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Journal Articles

Photophysical property of $$catena$$-bis(thiocyanato)aurate(I) complexes in ionic liquids

Aoyagi, Noboru; Shinha, Yusuke*; Ikeda, Atsushi*; Haga, Yoshinori; Shimojo, Kojiro; Brooks, N. R.*; Izuoka, Akira*; Naganawa, Hirochika; Kimura, Takaumi; Binnemans, K.*

Crystal Growth & Design, 15(3), p.1422 - 1429, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:63.94(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The photochemistry of a gold(I) thiocyanate complex has been investigated to determine the coordination structure in both the solid and liquid states. The coordination geometries of the supramolecular complex and the concomitant exciplex have mainly been analyzed by crystallographic analysis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The Au-S bond distance and Au-Au separation of the compound in the ground state and in the phosphorescent excited state were compared. Upon irradiation with UV light, the excimeric interactions were enhanced, resulting in a contraction of the Au-Au aurophilic distance. A broad luminescence spectrum was observed for the one-dimensional chain suprastructure. The time-resolved luminescence spectra indicated the entity of several oligomeric species in the crude liquid without neutral solvent molecules. In addition, EXAFS spectroscopy exhibited a slight change in the nearest Au-S distance due to the photo-switched transformation. The deformation of the (Au-Au)* exciplexes was not apparently promoted in the liquid state with the asymmetrical imidazoium cations having a non-local charge distribution in the present observation. This is plausibly due to a flexible molecular structure and a property in the liquid state. In conclusion, the photo-excited nature of the pseudo-one dimensional complexes is emerged in controlling bond distances among the supramolecular networks.

Journal Articles

Event structure and double helicity asymmetry in jet production from polarized $$p + p$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 GeV

Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Y.*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, K.*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.

Physical Review D, 84(1), p.012006_1 - 012006_18, 2011/07

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:73.10(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

We report on the event structure and double helicity asymmetry ($$A_{LL}$$) of jet production in longitudinally polarized $$p + p$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 GeV. Photons and charged particles were measured by the PHENIX experiment. Event structure was compared with the results from PYTHIA event generator. The production rate of reconstructed jets is satisfactorily reproduced with the next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculation. We measured $$A_{LL}$$ = -0.0014 $$pm$$ 0.0037 at the lowest $$P_T$$ bin and -0.0181 $$pm$$ 0.0282 at the highest $$P_T$$ bin. The measured $$A_{LL}$$ is compared with the predictions that assume various $$Delta G(x)$$ distributions.

Journal Articles

Identified charged hadron production in $$p + p$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 and 62.4 GeV

Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Yasuyuki*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, Kazuya*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 83(6), p.064903_1 - 064903_29, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:184 Percentile:99.42(Physics, Nuclear)

Transverse momentum distributions and yields for $$pi^{pm}, K^{pm}, p$$, and $$bar{p}$$ in $$p + p$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 and 62.4 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the RHIC. We present the inverse slope parameter, mean transverse momentum, and yield per unit rapidity at each energy, and compare them to other measurements at different $$sqrt{s}$$ collisions. We also present the scaling properties such as $$m_T$$ and $$x_T$$ scaling and discuss the mechanism of the particle production in $$p + p$$ collisions. The measured spectra are compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations.

Journal Articles

Thermochromic properties of low-melting ionic uranyl isothiocyanate complexes

Aoyagi, Noboru; Shimojo, Kojiro; Brooks, N. R.*; Nagaishi, Ryuji; Naganawa, Hirochika; Van Hecke, K.*; Van Meervelt, L.*; Binnemans, K.*; Kimura, Takaumi

Chemical Communications, 47(15), p.4490 - 4492, 2011/04

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:70.51(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Azimuthal correlations of electrons from heavy-flavor decay with hadrons in $$p+p$$ and Au+Au collisions at $$sqrt{s_{NN}}$$ = 200 GeV

Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Yasuyuki*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, Kazuya*; Aphecetche, L.*; Aramaki, Y.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 83(4), p.044912_1 - 044912_16, 2011/04

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:52.86(Physics, Nuclear)

Measurements of electrons from the decay of open-heavy-flavor mesons have shown that the yields are suppressed in Au+Au collisions compared to expectations from binary-scaled $$p+p$$ collisions. Here we extend these studies to two particle correlations where one particle is an electron from the decay of a heavy flavor meson and the other is a charged hadron from either the decay of the heavy meson or from jet fragmentation. These measurements provide more detailed information about the interaction between heavy quarks and the quark-gluon matter. We find the away-side-jet shape and yield to be modified in Au+Au collisions compared to $$p+p$$ collisions.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutral mesons in $$p$$ + $$p$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 GeV and scaling properties of hadron production

Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Y.*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, K.*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.

