operator isolating the floodwater source and using a drainage pump; these actions were modeled using several simplifications. Overall, the results indicate that combining isolation and drainage can reduce the conditional core damage probability upon the occurrence of flooding by approximately 90%.

Journal Articles

Experiment on gas entrainment evaluation method from free liquid surface in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, 2; Measurement of gas core length by dynamic image processing

Endo, Kazuki*; Kobayashi, Shunsuke*; Jasmine, H.*; Sakai, Takaaki*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

Assuming gas entrainment (GE) to the main coolant circulation system from cover gas which is an inert gas to cover sodium coolant in a reactor vessel of the sodium cooled fast reactor, there is a concern that reactivity disturbance will occur when bubbles pass through the reactor core. Conventionally, an evaluation method based on static vortex extension theory has been employed for the GE prediction. However, it is known that the method gives rather overestimation for the GE occurrence from the unsteady traveling vortex dimple at the wide liquid surface. In order to contribute to understand the phenomena, experimental data have been accumulated by the basic water experiment. In this study, measurement was performed for the length of a gas cores that grew while moving on the free liquid surface by dynamic image processing, and the types of the GEs and the occurrence conditions were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Experiment on gas entrainment evaluation method from free liquid surface in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, 1; Measurement of velocity distributions in the experimental flow area by PIV method

Kobayashi, Shunsuke*; Endo, Kazuki*; Jasmine, H.*; Sakai, Takaaki*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

Assuming gas entrainment (GE) to the main coolant circulation system from cover gas which is an inert gas to cover sodium coolant in a reactor vessel of the sodium cooled fast reactor, there is a concern that reactivity disturbance will occur when bubbles pass through the reactor core. Conventionally, an evaluation method based on static vortex extension theory has been employed for the GE prediction. However, it is known that the method gives rather overestimation for the GE occurrence from the unsteady traveling vortex dimple at the wide liquid surface. In order to contribute to understand the phenomena, experimental data have been accumulated by the basic water experiment. In this study, the velocity distributions were measured under the conditions where GE occurs by particle image velocity (PIV) measurement in an experimental system to observe the gas cores that grow from the unsteady traveling vortex dimple.

Journal Articles

Development of gas entrainment evaluation method considering three-dimensional pressure decrease distribution along the center of free surface vortex

Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Imai, Yasutomo*; Fujisaki, Tatsuya*; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

In design of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs), cover gas entrainment phenomena induced by vortex dimple at free surface in upper plena is an important thermal-hydraulic issue. Authors have developed an evaluation method of gas entrainment with an evaluation tool named "StreamViewer". In this study, modification of evaluation model to improve quantitatively prediction accuracy of gas core length was investigated. In this model, vortex center lines which elongated from suction port where entrance of gas to heat transport system, for instance, IHX inlet in pool type SFRs, to free surface in plenum were to be identified, and distribution of pressure decrease along vortex center line was calculated to judge possibility of gas entrainment in comparisons with hydraulic head. This evaluation model was applied to results of water experiment with a rectangular open channel, where unsteady vortices are generated. It was confirmed that this model can identify occurrence of gas entrainment.

Journal Articles

Validation of gas entrainment evaluation method in simplified hot plenum model of sodium cooled fast reactor

Ezure, Toshiki; Akimoto, Yuta; Matsushita, Kentaro; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

In hot plenums of sodium-cooled fast reactors, restriction of cover gas entrainment caused by vortex dimples on the free surface is an important thermal-hydraulic issue. For this reason, the authors have developed an evaluation method of gas entrainment with an evaluation tool named, StreamViewer. In this study, evaluation using StreamViewer was applied to a water experiment having a simplified hot pool geometry aiming at the validation of the evaluation method toward the application to the evaluation of a pool-type sodium cooled fast reactor. In StreamViewer, the three-dimensional distribution of pressure decrease along the vortex center line was calculated from the velocity distribution obtained by CFD analyses, and the free surface dimple depth was obtained from the hydraulic balance with the pressure distribution and the cover gas pressure. As the results, it was confirmed that the onset of gas entrainment could be predicted appropriately based on the above-mentioned calculation method.

Journal Articles

Application of quasi-Monte Carlo and importance sampling to Monte Carlo-based fault tree quantification for seismic probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants

Kubo, Kotaro; Tanaka, Yoichi; Hakuta, Yuto*; Arake, Daisuke*; Uchiyama, Tomoaki*; Muramatsu, Ken

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 10(4), p.23-00051_1 - 23-00051_17, 2023/08

