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JAEA Reports

Radiation monitoring using manned helicopter around the Nuclear Power Station in the fiscal year 2015 (Contract research)

Sanada, Yukihisa; Munakata, Masahiro; Mori, Airi; Ishizaki, Azusa; Shimada, Kazumasa; Hirouchi, Jun; Nishizawa, Yukiyasu; Urabe, Yoshimi; Nakanishi, Chika*; Yamada, Tsutomu*; et al.

JAEA-Research 2016-016, 131 Pages, 2016/10


By the nuclear disaster of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), caused by the East Japan earthquake and the following tsunami occurred on March 11, 2011, a large amount of radioactive materials was released from the NPS. After the nuclear disaster, airborne radiation monitoring using manned helicopter was conducted around FDNPS. In addition, background dose rate monitoring was conducted around Sendai Nuclear Power Station. These results of the aerial radiation monitoring using the manned helicopter in the fiscal 2015 were summarized in the report.

Journal Articles

Initial oxidation of Si(110) surface evaluated by photoemission spectroscopy and substrate-curvature measurements

Yamamoto, Yoshihisa*; Suzuki, Yasushi*; Miyamoto, Yu*; Bantaculo, R.*; Suemitsu, Maki*; Enta, Yoshiharu*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Asaoka, Hidehito; Yamazaki, Tatsuya

Hakumaku, Hyomen Butsuri Bunkakai, Shirikon Tekunoroji Bunkakai Kyosai Tokubetsu Kenkyukai Kenkyu Hokoku, p.207 - 210, 2009/01

The bending of Si substrate has been measured optically in the oxidation of Si(110) surface and variation of curvature for (001) and (-110) directions have been evaluated. Furthermore, time evolutions of oxygen adsorption content and its chemical bonding states have been measured by photoemission spectroscopy to discuss inisotropy of the Si(110) oxidation in comjunction with substrate curvature measurements. Oxygen adsorption content was evaluated from O1s photoemission and chemical bonding states were evaluated from Si2p photoemission. O$$_{2}$$ gas pressure was ranging from 5.0$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ Pa to 6.7$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ and substrate temperature was 873 K. Compressive stress was detected in the (-110) direction. In turn, stretching stress was detected. The photoemission spectroscopy indicated that a layer-by-layer oxidation was not took place. The stretching stress in the (001) direction implies that oxidation of B-bonds which have components along the (001) direction takes place.

Journal Articles

Total cross sections for charge transfer by multiply charged neon and argon ions colliding with various hydrocarbons at keV energies

Kusakabe, Toshio*; Miyamoto, Yoshiharu*; Ishida, Rikiya*; Ito, Kojiro*; Kuroyanagi, Nobuhiro*; Nakai, Yota*; Shirai, Toshizo

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 205, p.600 - 604, 2003/05

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:43.01(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Real-time measurements of chemical bonding states and substrate curvature during initial oxidation of Si(110) surface

Yamamoto, Yoshihisa*; Suzuki, Yasushi*; Miyamoto, Yu*; Bantaculo, R.*; Suemitsu, Maki*; Enta, Yoshiharu*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Asaoka, Hidehito; Yamazaki, Tatsuya

no journal, , 

Time evolution of chemical bonding states and substrate curvature were measured by SR-PES (Synchrotron Radiation Photoemission Spectroscopy) and MOS (Multi-beam Optical Sensor) methods during initial oxidation of Si(110) surface. The SR-PES measurements were performed at the surface chemistry experimental station in the BL23SU of SPring-8. Oxygen uptake was a Langmuir type so that oxygen adsorption took place randomly in the conditions of 1.5$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ Pa and 873 K. In that case, Although Si$$^{3+}$$ and Si$$^{4+}$$ increased rapidly in the beginning of oxidation, Si$$^{2+}$$ was a minor component. This fact suggests that oxidation rate of inter-plane Si-Si bonds (B-bonds), which make a chain in the (-110) direction, is larger than that of in-plane Si-Si bonds (A-bonds) so that Si$$^{3+}$$ is observed strongly. The variation of substrate curvature also indicates that oxidation of B-bonds is faster than that of A-bonds, which makes a strong compression stress in the (-110) direction.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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