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Journal Articles

Fast neutron detection under intense $$gamma$$-ray fields with novel nuclear emulsion technique

Ishihara, Kohei*; Takagi, Keisuke*; Minato, Haruna*; Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Tomita, Hideki*; Maeda, Shigetaka; Naka, Tatsuhiro*; Morishima, Kunihiro*; Nakano, Toshiyuki*; Nakamura, Mitsuhiro*; et al.

Radiation Measurements, 55, p.79 - 82, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.59(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In order to measure the neutron under a condition of high intensity of $$gamma$$-ray background, we made new nuclear emulsion based on non-sensitized OPERA emulsion which had small AgBr grain size (AgBr grain size of 60, 90 and 160 nm). The sensitivity of this new emulsion, which was a correlation between stopping power and grain density, was estimated experimentally by irradiating neutrons with several energies. We also simulated the response to $$gamma$$-ray induced electrons and compared with some experimental results by using $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$ source. The results showed that there might be a threshold energy deposited in one AgBr grain under which it was impossible to develop. We estimated efficiency to the $$gamma$$-ray and the neutron with this obtained response of the new emulsion.

Journal Articles

Development of neutron measurement in intense $$gamma$$ field using new type of nuclear emulsion

Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Ishihara, Kohei*; Takagi, Keisuke*; Tomita, Hideki*; Iguchi, Tetsuo*; Naka, Tatsuhiro*; Morishima, Kunihiro*; Maeda, Shigetaka

Journal of ASTM International (Internet), 9(3), 5 Pages, 2012/03

In order to measure the neutron from a spent fuel assembly in fast breeder reactor precisely, we made new nuclear emulsion based on non-sensitized OPERA film with AgBr grain size of 60, 90 and 160 nm. The efficiency for $$^{252}$$Cf neutron of the new emulsion was calculated to be 0.7$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ which energy ranged from 0.3 to 2 MeV that agrees with preliminary estimated value from experimental results. The sensitivity of the new emulsion was also estimated experimentally by irradiating 565 KeV and 14 MeV neutrons and found that the emulsion with the AgBr grain size of 60 nm showed the lowest sensitivity among these three emulsions but still had enough sensitivity for proton. Also, there was a suggestion from the experimental data that there was a threshold LET of 15 KeV/$$mu$$m for our new emulsion below which no silver cluster was developed. Further development of the response of nuclear emulsion with a few tens of nano-meter AgBr size is next step of this study.

Oral presentation

Development of neutron spectrum measurement in high $$gamma$$ field using new nuclear emulsion, 1; Overview

Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Maeda, Shigetaka; Takagi, Keisuke*; Ishihara, Kohei*; Tomita, Hideki*; Morishima, Kunihiro*; Iguchi, Tetsuo*

no journal, , 

The nuclear plate has an advantage which is a feeling of an owner as outstanding spatial resolution or a multi-radiation species, though measurement is simple at power supply needlessness. By controlling the diameter of AgBr crystalline particles in a film plate by this research, the film plate composition to which $$gamma$$ ray sensitivity was reduced was tried, and it developed aiming at the neutron precision measurement under the high $$gamma$$ ray background represented on the spent-nuclear-fuel surface etc.

Oral presentation

Sensitivity control of nuclear emulsion using AgBr nano-grains

Ishihara, Kohei*; Takagi, Keisuke*; Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Tomita, Hideki*; Naka, Tatsuhiro*; Asada, Takashi*; Morishima, Kunihiro*; Nakamura, Mitsuhiro*; Kuge, Kenichi*; Maeda, Shigetaka; et al.

no journal, , 

The nuclear emulsion with AgBr nano-grains has been developed for neutron detection under high $$gamma$$-ray background. It has been demonstrated that the detection sensitivity of $$gamma$$-rays can be well suppressed compared to that of neutrons by adjusting the size of AgBr nano-grains to deposit the energy of the secondary electrons produced by $$gamma$$-rays below a certain threshold which can create Ag latent images.

Oral presentation

Development of neutron spectrum measurement in high $$gamma$$ field using new nuclear emulsion, 2; Recognition algorithm for recoiled proton track based on three dimensional analysis of the novel nuclear emulsion

Takagi, Keisuke*; Ishihara, Kohei*; Tomita, Hideki*; Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Iguchi, Tetsuo*; Morishima, Kunihiro*; Maeda, Shigetaka; Matsumoto, Tetsuro*

no journal, , 

In the novel nuclear emulsion development to measurement a neutron spectrum in high $$gamma$$-ray field, in order to control $$gamma$$-ray sensitivity, the ArBr grains of about 100 nm of particle diameter is used. The recoil proton track induced by neutron is recorded on nuclear emulsion. The track constituted by a silver grains child standing in a row discretely is recorded. The track extraction algorithm suitable for extraction of recoil proton was developed, and the characteristic was evaluated.

Oral presentation

Development of neutron spectrum measurement in high $$gamma$$ field using new nuclear emulsion, 3; Neutron spectrum evaluation using unfolding method

Maeda, Shigetaka; Takagi, Keisuke*; Ishihara, Kohei*; Tomita, Hideki*; Kawarabayashi, Jun*; Iguchi, Tetsuo*

no journal, , 

The new style nuclear plate which controlled $$gamma$$ ray sensitivity is created, and the neutron-spectrum measurement technique under a high $$gamma$$ ray background is developed. The track length of the recoil proton of the neutron reason recorded on a nuclear plate checked that the response function was evaluated and a neutron spectrum could be evaluated by unfolding from track length since it is dependent on the energy of a neutron.

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