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JAEA Reports

Damage evaluation of vessel model under thermal transient loading; Detection of damage by wavelet analysis for ultrasonic waveform

Kawasaki, Hirotsugu;

JNC TN9400 2000-018, 37 Pages, 2000/03


The damage evaluation for the vessel model on the cyclic thermal transient loading in sodium were performed by the ultrasonic detection method. The wavelet analysis that was an analysis method of the waveform was applied to detect the micro damage before a sign of the crack initiation. The time-frequency analysis by the wavelet transform was performed to evaluate the ultrasonic parameter for the micro damage. As the results, the ultrasonic echo was analyzed by some mother wavelet, and Gabor wavelet was reasonable. The analysis of ultrasonic echo by Gabor wavelet showed drop of the sound velocity at higher frequency than the peak frequency because of attenuation in the high frequency component. The difference of the peak frequency △fp between B1 and B2 echoes increased with the amount of damage, and △ fp was available as a parameter for the micro damage detection. The correlation between the sound velocity and the micro hardness for the amount of damage was also found, and each method suggested to available alternately. ln this study, it was indicated that an ultrasonic wave characteristic value that can detect damaged state before crack initiation was obtained from the wavelet analysis.

JAEA Reports


Ueno, Fumiyoshi; ; ; ; ; ;

PNC TN9520 92-002, 54 Pages, 1992/03



JAEA Reports


Kimura, Hidetaka; ; ; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Aoto, Kazumi;

PNC TN9450 91-003, 28 Pages, 1991/03



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