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Journal Articles

$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy of Sm-based heavy fermion compounds

Tsutsui, Satoshi; Higashinaka, Ryuji*; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Kobayashi, Yoshio*; Nakamura, Jin*; Ito, Takashi; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Matsuda, Tatsuma*; Aoki, Yuji*; Sato, Hideyuki*

Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.9_1 - 9_10, 2024/12

Journal Articles

Current status of high temperature gas-cooled reactor development in Japan

Nagatsuka, Kentaro; Noguchi, Hiroki; Nagasumi, Satoru; Nomoto, Yasunobu; Shimizu, Atsushi; Sato, Hiroyuki; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Sakaba, Nariaki

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 425, p.113338_1 - 113338_11, 2024/08

HTGR has a potential to contribute to decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries by supplying a large amount of hydrogen and high temperature heat or steam without carbon dioxide emission. JAEA has been conducting R&Ds for HTGR technologies with High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR). This paper shows that HTTR's tests including the loss of core cooing test as a joint the OECD/NEA international research project and a HTTR heat application test plan which demonstrate hydrogen production by coupling the HTTR with a hydrogen production test facility. Additionally, aiming for operation start from the latter half of 2030s, the basic design of the HTGR demonstration reactor has been shown. The Japan's HTGR technology capabilities established by the HTTR project will be fully utilized for the construction of HTGR demonstration reactor.

JAEA Reports

Analysis of the radioactivity concentrations in radioactive waste generated from JRR-2 and JRR-3 and Stored at the Waste Storage Facility L as compressed packages

Kinase, Akari; Goto, Katsunori*; Aono, Ryuji; Konda, Miki; Sato, Yoshiyuki; Haraga, Tomoko; Ishimori, Kenichiro; Kameo, Yutaka

JAEA-Data/Code 2024-004, 60 Pages, 2024/07


Radioactive wastes generated from nuclear research facilities in Japan Atomic Energy Agency are planning to be buried in the near surface disposal field as trench and pit. Therefore, it is required to establish the method to evaluate the radioactivity concentrations of radioactive wastes until the beginning of disposal. In order to contribute to this work, we collected and analyzed the samples generated from JRR-2 and JRR-3 and stored at the waste storage facility L. In this report, we summarized the radioactivity concentrations of 20 radionuclides ($$^{3}$$H, $$^{14}$$C, $$^{36}$$Cl, $$^{60}$$Co, $$^{63}$$Ni, $$^{90}$$Sr, $$^{94}$$Nb, $$^{99}$$Tc, $$^{108m}$$Ag, $$^{129}$$I, $$^{137}$$Cs, $$^{152}$$Eu, $$^{154}$$Eu, $$^{234}$$U, $$^{238}$$U, $$^{238}$$Pu, $$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{240}$$Pu, $$^{241}$$Am, $$^{244}$$Cm) which were obtained from radiochemical analysis of the samples in fiscal year 2022.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of relative biological effectiveness for diseases of the circulatory system based on microdosimetry

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Matsuya, Yusuke; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

Journal of Radiation Research (Internet), 65(4), p.500 - 506, 2024/07

We therefore evaluated the mean and uncertainty of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for diseases of the circulatory system (DCS) by applying a microdosimetric kinetic model specialized for RBE estimation of tissue reactions. For this purpose, we analyzed several RBE data for DCS determined by past animal experiments and evaluated the radius of the subnuclear domain best fit to each experiment as a single free parameter included in the model. Our analysis suggested that RBE for DCS tends to be lower than that for skin reactions, and their difference was borderline significant due to large variances of the evaluated parameters. These findings will help determine RBE by ICRP for preventing tissue reactions.

Journal Articles

Single-shot laser-driven neutron resonance spectroscopy for temperature profiling

Lan, Z.*; Arikawa, Yasunobu*; Mirfayzi, S. R.*; Morace, A.*; Hayakawa, Takehito*; Sato, Hirotaka*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Wei, T.*; Tatsumi, Yuta*; Koizumi, Mitsuo; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.5365_1 - 5365_7, 2024/07

Journal Articles

JAEA's efforts to demonstrate high temperature gas-cooled reactors for carbon-neutral

Inaba, Yoshitomo; Sato, Hiroyuki; Sumita, Junya; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Sakaba, Nariaki

Nihon Kikai Gakkai-Shi, 127(1267), p.25 - 28, 2024/06

Aiming to contribute to net-zero emissions through early social implementation of HTGRs, JAEA promote five projects: HTTR-Heat Application Test, HTGR Domestic Demonstration Reactor, UK HTGR Demonstration Program, UK HTGR Fuel Development Program, and Poland HTGR Research Reactor Basic Design. In addition to these five projects, this article provides an overview of the safety demonstration tests using HTTR.

