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Journal Articles

First observation of $$^{28}$$O

Kondo, Yosuke*; Achouri, N. L.*; Al Falou, H.*; Atar, L.*; Aumann, T.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Boretzky, K.*; Caesar, C.*; Calvet, D.*; Chae, H.*; et al.

Nature, 620(7976), p.965 - 970, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:93.49(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Space weather benchmarks on Japanese society

Ishii, Mamoru*; Shiota, Daiko*; Tao, Chihiro*; Ebihara, Yusuke*; Fujiwara, Hitoshi*; Ishii, Takako*; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi*; Kataoka, Ryuho*; Koga, Kiyokazu*; Kubo, Yuki*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.108_1 - 108_20, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:59.60(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

We surveyed the relationship between the scale of space weather events and their occurrence rate in Japan and we discussed the social impact of these phenomena during the Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP). The information was compiled for domestic users of space weather forecasts for appropriate preparedness against space weather disasters. This paper gives a comprehensive summary of the survey, focusing on the fields of electricity, satellite operations, communication and broadcasting, satellite positioning usage, aviation, human space activity, and daily life on the Earth's surface, using the cutting-edge knowledge of space weather. Quantitative estimations of the economic impact of space weather events on electricity and aviation are also given.

Journal Articles

Angular momentum compensation manipulation to room temperature of the ferrimagnet Ho$$_{3-x}$$Dy$$_{x}$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$ detected by the Barnett effect

Imai, Masaki; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Ono, Masao; Harii, Kazuya; Matsuo, Mamoru; Onuma, Yuichi*; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 114(16), p.162402_1 - 162402_4, 2019/04

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:72.02(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Observation of gyromagnetic reversal

Imai, Masaki; Ogata, Yudai*; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Ono, Masao; Harii, Kazuya; Matsuo, Mamoru*; Onuma, Yuichi*; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 113(5), p.052402_1 - 052402_3, 2018/07

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:64.77(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Enhanced orbital magnetic moment in FeCo nanogranules observed by Barnett effect

Ogata, Yudai; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Gu, B.; Kobayashi, Nobukiyo*; Ono, Masao; Harii, Kazuya; Matsuo, Mamoru; Saito, Eiji; Maekawa, Sadamichi

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 442, p.329 - 331, 2017/11

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:66.67(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Gyroscopic $$g$$ factor of rare earth metals

Ogata, Yudai; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Ono, Masao; Harii, Kazuya; Matsuo, Mamoru; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 110(7), p.072409_1 - 072409_4, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:65.19(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Spin hydrodynamic generation

Takahashi, Ryo*; Matsuo, Mamoru; Ono, Masao; Harii, Kazuya; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Okayasu, Satoru; Ieda, Junichi; Takahashi, Saburo*; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Nature Physics, 12, p.52 - 56, 2016/01

 Times Cited Count:109 Percentile:96.40(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Barnett effect in paramagnetic states

Ono, Masao; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Harii, Kazuya; Okayasu, Satoru; Matsuo, Mamoru; Ieda, Junichi; Takahashi, Ryo*; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Physical Review B, 92(17), p.174424_1 - 174424_4, 2015/11

 Times Cited Count:30 Percentile:75.98(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Temperature of thermal spikes in amorphous silicon nitride films produced by 1.11 MeV C$$_{60}^{3+}$$ impacts

Kitayama, Takumi*; Nakajima, Kaoru*; Suzuki, Motofumi*; Narumi, Kazumasa; Saito, Yuichi; Matsuda, Makoto; Sataka, Masao*; Tsujimoto, Masahiko*; Isoda, Shoji*; Kimura, Kenji*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 354, p.183 - 186, 2015/07

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:17.42(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Line splitting by mechanical rotation in nuclear magnetic resonance

Harii, Kazuya; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Ono, Masao; Matsuo, Mamoru; Ieda, Junichi; Okayasu, Satoru; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 54(5), p.050302_1 - 050302_3, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:49.49(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Rotational Doppler effect and Barnett field in spinning NMR

Chudo, Hiroyuki; Harii, Kazuya; Matsuo, Mamoru; Ieda, Junichi; Ono, Masao; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Saito, Eiji

