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Journal Articles

Study on the effect of long-term high temperature irradiation on TRISO fuel

Shaimerdenov, A.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Askerbekov, S.*; Ueta, Shohei; Aihara, Jun; Shibata, Taiju; Sakaba, Nariaki

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(8), p.2792 - 2800, 2022/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:89.36(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Post irradiation experiment about SiC-coated oxidation-resistant graphite for high temperature gas-cooled reactor

Shibata, Taiju; Mizuta, Naoki; Sumita, Junya; Sakaba, Nariaki; Osaki, Takashi*; Kato, Hideki*; Izawa, Shoichi*; Muto, Takenori*; Gizatulin, S.*; Shaimerdenov, A.*; et al.

Proceedings of 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2018/10

Graphite materials are used for the in-core components of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR). Oxidation damage on the graphite components in air ingress accident is a crucial issue for the safety point of view. SiC coating on graphite surface is a possible technique to enhance oxidation resistance. However, it is important to confirm the integrity of this material against high temperature and neutron irradiation for the application of the in-core components. JAEA and Japanese graphite companies carried out the R&D to develop the oxidation-resistant graphite. JAEA and INP investigated the irradiation effects on the oxidation-resistant graphite by using a framework of ISTC partner project. This paper describes the results of post irradiation experiment about the neutron irradiated SiC-coated oxidation-resistant graphite. A brand of oxidation-resistant graphite shows excellent performance against oxidation test after the irradiation.

Journal Articles

Investigation of irradiated properties of extended burnup TRISO fuel

Shaimerdenov, A.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Kenzhin, Y.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Ueta, Shohei; Aihara, Jun; Shibata, Taiju

Proceedings of 9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2018/10

The Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (INP) conducts an irradiation test and post-irradiation examinations (PIEs) of the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) fuel and materials to develop the extend burnup fuel up to 100 GWd/t-U collaboratively with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) under projects in a frame of the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC). Cylindrical fuel compact specimens consisting of newly-designed TRISO (tri-structural isotropic) coated fuel particles and a matrix made of graphite material were manufactured in Japan. An irradiation test of the fuel specimens using a helium-gas swept capsule designed and constructed in the INP has been performed up to 100 GWd/t-U in the WWR-K research reactor by April 2015. In the next stage, PIEs with the irradiated fuel specimens have been started in February 2017 as a new ISTC project. Several PIE technologies by non-destructive and destructive techniques with irradiated fuel compacts were developed by the INP. This report presents the developed technologies and interim results of the PIE for high burning TRISO fuel.

Journal Articles

Irradiation test about oxidation-resistant graphite in WWR-K research reactor

Shibata, Taiju; Sumita, Junya; Sakaba, Nariaki; Osaki, Takashi*; Kato, Hideki*; Izawa, Shoichi*; Muto, Takenori*; Gizatulin, S.*; Shaimerdenov, A.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; et al.

Proceedings of 8th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2016) (CD-ROM), p.567 - 571, 2016/11

Graphite are used for the in-core components of HTGR, and it is desirable to enhance oxidation resistance to keep much safety margin. SiC coating is the candidate method for this purpose. JAEA and four Japanese graphite companies are studying to develop oxidation-resistant graphite. Neutron irradiation test was carried out by WWR-K reactor of INP of Kazakhstan through ISTC partner project. The total irradiation cycles of WWR-K operation was 10 cycles by 200 days. Irradiation temperature about 1473 K would be attained. The maximum fast neutron fluence (E $$>$$0.18 MeV) for the capsule irradiated at a central irradiation hole was preliminary calculated as 1.2$$times$$10$$^{25}$$/m$$^{-2}$$, and for the capsule at a peripheral irradiation hole as 4.2$$times$$10$$^{24}$$/m$$^{-2}$$. Dimension and weight of the irradiated specimens were measured, and outer surface of the specimens were observed by optical microscope. For the irradiated oxidation resistant graphite, out-of-pile oxidation test will be carried out at an experimental laboratory.