Physical Review D, 83(5), p.052004_1 - 052004_26, 2011/03

 Times Cited Count:177 Percentile:98.48(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured the invariant differential cross section for production of $$K^0_s$$, $$omega$$, $$eta'$$ and $$phi$$ mesons in $$p + p$$ collisions at $$sqrt{s}$$ = 200 GeV. The spectral shapes of all hadron transverse momentum distributions are well described by a Tsallis distribution functional form with only two parameters, $$n$$ and $$T$$, determining the high $$p_T$$ and characterizing the low $$p_T$$ regions for the spectra, respectively. The integrated invariant cross sections calculated from the fitted distributions are found to be consistent with existing measurements and with statistical model predictions.

Journal Articles

Validation of on- and off-axis neutral beam current drive against experiment in DIII-D

Park, J. M.*; Murakami, Masanori*; Petty, C. C.*; Heidbrink, W. W.*; Osborne, T. H.*; Holcomb, C. T.*; Van Zeeland, M. A.*; Prater, R.*; Luce, T. C.*; Wade, M. R.*; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 16(9), p.092508_1 - 092508_10, 2009/09

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:65.71(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Neutral beam current drive (NBCD) experiments in DIII-D using vertically shifted plasmas to move the current drive away from the axis have clearly demonstrated robust off-axis NBCD. Time-dependent measurements of magnetic pitch angles by the motional Stark effect diagnostic are used to obtain the evolution of the poloidal magnetic flux, which indicates a broad off-axis NBCD profile with a peak at about half the plasma radius. In most cases, the measured off-axis NBCD profile is consistent with calculations using an orbit-following Monte-Carlo code for the beam ion slowing down including finite-orbit effects, provided there is no large-scale MHD activity such as Alfv$'e$n eigenmodes modes or sawteeth. Good agreement is found between the measured pitch angles and those from simulations using transport-equilibrium codes. Two-dimensional image of Doppler-shifted fast ion D$$alpha$$ light emitted by neutralized energetic ions shows clear evidence for a hollow profile of beam ion density, consistent with classical beam ion slowing down. The magnitude of off-axis NBCD is sensitive to the alignment of the beam injection relative to the helical pitch of the magnetic field lines. If the signs of B and I yield the proper helicity, both measurement and calculation indicate that the efficiency is as good as on-axis NBCD because the increased fraction of trapped electrons reduces the electron shielding of the injected ion current, in contrast with electron current drive schemes where the trapping of electrons degrades the efficiency. The measured off-axis NBCD increases approximately linearly with the injection power, although a modest amount of fast ion diffusion is needed to explain an observed difference in the NBCD profile between the measurement and the calculation at high injection power.

Journal Articles

Off-axis neutral beam current drive for advanced scenario development in DIII-D

Murakami, Masanori*; Park, J. M.*; Petty, C. C.*; Luce, T. C.*; Heidbrink, W. W.*; Osborne, T. H.*; Prater, R.*; Wade, M. R.*; Anderson, P. M.*; Austin, M. E.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 49(6), p.065031_1 - 065031_8, 2009/06

 Times Cited Count:43 Percentile:82.53(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Modification of the two existing DIII-D neutral beam lines is planned to allow vertical steering to provide off-axis neutral beam current drive (NBCD) peaked as far off-axis as half the plasma minor radius. New calculations for a downward-steered beam indicate strong current drive with good localization off-axis so long as the toroidal magnetic field, BT, and the plasma current, Ip, point in the same direction. This is due to good alignment of neutral beam injection (NBI) with the local pitch of the magnetic field lines. This model has been tested experimentally on DIII-D by an injecting equatorially-mounted NBs into reduced size plasmas that are vertically displaced with respect to the vessel midplane. The existence of off-axis NBCD is evident in the changes seen in sawtooth behavior in the internal inductance. By shifting the plasma upward or downward, or by changing the sign of the toroidal field, measured off-axis NBCD profiles measured with motional Stark effect data and internal loop voltage show a difference in amplitude (40%-45%) consistent with predicted differences predicted by the changed NBI alignment with respect to the helicity of the magnetic field lines. The effects of NB injection direction relative to field line helicity can be large even in ITER: off-axis NBCD can be increased by more than 20% if the BT direction is reversed. Modification of the DIII-D NB system will strongly support scenario development for ITER and future tokamaks as well as providing flexible scientific tools for understanding transport, energetic particles and heating and current drive.

Oral presentation

Chromic materials based on uranium complexes

Aoyagi, Noboru; Shimojo, Kojiro; Watanabe, Masayuki; Brooks, N. R.*; Binnemans, K.*; Kimura, Takaumi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Structure and optical properties of gold(I) thiocyanate exciplexes

Aoyagi, Noboru; Shimojo, Kojiro; Ikeda, Atsushi*; Watanabe, Masayuki; Brooks, N. R.*; Binnemans, K.*; Kimura, Takaumi

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Catenation and exciplex of gold(I)-thiocyanate

Aoyagi, Noboru; Shinha, Yusuke*; Ikeda, Atsushi*; Haga, Yoshinori; Shimojo, Kojiro; Watanabe, Masayuki; Brooks, N. R.*; Izuoka, Akira*; Naganawa, Hirochika; Binnemans, K.*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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