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84(4), p.043601_1 - 043601_4, 2015/04

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:73.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Observation of Barnett fields in solids by nuclear magnetic resonance

Chudo, Hiroyuki; Ono, Masao; Harii, Kazuya; Matsuo, Mamoru; Ieda, Junichi; Haruki, Rie*; Okayasu, Satoru; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Express, 7(6), p.063004_1 - 063004_4, 2014/06

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:84.57(Physics, Applied)

A magnetic field is predicted to emerge on a particle in a rotating body even if the body is electrically neutral. This emergent field is called a Barnett field. We show that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) enables direct measurement of the Barnett field in solids. We rotated both a sample and an NMR coil synchronously at high speed and found an NMR shift whose sing reflects that of the nuclear magnetic moments. This result provides direct evidence of the Barnett field. The use of NMR for Barnett field measurement enables the unknown signs of nuclear magnetic moments in solids to be determined.

Journal Articles

Effect of cold working on the corrosion resistance of JPCA stainless steel in flowing PB-Bi at 450$$^{circ}$$C

Rivai, A. K.*; Saito, Shigeru; Tezuka, Masao*; Kato, Chiaki; Kikuchi, Kenji*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 431(1-3), p.97 - 104, 2012/12

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:60.07(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In the present study, we applied 20% cold work (CW) treatment to JPCA austenitic stainless steel and investigated it from the corrosion behavior viewpoint. The corrosion test of 20% CW JPCA has been carried in the JLBL-1 (JAEA Lead-Bismuth Loop-1) apparatus. The maximum temperature and the exposure time of LBE were 450$$^{circ}$$C and 1000 h, respectively. The results showed a different corrosion behavior between the JPCA without and with CW. As for the JPCA without CW, LBE penetrated into the matrix through a ferrite layer which was formed because of constituent metals dissolution from the matrix into LBE. As for the 20% CW JPCA, dissolution attack occurred only partially and formed localized superficial pitting corrosion. It was found that the different corrosion behavior occurred because the CW induced a structure transformation from $$gamma$$-austenite to $$alpha$$'-martensite and affected the corrosion resistance of the JPCA in flowing LBE at 450$$^{circ}$$C.

Journal Articles

Corrosion-erosion test of SS316L grain boundary engineering materials (GBEM) in lead bismuth flowing loop

Saito, Shigeru; Kikuchi, Kenji*; Hamaguchi, Dai; Tezuka, Masao*; Miyagi, Masanori*; Kokawa, Hiroyuki*; Watanabe, Seiichi*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 431(1-3), p.91 - 96, 2012/12

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:75.09(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

To evaluate lifetime of structural materials for ADS, corrosion tests in LBE have been done at JAEA. The corrosion test was performed by using JAEA lead-bismuth flowing loop (JLBL-1). Experimental condition was as follows; The temperature of high and low temperature parts of the loop were 450$$^{circ}$$C and 350$$^{circ}$$C, respectively. Flowing velocity at the test specimens was about 1m/s. Plate type SS316L-BM and SS316L-GBEM were used as a specimens. After the 3,000 hours operation, the test specimens were cut and macroscopic observation was carried out. The result showed that both materials were intensively eroded. Corrosion depth and LBE penetration through grain boundaries of GBEM were smaller than these of 316SS-BM.

Journal Articles

Performance upgrade in the JAEA actinide science beamline BL23SU at SPring-8 with a new twin-helical undulator

Saito, Yuji; Fukuda, Yoshihiro; Takeda, Yukiharu; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Sunao*; Asano, Yoshihiro*; Hara, Toru*; Shirasawa, Katsutoshi*; Takeuchi, Masao*; Tanaka, Takashi*; et al.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 19(3), p.388 - 393, 2012/05

 Times Cited Count:102 Percentile:97.08(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The soft X-ray beamline BL23SU at SPring-8 has undergone an upgrade with a twin-helical undulator of in-vacuum type to enhance the experimental capabilities of the end stations. The new light source with a fast helicity-switching operation allows not only the data throughput but also the sensitivity in X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) to be improved. The operational performance and potential are described by presenting XMCD results of paramagnetic $$beta$$-US$$_{2}$$ measured with a 10 T superconducting magnet.

