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Journal Articles

Beam test of a new radio frequency quadrupole linac for the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex

Kondo, Yasuhiro; Morishita, Takatoshi; Yamazaki, Saishun; Hori, Toshihiko; Sawabe, Yuki; Chishiro, Etsuji; Fukuda, Shimpei; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Hirano, Koichiro; Kikuzawa, Nobuhiro; et al.

Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 17(12), p.120101_1 - 120101_8, 2014/12

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:42.59(Physics, Nuclear)

We performed a beam test of a new radio frequency quadrupole linac (RFQ III) for the beam current upgrade of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. First, the conditioning of RFQ III was conducted, and after 20 h of conditioning, RFQ III became very stable with a nominal peak power and duty factor of 400 kW and 1.5%, respectively. An off-line beam test was subsequently conducted before installation in the accelerator tunnel. The transmission, transverse emittance, and energy spread of the 50-mA negative hydrogen beam from RFQ III were measured and compared with simulation results. The experiment and simulation results showed good agreement; therefore, we conclude that the performance of RFQ III conforms to its design.

Journal Articles

Present status of J-PARC linac

Oguri, Hidetomo; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ito, Takashi; Chishiro, Etsuji; Hirano, Koichiro; Morishita, Takatoshi; Shinozaki, Shinichi; Ao, Hiroyuki; Okoshi, Kiyonori; Kondo, Yasuhiro; et al.

Proceedings of 11th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (Internet), p.389 - 393, 2014/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

High-power test and thermal characteristics of a new radio-frequency quadrupole cavity for the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex linac

Kondo, Yasuhiro; Morishita, Takatoshi; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Chishiro, Etsuji; Hirano, Koichiro; Hori, Toshihiko; Oguri, Hidetomo; Sato, Fumiaki; Shinozaki, Shinichi; Sugimura, Takashi*; et al.

Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 16(4), p.040102_1 - 040102_8, 2013/04

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:68.00(Physics, Nuclear)

We performed a high-power test of a new radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ II) for the J-PARC linac. RFQ II was developed as a spare RFQ because the operating J-PARC RFQ has suffered from a sparking problem. First, the conditioning of RFQ II was carried out; after 50 h of conditioning, RFQ II became very stable with a nominal power and duty of 330 kW and 3%, respectively. Next the thermal properties were measured because the resonant frequency of RFQ II is tuned by changing the temperature of the cooling water. The frequency response was measured and compared to finite-element method simulation results, confirming that the simple two-dimensional model reproduces the experimental data well. The differences in the field distribution with changes in the rf loading and the cooling-water temperature were also measured, and no serious field distortion was observed. Therefore, we conclude that RFQ II can perform well as a high-power rf cavity.

Journal Articles

Power supply system for klystron in J-PARC linac

Kawamura, Masato*; Fukui, Yuji*; Naito, Fujio*; Chishiro, Etsuji; Yamazaki, Masayoshi*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Shinozaki, Shinichi; Hasegawa, Kazuo

Proceedings of 25th International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2010) (CD-ROM), p.887 - 889, 2010/09

This paper describes the present status, technical specifications, operating experience, and upgrade plane for the power supply system (PS system) for the klystrons in the J-PARC. The PS systems include both the high voltage DC power supplies (DCPSs), which drives one or four modulating-anode klystron each, and the anode-modulators, one per klystron. Currently, the energy output of the J-PARC linac is 181 MeV, which includes the energy necessary to run twenty 324 MHz klystrons. In 2012, the linac will add twenty-five 972 MHz klystrons and upgrade the energy output to 400 MeV.

Journal Articles

LLRF controller upgrade for the J-PARC 400 MeV linac

Fang, Z.*; Michizono, Shinichiro*; Anami, Shozo*; Yamaguchi, Seiya*; Naito, Fujio*; Fukui, Yuji*; Kawamura, Masato*; Kubota, Chikashi*; Nammo, Kesao*; Kobayashi, Tetsuya; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.1434 - 1436, 2010/05

The output energy of the J-PARC proton linac will be upgraded from 181 to 400 MeV in the next two years by adding high-b acceleration sections. The upgrade of the FPGA-based digital LLRF controller for the 400 MeV linac will be presented in this paper. This new LLRF controller works for both the 324-MHz low-b and 972-MHz high-b sections. Many functions have been added into the LLRF controller, such as (1) working for different RF systems, (2) gradually increasing the feedback gains in the feedback loop instead of fixed ones, (3) automatic chopped beam compensation, (4) automatically switching the beam loading compensation in accordance with different beam operation mode, (5) input RF-frequency tuning to match the RF cavities during RF start-up, and (6) auto-tuning of the RF cavity tuner by detecting the phase curve of the RF cavity during the field decay instead of the phase difference between the cavity input and output signals.

Oral presentation

${it In vitro}$ screening of target kinases of AtATR

Sakamoto, Ayako; Nemoto, Keiichiro*; Seki, Motoaki*; Shinozaki, Kazuo*; Sawasaki, Tatsuya*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Unraveling the salt habituation mechanism of salt-tolerant Arabidopsis

Taji, Teruaki*; Katori, Taku*; Ariga, Hirotake*; Iuchi, Satoshi*; Kobayashi, Masatomo*; Shinozaki, Kazuo*; Yoshihara, Ryohei; Nozawa, Shigeki; Hase, Yoshihiro; Narumi, Issei; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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