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Journal Articles

Electric monopole transition from the superdeformed band in $$^{40}$$Ca

Ideguchi, Eiji*; Kib$'e$di, T.*; Dowie, J. T. H.*; Hoang, T. H.*; Kumar Raju, M.*; Aoi, Nori*; Mitchell, A. J.*; Stuchbery, A. E.*; Shimizu, Noritaka*; Utsuno, Yutaka; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 128(25), p.252501_1 - 252501_6, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:42.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Clades of huge phages from across Earth's ecosystems

Al-Shayeb, B.*; Sachdeva, R.*; Chen, L.-X.*; Ward, F.*; Munk, P.*; Devoto, A.*; Castelle, C. J.*; Olm, M. R.*; Bouma-Gregson, K.*; Amano, Yuki; et al.

Nature, 578(7795), p.425 - 431, 2020/02

 Times Cited Count:223 Percentile:99.47(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

$$alpha$$-decay properties of $$^{200,202}$$Fr

Ghys, L.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Huyse, M.*; Van Duppen, P.*; Antalic, S.*; Barzakh, A.*; Capponi, L.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; Cubiss, J.*; Derkx, X.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 100(5), p.054310_1 - 054310_13, 2019/11

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:78.16(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Inverse odd-even staggering in nuclear charge radii and possible octupole collectivity in $$^{217,218,219}$$At revealed by in-source laser spectroscopy

Barzakh, A. E.*; Cubiss, J. G.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Seliverstov, M. D.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Ascher, P.*; Atanasov, D.*; Beck, D.*; Biero$'n$, J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 99(5), p.054317_1 - 054317_9, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:76.08(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Observation of a $$gamma$$-decaying millisecond isomeric state in $$^{128}$$Cd$$_{80}$$

Jungclaus, A.*; Grawe, H.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lorusso, G.*; Simpson, G. S.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; Taprogge, J.*; Xu, Z. Y.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 772, p.483 - 488, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:54.73(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Changes in mean-squared charge radii and magnetic moments of $$^{179-184}$$Tl measured by in-source laser spectroscopy

Barzakh, A.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Cocolios, T. E.*; de Groote, R. P.*; Fedorov, D. V.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Ferrer, R.*; Fink, D. A.*; Ghys, L.*; Huyse, M.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 95(1), p.014324_1 - 014324_12, 2017/01

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:88.25(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

$$beta$$-delayed fission and $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{196}$$At

Truesdale, V. L.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ghys, L.*; Huyse, M.*; Van Duppen, P.*; Sels, S.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Barzakh, A.*; Capponi, L.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 94(3), p.034308_1 - 034308_11, 2016/09

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:59.81(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

$$beta$$ decay of semi-magic $$^{130}$$Cd; Revision and extension of the level scheme of $$^{130}$$In

Jungclaus, A.*; Grawe, H.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lorusso, G.*; Simpson, G. S.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P. A.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; Taprogge, J.*; Xu, Z. Y.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 94(2), p.024303_1 - 024303_8, 2016/08

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:76.95(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

$$alpha$$-decay study of $$^{182,184}$$Tl

Van Beveren, C.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Barzakh, A. E.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; de Groote, R. P.*; Fedorov, D.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Ferrer, R.*; Ghys, L.*; Huyse, M.*; et al.

Journal of Physics G; Nuclear and Particle Physics, 43(2), p.025102_1 - 025102_22, 2016/02

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:62.67(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Internal decay of the (10$$^{-}$$) intruder state in $$^{184}$$Tl

Van Beveren, C.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Barzakh, A.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; Fedorov, D.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Ferrer, R.*; Huyse, M.*; K$"o$ster, U.*; Lane, J. F. W.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 92(1), p.014325_1 - 014325_8, 2015/07

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:54.48(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

$$beta$$ decay of $$^{129}$$Cd and excited states in $$^{129}$$In

Taprogge, J.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Grawe, H.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lorusso, G.*; Simpson, G. S.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; Xu, Z. Y.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 91(5), p.054324_1 - 054324_11, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:82.23(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

$$beta$$-decay half-lives of 110 neutron-rich nuclei across the $$N$$=82 shell gap; Implications for the mechanism and universality of the astrophysical $$r$$ process