Journal Articles

Development of in-pile instruments for fuel and material irradiation tests

Shibata, Akira; Kitagishi, Shigeru; Kimura, Nobuaki; Saito, Takashi; Nakamura, Jinichi; Omi, Masao; Izumo, Hironobu; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Conf 2011-003, p.185 - 188, 2012/03

To get measurement data with high accuracy for fuel and material behavior studies in irradiation tests, two kinds of measuring equipments have been developed; these are the Electrochemical Corrosion Potential (ECP) sensor, the Linear Voltage Differential Transformer (LVDT) type gas pressure gauge. The ECP sensor has been developed to determine the corrosive potential under high temperature and high pressure water condition. The structure of the joining parts was optimized to avoid stress concentration. The LVDT type gas pressure gauge has been developed to measure gas pressure in a fuel element during neutron irradiation. To perform stable measurements with high accuracy under high temperature, high pressure and high dosed environment, the coil material of LVDT was changed to MI cable. As a result of this development, the LVDT type gas pressure gauge showed high accuracy at 1.8% of a full scale, and good stability.

Journal Articles

Surface modification of vulcanized rubber by radiation co-grafting

Mizote, Norihito*; Saito, Hiroaki*; Ueki, Yuji; Seko, Noriaki; Tamada, Masao

JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 52, 2012/01

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Establishment of experimental equipments in irradiation technology development building

Ishida, Takuya; Tanimoto, Masataka; Shibata, Akira; Kitagishi, Shigeru; Saito, Takashi; Omi, Masao; Nakamura, Jinichi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Testing 2011-001, 44 Pages, 2011/06


The Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center has developed new irradiation technologies to provide irradiation data with high technical value for the refurbishment and resume of the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). For the purpose to perform assembling of capsules, materials tests, materials inspection and analysis of irradiation specimens for the development of irradiation capsules, improvement and maintenance of facilities were performed. The RI application development building was refurbished and maintained for above-mentioned purpose. After refurbishment, the building was named Irradiation Technology Development Building. It contains eight laboratories based on the purpose of use, and experimental apparatuses were installed. This report describes the refurbishment work of the RI application development building, the installation work and operation method of the experimental apparatuses and the basic management procedure of the Irradiation Technology Development Building.

JAEA Reports

Development of measuring instruments for material irradiation tests

Kitagishi, Shigeru; Tanimoto, Masataka; Iimura, Koichi; Inoue, Shuichi; Saito, Takashi; Omi, Masao; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

JAEA-Review 2010-046, 19 Pages, 2010/11


The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) has been utilized for the various neutron irradiation tests of fuels and materials, as well as for radioisotope production since achieving the first criticality in March 1968. The operation of JMTR was halted for the refurbishment in August 2006. The new JMTR is expected to contribute to many fields: the lifetime extension of LWRs and the expansion of industry use. To meet a wide range of users' needs, the development of new irradiation technologies has been carried out for the new JMTR. This report summarizes the present conditions of the development of FP gas pressure gauges, multi-paired thermocouples, ECP and ceramics sensors.

Journal Articles

Basic vacuum test of 500-kV photocathode DC gun components at KEK

Yamamoto, Masahiro*; Uchiyama, Takashi*; Miyajima, Tsukasa*; Honda, Yosuke*; Sato, Kotaro*; Matsuba, Shunya*; Saito, Yoshio*; Kobayashi, Masanori*; Kurisu, Hiriki*; Hajima, Ryoichi; et al.

Proceedings of 7th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (DVD-ROM), p.717 - 720, 2010/08

A 500-kV photocathode DC electron gun which can supply the beam of a low emittance and a high average current has been developed in collaboration with KEK, JAEA, Hiroshima Univ., Nagoya Univ. and Yamaguchi Univ. The vacuum of the gun chamber has to be lower Extreme High Vacuum for maintain cathode-life time. A titanium chamber and new material of ceramic were employed to reduce outgassing rate. The result of outgassing rate of the gun chamber is described in this report.

102 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)