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Journal Articles

Internal strain distribution of laser lap joints in steel under loading studied by high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays

Shobu, Takahisa; Shiro, Ayumi*; Kono, Fumiaki*; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Yamada, Tomonori; Naganuma, Masayuki; Ozawa, Takayuki

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 5(2), p.17_1 - 17_9, 2021/06

The automotive industries employ laser beam welding because it realizes a high energy density without generating irradiation marks on the opposite side of the irradiated surface. Typical measurement techniques such as strain gauges and tube X-rays cannot assess the localized strain at a joint weld. Herein high-energy synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction was used to study the internal strain distribution of laser lap joint PNC-FMS steels (2- and 5-mm thick) under loading at a high temperature. As the tensile load increased, the local tensile and compressive strains increased near the interface. These changes agreed well with the finite element analysis results. However, it is essential to complementarily utilize internal defect observations by X-ray transmission imaging because the results depend on the defects generated by laser processing.

Journal Articles

Dynamic properties of human $$alpha$$-synuclein related to propensity to amyloid fibril formation

Fujiwara, Satoru*; Kono, Fumiaki*; Matsuo, Tatsuhito*; Sugimoto, Yasunobu*; Matsumoto, Tomoharu*; Narita, Tetsuhiro*; Shibata, Kaoru

Journal of Molecular Biology, 431(17), p.3229 - 3245, 2019/08

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:54.27(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

$$alpha$$-synuclein ($$alpha$$Syn) is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) with unknown function. $$alpha$$Syn is known to form amyloid fibrils, which are implicated with the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies. Elucidating the mechanism of fibril formation of $$alpha$$Syn is therefore important for understanding the mechanism of the pathogenesis of these diseases. Here, using the quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques, we investigated the dynamic and structural properties of $$alpha$$Syn. These results imply that fibril formation of $$alpha$$Syn requires not only the enhanced local motions but also the segmental motions such that the proper inter-molecular interactions are possible.

JAEA Reports

A Study on laser welding of ferritic/martensitic steel (PNC-FMS) for fast reactor fuel assemblies

Kono, Fumiaki; Sogame, Motomu; Yamada, Tomonori; Shobu, Takahisa; Naganuma, Masayuki; Ozawa, Takayuki; Muramatsu, Toshiharu

JAEA-Technology 2015-004, 57 Pages, 2015/03


Laser welding of ferritic/martensitic steel (PNC-FMS) sheets with different thicknesses (2 mm and 5 mm) was examined to investigate the weldability between the inner and outer duct in fast reactor fuel assemblies with inner duct structure (FAIDUS); the objective of the inner duct is to avoid the re-criticality in case of the core melting accident. Laser-spot and melt-run welding was performed at various laser powers, welding times and velocities to find out the appropriate welding conditions with few defects and enough penetration depth. As for the spot welding, furthermore, slow cooling rate or pulsed laser irradiation could reduce the crack and porosity in the welded zone. The strain of the welded zone almost disappeared and the hardness was comparable with that of the base metal by applying post welding heat treatment at 690 $$^{circ}$$C for 103 min. In addition, the shear strength of welded joints was confirmed to be sufficiently higher than the provisional allowance shear stress. These results indicate that laser welding would be probably applied to the PNC-FMS inner and outer ducts.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2009

Sumiya, Shuichi; Matsuura, Kenichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Fujita, Hiroki; Kono, Takahiko; Hiyama, Yoshinori; Yoshii, Hideki*; Fujii, Jun*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2010-072, 115 Pages, 2011/02


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, and the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and byelaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2009, from 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactivity in liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2008

Takeishi, Minoru; Matsuura, Kenichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Kono, Takahiko; Hiyama, Yoshinori; Fujii, Jun*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sagawa, Fumiaki*; Otani, Kazunori*

JAEA-Review 2009-039, 131 Pages, 2009/12


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, the radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, and the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and byelaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2008, from 1st April 2008 to 31st March 2009. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactive liquid waste discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2007

Takeishi, Minoru; Matsuura, Kenichi; Watanabe, Hitoshi; Nakano, Masanao; Kono, Takahiko; Hiyama, Yoshinori; Fujii, Jun*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sagawa, Fumiaki*; Otani, Kazunori*

JAEA-Review 2008-060, 131 Pages, 2008/12


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear regulatory acts, and the local agreement concerning with safety and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and byelaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2007, from 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2008. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the radioactive materials discharged from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2006

Takeishi, Minoru; Miyagawa, Naoto; Nakano, Masanao; Mizutani, Tomoko; Kono, Takahiko; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Fujii, Jun*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; Sagawa, Fumiaki*; Otani, Kazunori*

