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Journal Articles

Development of reactor vessel thermal-hydraulic analysis method in natural circulation conditions; Investigation of interwrapper Gap model

Hamase, Erina; Doda, Norihiro; Ono, Ayako; Tanaka, Masaaki; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Imai, Yasutomo*

Proceedings of 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety (NTHOS-14) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2024/08

We have been developed a thermal-hydraulic analysis model in the reactor vessel using the computational fluid dynamics code with a low computational cost to evaluate core-plenum interactions during a natural circulation decay heat removal using a dipped-type direct heat exchanger in a design of sodium-cooled fast reactors. In this study, we investigate the coarse mesh modeling of interwrapper gap (IWG) using correlations for the purpose of the development of a practical model which can reduce the computational cost maintaining the prediction accuracy. An influence of combinations of the coarse mesh and the correlation for pressure loss in the IWG on the thermal-hydraulics and the core temperature distribution is revealed through the numerical analysis of a sodium experiment.

Journal Articles

Development of ARKADIA for the innovation of advanced nuclear reactor design process (Development status of the design optimization support tool, ARKADIA-Design)

Tanaka, Masaaki; Doda, Norihiro; Hamase, Erina; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Mori, Takero; Okajima, Satoshi; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Matsushita, Kentaro; Hashidate, Ryuta; et al.

Dai-28-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2024/06

To assist conceptual studies of various reactor systems conducted by private sectors in nuclear power innovation, development of an innovative design system named ARKADIA (Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI-aided Design Integration Approach through the whole plant lifecycle) is undergoing. In this paper, focusing on the ARKADIA-Design, achievements in the development of optimization processes in the fields of the core design, the plant structure design, and the maintenance schedule planning, as major function of ARKADIA-Design, and numerical analysis methods to be used for the detailed analysis to confirm the plant performance after optimization are introduced at this point in time.

Journal Articles

Development of a design optimization framework for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 3; Development of a prototype with user interface

Doda, Norihiro; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Hamase, Erina; Yokoyama, Kenji; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Mori, Takero; Hashidate, Ryuta; Tanaka, Masaaki

Keisan Kogaku Koenkai Rombunshu (CD-ROM), 29, 6 Pages, 2024/06

As a part of the development of the "Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI-aided Design Integration Approach through the whole plant lifecycle (ARKADIA)" to utilize the knowledge obtained through the sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) and combine the latest numerical simulation technologies, ARKADIA-Design is being developed to support the optimization of SFRs in the conceptual design stage. ARKADIA-Design consists of three systems of Virtual Plant Life System (VLS), Enhanced and AI-aided optimization System (EAS), and Knowledge Management System (KMS). A design optimization framework controls the linkage among the three systems through the interfaces in each system. In this study, we have developed a prototype of the framework for core design optimization using the coupled analysis functions in VLS and optimization control function in the linkage of EAS and VLS to investigate the applicability of the framework to the SFR design optimization process.

Journal Articles

Validation of the hybrid turbulence model in detailed thermal-hydraulic analysis code SPIRAL for fuel assembly using sodium experiments data of 37-pin bundles

Yoshikawa, Ryuji; Imai, Yasutomo*; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Tanaka, Masaaki; Ohshima, Hiroyuki

Nuclear Technology, 210(5), p.814 - 835, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In the study of safety enhancement on advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor, it is essential to clarify the thermal-hydraulics under various operation conditions in a fuel assembly (FA) with the wire-wrapped fuel pins to assess the structural integrity of the fuel pin. A finite element thermal-hydraulics analysis code named SPIRAL has been developed to analyze the detailed thermal-hydraulics phenomena in a FA. In this study, the numerical simulations of the 37-pin bundle sodium experiments at different Re number conditions, including a transitional condition between laminar and turbulent flows and turbulent flow conditions, were performed to validate the hybrid turbulence model equipped in SPIRAL. The temperature distributions predicted by SPIRAL was consistent with those measured in the experiments. Through the validation study, the applicability of the hybrid turbulence model in SPIRAL to thermal-hydraulic evaluation of sodium-cooled FA in the wide range of Re number was confirmed.