The significance of probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) of nuclear power plants against external events was re-recognized after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Regarding the seismic PRA, handling correlated failures of systems, components, and structures (SSCs) is very important because this type of failure negatively affects the redundancy of accident mitigation systems. The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute initially developed a fault tree quantification methodology named the direct quantification of fault tree using Monte Carlo simulation (DQFM) to handle SSCs' correlated failures in detail and realistically. This methodology allows quantifying the top event occurrence probability by considering correlated uncertainties related to seismic responses and capacities with Monte Carlo sampling. The usefulness of DQFM has already been demonstrated. However, improving its computational efficiency would allow risk analysts to perform several analyses. Therefore, we applied quasi-Monte Carlo and importance sampling to the DQFM calculation of simplified seismic PRA and examined their effects. Specifically, the conditional core damage probability of a hypothetical pressurized water reactor was analyzed with some assumptions. Applying the quasi-Monte Carlo sampling accelerates the convergence of results at intermediate and high ground motion levels by an order of magnitude over Monte Carlo sampling. The application of importance sampling allows us to obtain a statistically significant result at a low ground motion level, which cannot be obtained through Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo sampling. These results indicate that these applications provide a notable acceleration of computation and raise the potential for the practical use of DQFM in risk-informed decision-making.

Journal Articles

First observation of $$^{28}$$O

Kondo, Yosuke*; Achouri, N. L.*; Al Falou, H.*; Atar, L.*; Aumann, T.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Boretzky, K.*; Caesar, C.*; Calvet, D.*; Chae, H.*; et al.

Nature, 620(7976), p.965 - 970, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:93.49(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Transient behavior of multi-dimensional core cooling by D-DHX in sodium-cooled fast reactors

Ezure, Toshiki; Akimoto, Yuta; Onojima, Takamitsu; Kurihara, Akikazu; Tanaka, Masaaki

Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet), p.3652 - 3662, 2023/08

In order to grasp the thermal-hydraulic behaviors during decay heat removal by dipped-direct heat exchangers (D-DHXs) in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, an experimental study was performed using a sodium experimental facility. The simulated core of PLANDTL-2 was formed by 55 hexagonal-shaped flow channel tubes, which allows to examine the cooling behavior of the simulated core region having multiple rows of fuel assemblies including the thermal hydraulic behavior to the radial direction. In this study, transient core cooling behavior in the situation after the scram with the decay heat removal using a D-DHX was examined. The time evolution of the temperature was measured in the whole system including the simulated core region. As the results, it was confirmed there was not excessively skewed temperature distribution in the radial direction in the core region.

Journal Articles

Application study of adaptive mesh refinement method on unsteady wake vortex analysis

Alzahrani, H.*; Sakai, Takaaki*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet), p.1262 - 1275, 2023/08

Development of evaluation method for cover gas entrainment by vortices generated at free surface in upper plenum of sodium-cooled fast reactor is required, and an evaluation method by predicting vortices from flow velocity distribution obtained by CFD analysis is developed. In this study, Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method is examined to improve efficiency of CFD analysis. Initial mesh was refined with two indexes: the first index (Index-1) is when the second invariant, Q, of velocity gradient tensor is negative and the second one (Index-2) is pressure gradient index added to Index-1. As a result of applying AMR method to unsteady vortices system with a flat plate and performing transient analyses with refined meshes, the result of pressure distribution and velocity around the flat plate in mesh using Index-2 was similar to the result of all refined mesh. It was also confirmed that vortices generation and growth was better simulated by refining meshes around separation area.

Journal Articles

Development of a design optimization framework for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 2; Development of optimization analysis control function

Doda, Norihiro; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Hamase, Erina; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Matsushita, Kentaro; Tanaka, Masaaki

Keisan Kogaku Koenkai Rombunshu (CD-ROM), 28, 5 Pages, 2023/05

As a part of the development of the "Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI-aided Design Integration Approach through the whole plant lifecycle (ARKADIA)" to automatically optimize the life cycle of innovative nuclear reactors including fast reactors, ARKADIA-design is being developed to support the optimization of fast reactor in the conceptual design stage. ARKADIA-Design consists of three systems (Virtual plant Life System (VLS), Evaluation assistance and Application System (EAS), and Knowledge Management System (KMS)). A design optimization framework controls the connection between the three systems through the interfaces in each system. This paper reports on the development of an optimization analysis control function that performs design optimization analysis combining plant behavior analysis by VLS and optimization study by EAS.

Journal Articles

CFD-based analysis and experimental study on gas entrainment phenomenon due to free surface vortex

Song, K.*; Ito, Kei*; Ito, Daisuke*; Odaira, Naoya*; Saito, Yasushi*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05

Gas entrainment (GE) phenomena caused by a free surface vortex may cause the disturbance in core power of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). For this reason, the entrained gas flow rate by the GE should be evaluated accurately for the practical safety design of SFRs. In this study, for the purpose of examining the applicability of CFD for the accurate evaluation of GE phenomena, a CFD is applied to the simulation of the free surface vortex and accompanied GE phenomena in a cylindrical vessel with a suction pipe, and the CFD results and the experimental data of the GE are compared. As a result, the CFD and experiments show similar two-phase flow pattern inside the suction pipe, and the shape of the gas core at the free surface is also very similar. Therefore, it is confirmed that the CFD can predict the GE phenomena triggered by a free surface vortex properly and accurately within the acceptable error range.