Journal Articles

Development of a radioactive substance detection system integrating a Compton camera and a LiDAR camera with a hexapod robot

Sato, Yuki; Kakuto, Takeshi*; Tanaka, Takayuki*; Shimano, Hiroyuki*; Morohashi, Yuko; Hatakeyama, Tomoyoshi*; Nakajima, Junsaku; Ishiyama, Masahiro

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1063, p.169300_1 - 169300_7, 2024/06

Journal Articles

High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR)

Noguchi, Hiroki; Sato, Hiroyuki; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Sakaba, Nariaki

Kagaku Kogaku, 88(5), p.211 - 214, 2024/05

High temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), one of the next-generation innovative reactors, has an inherent safety and can generate very high-temperature heat which can be used for various heat application including hydrogen production. In Japan, Green Growth Strategy for Carbon Neutrality in 2050 and Basic Policy for the Realization of GX state the promotion of technology development necessary for mass and low-cost carbon-free hydrogen production and development and construction of next-generation innovative reactors including the HTGR for the decarbonization of industrial sectors. Based on these policies, JAEA has been conducted the world's first hydrogen production test using nuclear heat from an HTGR, in addition to verifying the excellent safety features of HTGR, and has also started to study the construction of an HTGR demonstration reactor in cooperation with the industrial community. This paper shows the current status of R&D of HTGR in Japan.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Production rates of long-lived radionuclides $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al under direct muon-induced spallation in granite quartz and its implications for past high-energy cosmic ray fluxes

Sakurai, Hirohisa*; Kurebayashi, Yutaka*; Suzuki, Soichiro*; Horiuchi, Kazuho*; Takahashi, Yui*; Doshita, Norihiro*; Kikuchi, Satoshi*; Tokanai, Fuyuki*; Iwata, Naoyoshi*; Tajima, Yasushi*; et al.

Physical Review D, 109(10), p.102005_1 - 102005_18, 2024/05

Secular variations of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are inseparably associated with the galactic activities and should reflect the environments of the local galactic magnetic field, interstellar clouds, and nearby supernova remnants. The high-energy muons produced in the atmosphere by high-energy GCRs can penetrate deep underground and generate radioisotopes in the rock. As long lived radionuclides such as $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al have been accumulating in these rocks, concentrations of $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al can be used to estimate the long-term variations in high-energy muon yields, corresponding to those in the high-energy GCRs over a few million years. This study measured the production cross sections for muon induced $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al by irradiating positive muons with the momentum of 160 GeV/c on the synthetic silica plates and the granite core at the COMPASS experiment line in CERN SPS. In addition, it the contributions of the direct muon spallation reaction and the nuclear reactions by muon-induced particles on the production of long lived radionuclides in the rocks were clarified.

Journal Articles

Defense and forecast of space weather impact on social infrastructure, 4; Aircrew exposure

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Kubo, Yuki*

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 100(5), p.218 - 223, 2024/05

One of the space weather hazards is the sudden occurrence of cosmic radiation exposure due to high-energy protons associated with massive solar flares. This paper focuses on cosmic radiation exposure for airline crew members, explaining the mechanisms and current regulations. Additionally, it introduces an overview of the recently developed Aircraft Radiation Exposure Warning System (WASAVIES) in Japan.

Journal Articles

The Impact of dose rate on responses of human lens epithelial cells to ionizing irradiation

Matsuya, Yusuke; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Yachi, Yoshie*; Date, Hiroyuki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 14, p.12160_1 - 12160_14, 2024/05

Understand mechanisms of radiation cataracts that are of concern in the field of radiation protection and radiation therapy. However, biological effects in HLEC following protracted exposure have not yet fully been explored. Here, we investigated the temporal kinetics of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and cell survival of HLEC after exposure to photon beams at various dose rates, compared to those of human lung fibroblasts (WI-38). In parallel, we quantified the recovery for DSB and cell survival using a biophysical model. The study revealed that HLEC cells have a lower repair rate than WI-38 cells. There is no significant impact of dose rate on cell survival in both cell lines in the dose-rate range of 0.033-1.82 Gy/min. On the other hand, the experimental residual DSBs showed inverse dose rate effects (IDREs) compared to the model prediction, highlighting the importance of the IDREs in evaluating radiation effects on the ocular lens.