Journal Articles

Development of core design optimization process by integrated analysis with neutronics and plant dynamics

Hamase, Erina; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Doda, Norihiro; Yokoyama, Kenji; Tanaka, Masaaki

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(2), p.23-00440_1 - 23-00440_14, 2024/04

The core design optimization process is being developed as part of the design optimization support tool named ARKADIA-Design. The process performs the integrated analysis with neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, fuel integrity, and plant dynamics using the Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm, and obtains the optimal design parameters efficiently. In this study, the representative problem was defined based on core design experiences, and the process was specified. To confirm the appropriateness of the definition of representative problem, as a minimum requirement, the single-objective optimization problem was solved by the integrated analysis with neutronics and plant dynamics using the BO. We found the existence of the optimal solution and the agreement between this solution and the reference one. There was the prospect that the process was applicable to the representative problem.

Journal Articles

Development of element functions and design optimization procedures for knowledge- and AI-aided advanced reactor lifecycle optimization method, ARKADIA

Tanaka, Masaaki; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Okano, Yasushi; Uchibori, Akihiro; Yokoyama, Kenji; Seki, Akiyuki; Wakai, Takashi; Asayama, Tai

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 11(2), p.23-00424_1 - 23-00424_13, 2024/04

The outline and development status of element functions and design optimization process in ARKADIA to transform advanced nuclear reactor design to meet expectations of a safe, economic, and sustainable carbon-free energy source are introduced. It is also briefly explained that ARKADIA will realize Artificial Intelligence (AI)-aided integrated numerical analysis to offer the best possible solutions for the design and operation of a nuclear plant including optimization of safety equipment, and merge state-of-the-art numerical simulation technologies and a knowledge base that stores data and insights from past nuclear reactor development projects and R&Ds with AI technologies.

Journal Articles

Analysis of fuel assemblies inclination due to upper core support plate deflection for reactivity evaluation

Yoshimura, Kazuo; Doda, Norihiro; Igawa, Kenichi*; Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Tanaka, Masaaki; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*

Transactions of the 27th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 27) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2024/03

To investigate possibility of the insertion of the reactivity by the deflection of the upper core support plate, structural mechanics analyses of the domain consisting of the fuel assemblies and core support plates and evaluation of the reactivity due to the inclination of the fuel assemblies in EBR-II were carried out. As a result, it was indicated that the upper core support plate deflected downward larger at the low flowrate condition than that at the high flowrate condition and positive reactivity was inserted due to the inclination of the fuel assemblies at the low flowrate condition.

Journal Articles

Validation of the fast reactor plant dynamics analysis code Super-COPD using FFTF loss of flow without scram test #13

Hamase, Erina; Ohgama, Kazuya; Kawamura, Takumi*; Doda, Norihiro; Tanaka, Masaaki; Yamano, Hidemasa

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 195, p.110157_1 - 110157_14, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To validate the fast reactor plant dynamics analysis code Super-COPD for the loss of flow without scram (LOFWOS) event, we participated in the IAEA benchmark for the LOFWOS test No.13 performed at the FFTF as one of the passive safety demonstration test. In the blind phase, there were challenges to reproduce outlet temperatures of fuel assemblies and the total reactivity. To improve the evaluation accuracy of them, the whole core model considering the radial heat transfer and interwrapper flow and the simplified assembly bowing reactivity model were introduced. As a result of the final phase, the second peak of outlet temperatures was reproduced successfully, and the total reactivity could generally follow the measured data. Super-COPD was validated for the LOFWOS event.