Journal Articles

Improved immobilization of Re(VII) from aqueous solutions $$via$$ bimetallic Ni/Fe$$^{0}$$ nanoparticles; Implications towards Tc(VII) removal

Maamoun, I.; Tokunaga, Kohei; Dohi, Terumi; Kanno, Futoshi*; Falyouna, O.*; Eljamal, O.*; Tanaka, Kazuya

Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering (Internet), 2, p.1142823_1 - 1142823_17, 2023/03

Recently, the rapid development of nuclear power technologies and the continuous energy demand around the world exhibited massive amounts of contaminated water with radionuclides. Technetium-99 ($$^{99}$$Tc) is one of the long-lived radionuclides with a highly mobile anionic form (Tc(VII)) in aqueous solutions. Hence, the rapid and efficient Tc(VII) removal from radioactive water has emerged as a challenging issue. In this work, bimetallic nickel/iron nanoparticles (Ni/Fe$$^{0}$$) were prepared to enhance the immobilization of rhenium (Re(VII)) from aqueous solutions, as the surrogate of Tc(VII).

Journal Articles

Investigation of hydrogen superoxide adsorption during ORR on Pt/C catalyst in acidic solution for PEFC by ${it in-situ}$ high energy resolution XAFS

Yamamoto, Naoki*; Matsumura, Daiju; Hagihara, Yuto*; Tanaka, Kei*; Hasegawa, Yuta*; Ishii, Kenji*; Tanaka, Hirohisa*

Journal of Power Sources, 557, p.232508_1 - 232508_10, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:25.30(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Validation practices for plant thermal-hydraulic analyses with multi-level approach in ARKADIA-design for safe design of advanced nuclear reactors

Tanaka, Masaaki; Mori, Takero; Doda, Norihiro; Hamase, Erina; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Yoshikawa, Ryuji

Proceedings of OECD/NEA Workshop on CFD4NRS-9, 23 Pages, 2023/02

An artificial intelligence (AI) aided integrated digital system named ARKADIA is being developed to offer the best possible solutions for challenges arising during the design process, safety assessment, and operation of a nuclear plant. Focusing on the virtual plant simulation system developed in ARKADIA-Design as a part of the ARKADIA, representative validation practices are introduced in the development of the numerical analysis methods with the multi-level (ML) approach to predict static and transient plant thermal-hydraulic phenomena under normal operating conditions and design basis events for an advanced reactor design study. And future works for necessary validation studies to establish AKADIA-Design are discussed.

Journal Articles

Stable C and N isotope abundances in water-extractable organic matter from air-dried soils as potential indices of microbially utilized organic matter

Nagano, Hirohiko*; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Tanaka, Sota*; Yomogida, Takumi; Kozai, Naofumi; Koarashi, Jun

Frontiers in Forests and Global Change (Internet), 6, p.1228053_1 - 1228053_9, 2023/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Ecology)

Journal Articles

Quantification of risk dilution induced by correlation parameters in dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants

Kubo, Kotaro; Tanaka, Yoichi*; Ishikawa, Jun

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O; Journal of Risk and Reliability, 11 Pages, 2023/00

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:52.66(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Study on gas entrainment evaluation method at free liquid surface; Application study of adaptive mesh refinement method on unsteady wake vortex analysis

Alzahrani, H.*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Sakai, Takaaki*; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Proceedings of 12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS12) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2022/10

Development of evaluation method for cover gas entrainment (GE) by vortices generated at free surface in upper plenum of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) is required. An evaluation method by predicting vortices from flow velocity distribution obtained by 3D CFD analysis is developed, and Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method is examined to improve efficiency of CFD analysis is examined. In this study, mesh refinement with two conditions were examined. The first one is to use negative second invariant of velocity gradient tensor, Q, and the second one is to use pressure gradient condition with Q$$<$$0. As a result of applying AMR method to unsteady vortices system with a flat plate, the mesh near stagnation area around flat plate was refined in the latter condition compared with the former. Transient analyses were performed with refined mesh by AMR method, the result of mesh using the latter condition was closer to the result of all refined mesh with pressure distribution near flat plate.

Journal Articles

Potential inhibitory effects of low-dose thoron inhalation and ascorbic acid administration on alcohol-induced hepatopathy in mice

Kataoka, Takahiro*; Ishida, Tsuyoshi*; Naoe, Shota*; Kanzaki, Norie; Sakoda, Akihiro; Tanaka, Hiroshi; Mitsunobu, Fumihiro*; Yamaoka, Kiyonori*

Journal of Radiation Research (Internet), 63(5), p.719 - 729, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:42.05(Biology)

470 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)