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Journal Articles

Local structure analysis of (Na$$_{0.5}$$K$$_{0.45}$$Li$$_{0.05}$$)NbO$$_3$$ synthesized by malic acid complex solution method

Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Takada, Eri*; Nagai, Haruka*; Kikuchi, Takeyuki*; Morishita, Masao*; Kobune, Masafumi*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56(10S), p.10PB07_1 - 10PB07_7, 2017/10

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:14.84(Physics, Applied)

A monoclinic phase was discovered in (Na$$_{0.5}$$K$$_{0.45}$$Li$$_{0.05}$$)NbO$$_3$$ solid solution ceramics grown by a malic acid complex solution method. The average and local structures of this monoclinic phase were analyzed by synchrotron X-ray measurements. The local structure can be reproduced by assuming a rhombohedral model, that is the same local structure of KNbO$$_3$$. The results demonstrate that the monoclinic average structure is observed as a disordered rhombohedral structure.

Journal Articles

Piezoelectric properties and local structure analysis of (Na$$_{0.5}$$K$$_{0.45}$$Li$$_{0.05}$$)NbO$$_3$$ solid solutions by malic acid complex solution method

Nakai, Tomoaki*; Kobune, Masafumi*; Nagamoto, Takeru*; Kikuchi, Takeyuki*; Yoneda, Yasuhiro

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 41(3), p.251 - 254, 2016/09

Solid solutions of NaNbO$$_3$$ and KNbO$$_3$$ are the candidate for non-Pb piezoelectric materials. It is difficult to obtain dense ceramics owing to the difference of their calcination temperature. We developed the malic acid complex method to obtain the (Na$$_{0.5}$$K$$_{0.45}$$Li$$_{0.05}$$)NbO$$_3$$ to obtain a high-quality ceramics sample. It was found that (Na$$_{0.5}$$K$$_{0.45}$$Li$$_{0.05}$$)NbO$$_3$$ lies complicated phase boundaries; one is the structural phase boundary between NaNbO$$_3$$ and KNbO$$_3$$, the other is that between (Na,K)NbO$$_3$$ mixture and LiNbO$$_3$$, which is a sintering additive.

Oral presentation

Local structure analysis of (Na,K,Li)NbO$$_3$$

Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Takada, Eri*; Nagai, Haruka*; Kikuchi, Takeyuki*; Kobune, Masafumi*

no journal, , 

(Na,K)NbO$$_3$$ has been a candidate for lead-free piezo electric material, since it shows a novel piezoelectric properties by making a mixture between (Na,K)NbO$$_3$$ and LiNbO$$_3$$. (Na,K,Li)NbO$$_3$$ lies around a morphotropic phase boundary at room temperature, and it has been reported some co-existing phases of a tetragonal and a orthorhombic structures. We re-examined the crystal structure of (Na,K,Li)NbO$$_3$$ by using high-energy synchrotron X-ray. It was found that (Na,K,Li)NbO$$_3$$ has a monoclinic structure at room temperature. Moreover, we found a phase transition at approximately 200 K, in which the intensity of Bragg peaks changed drastically. The novel piezoelectric response of (Na,K,Li)NbO$$_3$$ is caused by modifying the phase transition below room temperature.

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