Journal Articles

Irradiation test and post irradiation examination of the high burnup HTGR fuel

Ueta, Shohei; Aihara, Jun; Shaimerdenov, A.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Chakrov, P.*; Sakaba, Nariaki

Proceedings of 8th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2016) (CD-ROM), p.246 - 252, 2016/11

In order to examine irradiation performance of the new Tri-structural Isotropic (TRISO) fuel for the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) at the burnup around 100 GWd/t, a capsule irradiation test was conducted by WWR-K research reactor in the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) of Kazakhstan. The irradiated TRISO fuel was designed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and fabricated in basis of the HTTR fuel technology in Japan. The fractional release of fission gas from the fuel during the irradiation shows good agreement with the predicted one released from as-fabricated failed TRISO fuel. It was suggested that unexpected additional fuel failure would not occur during the irradiation up to 100 GWd/t. In addition, the post-irradiation examination (PIE) with the irradiated fuel is planned to qualify TRISO fuel integrity and upgrade HTGR fuel design for further burnup extension.

Journal Articles

Irradiation test plan of oxidation-resistant graphite in WWR-K research reactor

Sumita, Junya; Shibata, Taiju; Sakaba, Nariaki; Osaki, Hiroki*; Kato, Hideki*; Fujitsuka, Kunihiro*; Muto, Takenori*; Gizatulin, S.*; Shaimerdenov, A.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; et al.

Proceedings of 7th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2014) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2014/10

Graphite materials are used for the in-core components of High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor(HTGR)which is a graphite-moderated and helium gas-cooled reactor. In the case of air ingress accident in HTGR, SiO$$_{2}$$ protective layer is formed on the surface of SiC layer in TRISO CFP and oxidation of SiC does not proceed and fission products are retained inside the fuel particle. A new safety concept for the HTGR, called Naturally Safe HTGR, has been recently proposed. To enhance the safety of Naturally Safe HTGR ultimately, it is expected that oxidation-resistant graphite is used for graphite components to prevent the TRISO CFPs and fuel compacts from failure. SiC coating is one of candidate methods for oxidation-resistant graphite. JAEA and four graphite companies launched R&Ds to develop the oxidation-resistant graphite and the International Science and Technology Center(ISTC) partner project with JAEA and INP was launched to investigate the irradiation effects on the oxidation-resistant graphite. To determine grades of the oxidation-resistant graphite which will be adopted as irradiation test, a preliminary oxidation test was carried out. This paper described the results of the preliminary oxidation test, the plan of out-of-pile test, irradiation test and post-irradiation test(PIE)of the oxidation-resistant graphite.

Journal Articles

Properties of tritium/helium release from hot isostatic pressed beryllium of various trademarks

Chekushina, L.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Shaimerdenov, A.*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Kulsartov, T.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452(1-3), p.41 - 45, 2014/09

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:31.25(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development on extended burnup fuel technologies for practical high temperature gas-cooled reactors; Collaborative research with Kazakhstan

Ueta, Shohei; Shibata, Taiju; Aihara, Jun; Shaimerdenov, A.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Takahashi, Masashi*; Kinoshita, Hideaki*; Gizatulin, S.*; Sakaba, Nariaki

no journal, , 

To develop the highly-qualified, mass-produced coated fuel particle in Japan which is supposed to be introduced to small modular commercial high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs), a dimensional specification of the fuel has been determined to attain three times higher burnup than that of the HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor). Fabrication technologies of the fuel have been established in collaboration with Japanese nuclear fuel fabricator. As results on irradiation test and post irradiation examination at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kazakhstan via acceptances of two Regular Projects of ISTC (International Science and Technology Center), an excellent performance of the fuel under irradiation has been confirmed. Finally, technologies to extend the burnup for the highly-qualified, mass-produced HTGR fuel have been established first in the world.

Oral presentation

Collaboration with Republic of Kazakhstan regarding irradiation performance of HTGR fuel

Ueta, Shohei; Aihara, Jun; Sumita, Junya; Shaimerdenov, A.*; Dyussambayev, D.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Chakrov, P.*; Sakaba, Nariaki

no journal, , 

In order to investigate irradiation performance of the newly-designed high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) fuel for high burnup around 100 GWd/t, a capsule irradiation test has been carried out by WWR-K research reactor in the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) of Kazakhstan. A result on evaluation of the fuel integrity based on the fractional release of fission product (FP) released from the fuel during the irradiation and a plan of post-irradiation examination are reported.

9 (Records 1-9 displayed on this page)
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