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JAEA Reports

Data survey and compilation of material property tables of irradiated stainless steel for evaluation of radiation effects on structural material properties of core internals in pressurized water reactors (Contract research)

Kasahara, Shigeki; Fukuya, Koji*; Fujimoto, Koji*; Fujii, Katsuhiko*; Chimi, Yasuhiro

JAEA-Review 2018-013, 171 Pages, 2019/01


For structural integrity assessment of reactor internals of light water reactors, it is important to evaluate and predict the property changes of structural materials, based on existing data obtained from austenitic stainless steel irradiated with neutrons. Compilation of the data into tables is valuable for discussing the representative or the most probable values of the properties applied to the assessment. When the data compilation, the data must be distinguished clearly in consideration of different service conditions of core internals of pressurized water reactors (PWR) and boiling water reactors. Main objective of this work is to provide material property tables of irradiated austenitic stainless steel which will be applicable for assessment of structural integrity of core internals of PWRs. To compile the table, published literature reporting irradiated stainless steel data were surveyed and screened by considering the service conditions of PWRs. In addition to the data, various parameters for the data evaluation, e.g. chemical compositions and pre-treatments of the materials, irradiation and examination conditions, were extracted from the literature, and listed into tables.

Journal Articles

Soft-X-ray high-resolution photoemission study on the valence transitions in YbInCu$$_{4}$$

Sato, Hitoshi*; Yoshikawa, Kunta*; Hiraoka, Koichi*; Arita, Masashi*; Fujimoto, Koji*; Kojima, Kenichi*; Muro, Takayuki*; Saito, Yuji; Sekiyama, Akira*; Suga, Shigemasa*; et al.

Physical Review B, 69(16), p.165101_1 - 165101_6, 2004/04

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:77.81(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Data survey and trend analysis of radiation effects on structural material properties of core internals in light water reactors, 2; Tensile properties and IASCC initiation

Fukuya, Koji*; Chimi, Yasuhiro; Kasahara, Shigeki; Fujii, Katsuhiko*; Fujimoto, Koji*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

3 (Records 1-3 displayed on this page)
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