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Journal Articles

Quantitative analysis of neodymium, uranium, and palladium in nitric acid solution by reflection absorption spectrophotometry

Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Egusa, Soichiro*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Yamana, Hajimu*; Morita, Yasuji

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 295(3), p.2059 - 2062, 2013/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:25.48(Chemistry, Analytical)

Quantitative analysis of Nd, U, or Pd in 3 mol dm$$^{-3}$$ (M) HNO$$_{3}$$ was performed by reflection absorption spectrophotometry at ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared (UV/Vis/NIR) region. A sample chamber with optics for reflection measurement was designed and attached to a UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer by optical fibers. The reflection absorbance showed linear relations with concentrations of Nd, U, and Pd at the absorbance region less than 0.1. The quantitative analysis was found to be possible for 3 M HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions containing [Nd] ca. 0.2 M, [U] ca. 0.04 M, or [Pd] ca. 0.01 M at maximum.

Journal Articles

Electronic absorption spectra of palladium(II) in concentrated nitric acid solutions

Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Egusa, Soichiro*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Kirishima, Akira*; Yamagishi, Isao; Morita, Yasuji; Yamana, Hajimu*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 290(2), p.475 - 478, 2011/11

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:82.40(Chemistry, Analytical)

Palladium complexation in concentrated nitric acid solutions was studied by UV/Vis absorption spectrophotometry. The ionic strength of the solutions was fixed to $$I$$ = 1, 3, or 5 M by mixing of HNO$$_{3}$$ and HClO$$_{4}$$. The major palladium species were found to be Pd$$^{2+}$$, PdNO$$_{3}$$$$^{+}$$, and Pd(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$. The formation constant of PdNO$$_{3}$$$$^{+}$$ was determined to be $$beta$$$$_{1}$$ = 1.32 ($$I$$ = 1 M), 1.49 ($$I$$ = 3 M), or 1.47 ($$I$$ = 5 M), while that of Pd(NO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$ to be $$beta$$$$_{2}$$ = 0.45 ($$I$$ = 3 M) or 0.14 ($$I$$ = 5 M).

Journal Articles

Speciation of palladium in nitric acid solutions

Egusa, Soichiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Yamana, Hajimu*; Yamagishi, Isao; Morita, Yasuji

Kyoto Daigaku Genshiro Jikkenjo Dai-45-Kai Gakujutsu Koenkai Hobunshu, p.123 - 125, 2011/01

Speciation of palladium in nitric acid solutions was studied through spectrophotometric methods to obtain basic data for development of Pd separation process. Stability constants of nitrate complexes of Pd were determined by analysis of absorption spectra of nitric acid solutions of various concentrations with the constant ionic strength.

Oral presentation

Development of high-level liquid waste conditioning technology for advanced nuclear fuel cycle, 4; Speciation of palladium in nitric acid solutions

Egusa, Soichiro*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Yamana, Hajimu*; Yamagishi, Isao; Morita, Yasuji

no journal, , 

Speciation of palladium in nitric acid solutions was studied through spectrophotometric and electrochemical methods to obtain basic data for development of Pd separation process.

Oral presentation

Chemical behavior of palladium in nitric acid solutions

Egusa, Soichiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Yamana, Hajimu*; Morita, Yasuji

no journal, , 

In order to investigate chemical species of Pd in nitric acid solution, absorption spectra of Pd were measured by changing nitric acid concentration, origin of Pd and time after preparing the solution. Absorption peak at 430nm increased with the nitric acid solution. Time dependence of the absorption spectra indicated very slow reaction between Pd and nitric acid ion.

Oral presentation

Development of high-level liquid waste conditioning technology for advanced nuclear fuel cycle, 7; Speciation of palladium, molybdenum and ruthenium in nitric acid solutions

Egusa, Soichiro*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Yamana, Hajimu*; Yamagishi, Isao; Morita, Yasuji

no journal, , 

Speciation of palladium, molybdenum and ruthenium in nitric acid solutions was studied through spectrophotometric method to obtain basic data for the development of separation process for these elements from high-level liquid waste. Absorption spectra of various solutions of Pd and Mo gave data on complex formation constants and molar absorption coefficients for some chemical species. As for nitric acid solution of Ru, slow rate of change in absorption spectra was observed, which depends on the nitric acid concentration.

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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