Journal Articles

Numerical simulation technologies for safety evaluation in plant lifecycle optimization method, ARKADIA for advanced reactors

Uchibori, Akihiro; Doda, Norihiro; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Sonehara, Masateru; Sogabe, Joji; Okano, Yasushi; Takata, Takashi*; Tanaka, Masaaki; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Wakai, Takashi; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 413, p.112492_1 - 112492_10, 2023/11

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The ARKAIDA has been developed to realize automatic optimization of plant design from safety evaluation for the advanced reactors represented by a sodium-cooled fast reactor. ARKADIA-Design offers functions to support design optimization both in normal operating conditions and design basis events. The multi-level simulation approach by the coupled analysis such as neutronics, core deformation, core thermal hydraulics was developed as one of the main technologies. On the other hand, ARKAIDA-Safety aims for safety evaluation considering severe accidents. As a key technology, the numerical methods for in- and ex-vessel coupled phenomena during severe accidents in sodium-cooled fast reactors were tested through a hypothetical severe accident event. Improvement of the ex-vessel model and development of the AI technology to find best design solution have been started.

Journal Articles

Validation of gas entrainment evaluation method in simplified hot plenum model of sodium cooled fast reactor

Ezure, Toshiki; Akimoto, Yuta; Matsushita, Kentaro; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

In hot plenums of sodium-cooled fast reactors, restriction of cover gas entrainment caused by vortex dimples on the free surface is an important thermal-hydraulic issue. For this reason, the authors have developed an evaluation method of gas entrainment with an evaluation tool named, StreamViewer. In this study, evaluation using StreamViewer was applied to a water experiment having a simplified hot pool geometry aiming at the validation of the evaluation method toward the application to the evaluation of a pool-type sodium cooled fast reactor. In StreamViewer, the three-dimensional distribution of pressure decrease along the vortex center line was calculated from the velocity distribution obtained by CFD analyses, and the free surface dimple depth was obtained from the hydraulic balance with the pressure distribution and the cover gas pressure. As the results, it was confirmed that the onset of gas entrainment could be predicted appropriately based on the above-mentioned calculation method.

Journal Articles

Experiment on gas entrainment evaluation method from free liquid surface in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, 1; Measurement of velocity distributions in the experimental flow area by PIV method

Kobayashi, Shunsuke*; Endo, Kazuki*; Jasmine, H.*; Sakai, Takaaki*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

Assuming gas entrainment (GE) to the main coolant circulation system from cover gas which is an inert gas to cover sodium coolant in a reactor vessel of the sodium cooled fast reactor, there is a concern that reactivity disturbance will occur when bubbles pass through the reactor core. Conventionally, an evaluation method based on static vortex extension theory has been employed for the GE prediction. However, it is known that the method gives rather overestimation for the GE occurrence from the unsteady traveling vortex dimple at the wide liquid surface. In order to contribute to understand the phenomena, experimental data have been accumulated by the basic water experiment. In this study, the velocity distributions were measured under the conditions where GE occurs by particle image velocity (PIV) measurement in an experimental system to observe the gas cores that grow from the unsteady traveling vortex dimple.

Journal Articles

JSME series in thermal and nuclear power generation Vol.3 (Sodium-cooled fast reactor development; R&Ds on thermal-hydraulics and safety assessment towards social implementation)

Tanaka, Masaaki; Uchibori, Akihiro; Okano, Yasushi; Yokoyama, Kenji; Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Wakai, Takashi; Asayama, Tai

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

The book, JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation Vol.3 Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, was published as a 30th anniversary memorial project of Power & Energy Systems Division. This paper describes an introduction of the book on a part of key technologies regarding safety assessment, thermal-hydraulics, neutronics, and fuel and material development. This introductory paper also provides an overview of an integrated evaluation system named ARKADIA to offer the best possible solutions for challenges arising during the design process, safety assessment, and operation of a nuclear plant over its life cycle, in active use of the R&D efforts and knowledges on thermal-hydraulics and safety assessment with state-of-the-art numerical analysis technologies.