JAEA-Review 2007-041, 130 Pages, 2007/12


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel material usage facilities, radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear reguratory acts, and the local agreement concerning with security and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and byelaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of low level liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2006, from 1st April 2006 to 31st March 2007. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the discharged radioactive materials from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the effluent control of low level liquid waste in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories FY2005

Takeishi, Minoru; Miyagawa, Naoto; Uezu, Yasuhiro; Nakano, Masanao; Koarashi, Jun; Mizutani, Tomoko; Kono, Takahiko; Hiyama, Yoshinori*; Fujii, Yoshiyuki*; Kikuchi, Masaaki*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-024, 133 Pages, 2006/09


Based on the regulations (the safety regulation of Tokai reprocessing plant, the safety regulation of nuclear fuel usage facilities, radiation safety rule, the regulation about prevention from radiation hazards due to radioisotopes, which are related with the nuclear reguratory acts, and the local agreement concerning with security and environment conservation around nuclear facilities, the water pollution control law, and byelaw of Ibaraki prefecture), this report describes the effluent control results of low level liquid waste discharged from the JAEA's Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories in the fiscal year 2005, from 1st April 2005 to 31th March 2006. In this period, the concentrations and the quantities of the discharged radioactive materials from the reprocessing plant, the plutonium fuel fabrication facilities, and the other facilities were much lower than the authorized limits of the above regulations.

Oral presentation

Anneal effect of internal strain distribution in lap joining materials by laser welding

Shobu, Takahisa; Zhang, S.; Shiro, Ayumi; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Yamada, Tomonori; Kono, Fumiaki; Ozawa, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Neutron diffractometer for protein crystallography at cold neutron beam line of JRR-3

Kurihara, Kazuo*; Tamura, Itaru; Hirano, Yu*; Hiromoto, Takeshi*; Kono, Fumiaki*; Tamada, Taro*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Derivation of best heat treatment condition in welded materials using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction

Shobu, Takahisa; Shiro, Ayumi; Zhang, S.*; Yamada, Tomonori; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Kono, Fumiaki; Ozawa, Takayuki

no journal, , 

The laser welding method is expected to be applied to the joint between inner and outer ducts for the fast reactor fuel assemblies with inner duct structure. In this study, an anneal effect of the residual stresses in the laser welded steel was investigated using the in-situ strain measurement technique with high energy synchrotron X-rays. We have succeeded in observation of the phenomenon that elastic strain is relaxed before annealing process and the dislocation density gradually decreases thereafter. In addition it was found that the FWHM is a useful parameter for in-situ evaluation of the heat treatment process to effectively optimize the heat treatment condition.

Oral presentation

Derivation of best heat treatment condition in welded materials using X-ray diffraction

Shobu, Takahisa; Zhang, S.*; Shiro, Ayumi; Yamada, Tomonori; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Kono, Fumiaki; Ozawa, Takayuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Current status of neutron diffractometers for protein crystals, BIX-3 and BIX-4

Kurihara, Kazuo*; Kono, Fumiaki*; Shimizu, Rumi*; Tamura, Itaru; Tamada, Taro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Updating of single crystal diffractometers for protein molecules, BIX-3 and BIX-4

Kurihara, Kazuo*; Hirano, Yu*; Hiromoto, Takeshi*; Kono, Fumiaki*; Tamura, Itaru; Tamada, Taro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Updating of neutron diffractometers for protein crystals, BIX-3 and BIX-4

Kurihara, Kazuo*; Hirano, Yu*; Hiromoto, Takeshi*; Kono, Fumiaki*; Tamura, Itaru; Tamada, Taro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

An Investigation of FBR fuel irradiation performances under a high burnup condition

Kono, Fumiaki; Nemoto, Junichi*; Ishii, Tetsuya; Mizuno, Tomoyasu

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Anneal effect of internal strain in dissimilar materials by laser welding

Shobu, Takahisa; Zhang, S.; Shiro, Ayumi; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Yamada, Tomonori; Kono, Fumiaki; Ozawa, Takayuki

no journal, , 

In order to clarify an anneal effect of internal strain in dissimilar materials by laser welding, internal strain measurements using high energy synchrotron white X-rays were carried out at BL14B1 in SPring-8. The specimens were dissimilar materials made by laser welding between ferritic/martensitic steel (PNC-FMS) and SUS316 austenitic stainless steel. In this study, we measured the internal strain distribution of three kinds of specimens which changed a laser irradiation condition and it was found that the tensile strain in ferritic/martensitic steel occurred in all specimens before annealing but the residual strain in austenitic stainless steel was not so remarkable. It is thought that these reasons are related to the mechanical characteristic of both the materials. On the other hand, in all specimens after annealing, it was found that the residual strain in both the materials did not almost exist.

22 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)