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Journal Articles

Efficient breeding of yellow mutants by ion-beam irradiation in spray-mum "Southern Chelsea"

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Watanabe, Goshi*; Hase, Yoshihiro

JAEA-Review 2015-022, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2014, P. 98, 2016/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Breeding of flower-color mutation in Spray-mum by ion beam irradiation

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Tojima, Futoshi*; Hase, Yoshihiro

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 109, 2015/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Step-wise improvement of chrysanthemum by ion beam irradiation

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Tojima, Futoshi*; Hase, Yoshihiro

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 110, 2015/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Breeding of new ${it Chrysanthemum}$ cultivar "Aladdin 2" through stepwise improvements of cv. "Jimba" using ion beam re-irradiation

Ueno, Keiichiro*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Imakiire, Seiro*; Koriyama, Keisaku*; Minami, Tomohito*; Tanaka, Atsushi; Hase, Yoshihiro; Matsumoto, Toshikazu*

Engeigaku Kenkyu, 12(3), p.245 - 254, 2013/09

"Jimba" is a leading variety of white-flower chrysanthemum in Japan, although "Jimba" develops many axillary buds and also shows delayed flowering under a low temperature condition. Previously, we succeeded to produce new chrysanthemum variety "Aladdin" and "Imagine" that have a lesser number of axillary buds by ion beam irradiation. However, these varieties still show delayed flowering under a low temperature condition. In this study, we examined the effect of re-irradiation ofthese mutants by ion beams in improving flowering trait. The cultured leaves of "Aladdin" were irradiated with carbon ions and the regenerated plants were screened for the mutants that flowers earlier than the parental variety under a low temperature condition. Finally, we succeeded to produce new chrysanthemum variety "Aladdin 2" that develops a few axillary buds and shows early flowering traits. Thus, we demonstrated that the two important agronomic traits can be introduced by ion beam irradiation in a stepwise manner. The knowledge obtained in this study may be applicable for improving many kinds of plants.

Oral presentation

Efficient production of flower mutants by ion beams in spray chrysanthemum

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Tojima, Futoshi*; Hase, Yoshihiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Effects of ion beam irradiation on bulb formation and pollen-less phenotype in trumpet lily

Tamari, Mitsuo*; Tanogashira, Yuki*; Tojima, Futoshi*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Hase, Yoshihiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Step-wise improvement of white chrysanthemum "Araddin" by ion beam irradiation

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Tojima, Futoshi*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Hase, Yoshihiro; Narumi, Issey*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Improvement of low temperature flowering property of Chrythanthemum "Aladdin" by ion beam re-irradiation

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Nagatani, Takeshi*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Nozawa, Shigeki; Hase, Yoshihiro; Narumi, Issei

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Additional improvement of Chrysanthemum using ion beam re-irradiation

Shirao, Tsukasa*; Ueno, Keiichiro*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Tanaka, Atsushi; Hase, Yoshihiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Improvement of characteristics in yellow autumn chrysanthemum "Sanyo-ohgon" by ion beam irradiation

Tanogashira, Yuki*; Nagatani, Takeshi*; Nagayoshi, Sanetaka*; Nozawa, Shigeki; Hase, Yoshihiro; Narumi, Issei

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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