Journal Articles

Determination of $$^{90}$$Sr in highly radioactive aqueous samples via conversion to a kinetically stable 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid complex followed by concentration-separation-fractionation based on capillary electrophoresis-liquid scintillation

Ouchi, Kazuki; Haraga, Tomoko; Hirose, Kazuki*; Kurosawa, Yuika*; Sato, Yoshiyuki; Shibukawa, Masami*; Saito, Shingo*

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1298, p.342399_1 - 342399_7, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01

Given that conventional methods of high-dose sample analysis pose substantial exposure risks and generate large amounts of secondary radioactive waste, faster procedures allowing for decreased radiation emission are highly desirable. To address this need, we developed a $$^{90}$$Sr$$^{2+}$$ quantitation technique that is based on liquid scintillation counting-coupled capillary transient isotachophoresis (ctITP) with two-point detection and relies on the rapid concentration, separation, and fractionation of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA)-complexed $$^{90}$$Sr$$^{2+}$$ in a single run. This method, which allows for the handling of high-dose radioactive specimens at the microliter level and is substantially faster than conventional ion-exchange protocols, was used to selectively quantify $$^{90}$$Sr$$^{2+}$$ in real high-dose waste. The successful concentration-separation in ctITP was ascribed to the inertness of the Sr-DOTA complex to dissociation.

Journal Articles

Microbiome analysis of the restricted bacteria in radioactive element-containing water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Warashina, Tomoro*; Sato, Asako*; Hinai, Hiroshi; Shaikhutdinov, N.*; Shagimardanova, E.*; Mori, Hiroshi*; Tamaki, Satoshi*; Saito, Motofumi*; Sanada, Yukihisa; Sasaki, Yoshito; et al.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(4), p.e02113-23_1 - e02113-23_23, 2024/04

Journal Articles

Existence of local polar domains in perovskite oxyfluoride, BaFeO$$_2$$F

Katsumata, Tetsuhiro*; Suzuki, Ryo*; Sato, Naoto*; Oda, Ryoya*; Motoyama, Shingo*; Suzuki, Shumpei*; Nakashima, Mamoru*; Inaguma, Yoshiyuki*; Mori, Daisuke*; Aimi, Akihisa*; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 36(8), p.3697 - 3704, 2024/04

A perovskite-type oxynitride BaFeO$$_2$$F was prepared by high-pressure synthesis. Since the SHG signal was observed in the obtained material, suggesting the existence of spontaneous polarization, the mechanism of polarization was investigated by synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction. The obtained pair distribution functions were fitted, and a local polarization mechanism with different orientations was found. Since BaFeO$$_2$$F is also a magnetic material, a magnetic domain and a ferroelectric domain are considered to coexist.

Journal Articles

$$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section measurement using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC

Rovira Leveroni, G.; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Endo, Shunsuke; Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Kodama, Yu*; Nakano, Hideto*; Sato, Yaoki*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(4), p.459 - 477, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2022

Kokubun, Yuji; Nakada, Akira; Seya, Natsumi; Koike, Yuko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Yamada, Ryohei*; Uchiyama, Rei; Yamashita, Daichi; Nagai, Shinji; et al.

JAEA-Review 2023-046, 164 Pages, 2024/03


The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories conducts environmental radiation monitoring around the reprocessing plant in accordance with the "Safety Regulations for Reprocessing Plant of JAEA, Part IV: Environmental Monitoring". This report summarizes the results of environmental radiation monitoring conducted during the period from April 2022 to March 2023 and the results of dose calculations for the surrounding public due to the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere and ocean. In the results of the above environmental radiation monitoring, many items were affected by radioactive materials emitted from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016), which occurred in March 2011. Also included as appendices are an overview of the environmental monitoring plan, an overview of measurement methods, measurement results and their changes over time, meteorological statistics results, radioactive waste release status, and an evaluation of the data which deviated of the normal range.

Journal Articles

Application of transition-edge sensors for micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy; a case study of uranium speciation in biotite obtained from a uranium mine

Yomogida, Takumi; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Okumura, Takuma*; Yamada, Shinya*; Tatsuno, Hideyuki*; Noda, Hirofumi*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Okada, Shinji*; Takatori, Sayuri*; Isobe, Tadaaki*; et al.

Analyst, 149(10), p.2932 - 2941, 2024/03

In this study, we successfully applied a transition-edge sensor (TES) spectrometer as a detector for microbeam X-ray measurements from a synchrotron X-ray light source to determine uranium (U) distribution at the micro-scale and its chemical species in biotite obtained from the U mine. It is difficult to separate the fluorescent X-ray of the U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$ line at 13.615 keV from that of the Rb K$$alpha$$ line at 13.395 keV in the X-ray fluorescence spectrum with an energy resolution of approximately 220 eV of the conventional silicon drift detector (SDD). Meanwhile, the fluorescent X-rays of U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$ and Rb K$$alpha$$ were fully separated by TES with 50 eV energy resolution at the energy of around 13 keV. The successful peak separation by TES led to an accurate mapping analysis of trace U in micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and a decrease in the signal-to-background ratio in micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy.

2786 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)