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Journal Articles

Strain and magnetic-field characterization of a bronze-route Nb$$_3$$Sn ITER wire; Benchmarking of strain measurement facilities at NIST and University of Twente

Cheggour, N.*; Nijhuis, A.*; Krooshoop, H. J. G.*; Lu, X. F.*; Splett, J.*; Stauffer, T. C.*; Goodrich, L. F.*; Jewell, M. C.*; Devred, A.*; Nabara, Yoshihiro

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(3), p.4805104_1 - 4805104_4, 2012/06

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:49.99(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

A benchmarking experiment was conducted to compare strain measurement facilities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Twente. The critical current of a bronze-route Nb$$_3$$Sn ITER wire was measured as a function of axial strain and magnetic field in liquid helium temperature at both institutes. NIST used a Walters' spring strain device and University of Twente used a Pacman apparatus. The ITER bronze-route wire investigated had a very high irreversible strain limit and allowed the comparison of data over a wide range of applied strain from $$-1%$$ to $$+1%$$. A full account of the data analysis and comparisons will be presented. Measurement protocols and parameterization procedures will also be discussed.

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