Lorusso, G.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Xu, Z. Y.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Shimizu, Y.*; Simpson, G. S.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Watanabe, H.*; Browne, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 114(19), p.192501_1 - 192501_7, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:164 Percentile:97.99(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Single-neutron orbits near $$^{78}$$Ni; Spectroscopy of the N=49 isotope $$^{79}$$Zn

Orlandi, R.; M$"u$cher, D.*; Raabe, R.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Pain, S. D.*; Bildstein, V.*; Chapman, R.*; De Angelis, G.*; Johansen, J. G.*; Van Duppen, P.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 740, p.298 - 302, 2015/01

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:85.85(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Identification of a millisecond isomeric state in $$^{129}$$Cd$$_{81}$$ via the detection of internal conversion and Compton electrons

Taprogge, J.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Grawe, H.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Xu, Z. Y.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lorusso, G.*; N$'a$cher, E.*; Simpson, G. S.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 738, p.223 - 227, 2014/11

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:79.89(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Monopole-driven shell evolution below the doubly magic nucleus $$^{132}$$Sn explored with the long-lived isomer in $$^{126}$$Pd

Watanabe, H.*; Lorusso, G.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Otsuka, T.*; Ogawa, K.*; Xu, Z. Y.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Li, Z.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 113(4), p.042502_1 - 042502_6, 2014/07

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:77.50(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

$$1p_{3/2}$$ proton-hole state in $$^{132}$$Sn and the shell structure along $$N$$=82

Taprogge, J.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Grawe, H.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lorusso, G.*; Simpson, G.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; Xu, Z. Y.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 112(13), p.132501_1 - 132501_6, 2014/04

 Times Cited Count:51 Percentile:88.62(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Measurement of the first ionization potential of astatine by laser ionization spectroscopy

Rothe, S.*; Andreyev, A. N.*; Antalic, S.*; Borschevsky, A.*; Capponi, L.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; De Witte, H.*; Eliav, E.*; Fedorov, D. V.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 4, p.1835_1 - 1835_6, 2013/05

 Times Cited Count:84 Percentile:94.49(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data for science and technology; Cross sections, covariances, fission product yields and decay data

Chadwick, M. B.*; Herman, M.*; Oblo$v{z}$insk$'y$, P.*; Dunn, M. E.*; Danon, Y.*; Kahler, A. C.*; Smith, D. L.*; Pritychenko, B.*; Arbanas, G.*; Arcilla, R.*; et al.

Nuclear Data Sheets, 112(12), p.2887 - 2996, 2011/12

 Times Cited Count:2048 Percentile:100.00(Physics, Nuclear)

The ENDF/B-VII.1 library is our latest recommended evaluated nuclear data file for use in nuclear science and technology applications, and incorporates advances made in the five years since the release of ENDF/B-VII.0. These advances focus on neutron cross sections, covariances, fission product yields and decay data, and represent work by the US Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) in nuclear data evaluation that utilizes developments in nuclear theory, modeling, simulation, and experiment. It features extension of covered nuclei, covariance data for 190 nuclei, R-matrix analyses of neutron reactions on light nuclei, updates for some medium-heavy and actinoid nuclei, etc. Criticality benchmark tests with a transport simulation code MCNP shows improved performances.

Journal Articles

How accurately can we calculate thermal systems?

Cullen, D. E.*; Blomquist, R. N.*; Dean, C.*; Heinrichs, D.*; Kalugin, M. A.*; Lee, M.*; Lee, Y. K.*; MacFarlane, R.*; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Trkov, A.*

UCRL-TR-203892, p.1 - 40, 2004/04

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Low-energy states in $$^{79}$$Zn and the structure of $$^{78}$$Ni

Orlandi, R.; M$"u$cher, D.*; Raabe, R.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Pain, S. D.*; Bildstein, V.*; Chapman, R.*; De Angelis, G.*; Johansen, J. G.*; Van Duppen, P.*; et al.

no journal, , 

21 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)