Journal Articles

Experiment on gas entrainment evaluation method from free liquid surface in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, 2; Measurement of gas core length by dynamic image processing

Endo, Kazuki*; Kobayashi, Shunsuke*; Jasmine, H.*; Sakai, Takaaki*; Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

Assuming gas entrainment (GE) to the main coolant circulation system from cover gas which is an inert gas to cover sodium coolant in a reactor vessel of the sodium cooled fast reactor, there is a concern that reactivity disturbance will occur when bubbles pass through the reactor core. Conventionally, an evaluation method based on static vortex extension theory has been employed for the GE prediction. However, it is known that the method gives rather overestimation for the GE occurrence from the unsteady traveling vortex dimple at the wide liquid surface. In order to contribute to understand the phenomena, experimental data have been accumulated by the basic water experiment. In this study, measurement was performed for the length of a gas cores that grew while moving on the free liquid surface by dynamic image processing, and the types of the GEs and the occurrence conditions were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Development of virtual plant model for design rationalization of fast reactors by multi-level simulation system; Confirmation of functionality in application to U.S. experimental fast reactor EBR-II

Yoshimura, Kazuo; Doda, Norihiro; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*; Fujisaki, Tatsuya*; Igawa, Kenichi*; Iida, Masaki*; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, a virtual plant model of the sodium-cooled fast reactor plant composed in a computer is being developed to reduce the development cost, by replacing the experiments to the numerical simulations with coupled analyses of the physical phenomena accounting for the interaction between components under various plant conditions. Through the numerical analysis of the ULOHS test in the U.S. experimental fast reactor named EBR-II, applicability of the virtual plant model was confirmed in comparison with the measured data including the core inlet temperature and the reactor power.

Journal Articles

Development of gas entrainment evaluation method considering three-dimensional pressure decrease distribution along the center of free surface vortex

Matsushita, Kentaro; Ezure, Toshiki; Imai, Yasutomo*; Fujisaki, Tatsuya*; Tanaka, Masaaki

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

In design of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs), cover gas entrainment phenomena induced by vortex dimple at free surface in upper plena is an important thermal-hydraulic issue. Authors have developed an evaluation method of gas entrainment with an evaluation tool named "StreamViewer". In this study, modification of evaluation model to improve quantitatively prediction accuracy of gas core length was investigated. In this model, vortex center lines which elongated from suction port where entrance of gas to heat transport system, for instance, IHX inlet in pool type SFRs, to free surface in plenum were to be identified, and distribution of pressure decrease along vortex center line was calculated to judge possibility of gas entrainment in comparisons with hydraulic head. This evaluation model was applied to results of water experiment with a rectangular open channel, where unsteady vortices are generated. It was confirmed that this model can identify occurrence of gas entrainment.

Journal Articles

Development of reactor vessel thermal-hydraulic analysis method in natural circulation conditions; Investigation of thermal-hydraulic analysis model for interwrapper gap between assemblies

Hamase, Erina; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Imai, Yasutomo*; Doda, Norihiro; Ono, Ayako; Tanaka, Masaaki

Nihon Kikai Gakkai 2023-Nendo Nenji Taikai Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

In sodium-cooled fast reactors, decay heat removal systems under natural circulation with a dipped-type direct heat exchanger (D-DHX) have been investigated. During the D-DHX operation, the cold sodium from the D-DHX flows into the assemblies and the interwrapper gap (IWG) between them. To evaluate such phenomena in design studies, the reactor vessel thermal-hydraulic analysis method (RV-CFD) which has the accuracy required for design studies while reducing the computational cost is required. In this study, with the aim of developing the practical RV-CFD with a low computational cost, the influence of the combination of the mesh number in the IWG and the pressure loss coefficient on the core temperature distribution was investigated through the numerical analysis of a sodium experimental apparatus named PLANDTL-1.

Journal Articles

Application of a first-order method to estimate the failure probability of component subjected to thermal transients for optimization of design parameters

Okajima, Satoshi; Mori, Takero; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Tanaka, Masaaki; Miyazaki, Masashi

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 10(4), p.23-00042_1 - 23-00042_12, 2023/08

In this paper, we propose the simplified procedure to estimate failure probability of components subjected to thermal transient for the design optimization. Failure probability can be commonly used as an indicator of component integrity for various failure mechanisms. In order to reduce number of analyses required for one estimation, we have adopted the First Order Second Moment (FOSM) method as the estimation method of failure probability on the process of the optimization, and an orthogonal table in experiment design method is utilized to define conditions of the analyses for the evaluation of the input parameters for the FOSM method. The superposition of ramp responses is also utilized to evaluate the time history of thermal transient stress instead of finite element analysis. Through the demonstration study to optimize thickness of cylindrical vessel subjected to thermal transient derived from shutdown, we confirmed that the procedure can evaluate the failure probability depending on the cylinder thickness with practical calculation cost.

Journal Articles

Development of a statistical evaluation method for core hot spot temperature in sodium-cooled fast reactor under natural circulation conditions

Doda, Norihiro; Igawa, Kenichi*; Iwasaki, Takashi*; Murakami, Satoshi*; Tanaka, Masaaki

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 410, p.112377_1 - 112377_15, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To enhance the safety of sodium-cooled fast reactors, the decay heat in the core must be removed by natural circulation even if the AC power supply to the forced circulation equipment is lost. Under natural circulation conditions, sodium flow is driven by buoyancy, and flow velocity and temperature distribution influence each other. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate the core hot spot temperature by deterministically considering the uncertainties affecting flow and heat. In this study, a statistical evaluation method is developed for the core hot spot temperature by using Monte Carlo sampling methods. The applicability of the core hotspot evaluation method was confirmed in three representative events during natural circulation decay heat removal operations in loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactors.

Journal Articles

Transient behavior of multi-dimensional core cooling by D-DHX in sodium-cooled fast reactors

Ezure, Toshiki; Akimoto, Yuta; Onojima, Takamitsu; Kurihara, Akikazu; Tanaka, Masaaki

Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet), p.3652 - 3662, 2023/08

In order to grasp the thermal-hydraulic behaviors during decay heat removal by dipped-direct heat exchangers (D-DHXs) in a sodium-cooled fast reactor, an experimental study was performed using a sodium experimental facility. The simulated core of PLANDTL-2 was formed by 55 hexagonal-shaped flow channel tubes, which allows to examine the cooling behavior of the simulated core region having multiple rows of fuel assemblies including the thermal hydraulic behavior to the radial direction. In this study, transient core cooling behavior in the situation after the scram with the decay heat removal using a D-DHX was examined. The time evolution of the temperature was measured in the whole system including the simulated core region. As the results, it was confirmed there was not excessively skewed temperature distribution in the radial direction in the core region.

Journal Articles

Validation practices of multi-physics core performance analysis in an advanced reactor design study

Doda, Norihiro; Kato, Shinya; Hamase, Erina; Kuwagaki, Kazuki; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Ohgama, Kazuya; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Yoshikawa, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Kenji; Uwaba, Tomoyuki; et al.

Proceedings of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20) (Internet), p.946 - 959, 2023/08

An innovative design system named ARKADIA is being developed to realize the design of advanced nuclear reactors as safe, economical, and sustainable carbon-free energy sources. This paper focuses on ARKADIA-Design for design studies as a part of ARKADIA and introduces representative verification methods for numerical analysis methods of the core design. ARKADIA-Design performs core performance analysis of sodium-cooled fast reactors using a multiphysics approach that combines neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, core mechanics, and fuel pin behavior analysis codes. To confirm the validity of these analysis codes, validation matrices are identified with reference to experimental data and reliable numerical analysis results. The analysis models in these codes and the representative practices for the validation matrices are described.

363 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)