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Journal Articles

Magnetoelastic anisotropy in Heusler-type Mn$$_{2-delta}$$CoGa$$_{1+delta}$$ films

Kubota, Takahide*; Takano, Daichi*; Kota, Yohei*; Mohanty, S.*; Ito, Keita*; Matsuki, Mitsuhiro*; Hayashida, Masahiro*; Sun, M.*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Saito, Yuji; et al.

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 6(4), p.044405_1 - 044405_12, 2022/04

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:54.89(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Microbeam complex at TIARA; Technologies to meet a wide range of applications

Kamiya, Tomihiro; Takano, Katsuyoshi; Sato, Takahiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Nishikawa, Hiroyuki*; Seki, Shu*; Sugimoto, Masaki; Okumura, Susumu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 269(20), p.2184 - 2188, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:73.66(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Operation of JAEA AVF cyclotron system

Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Yuri, Yosuke; Yokota, Wataru; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 196, 2007/02

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JAEA Reports

Design study on a demonstration core for a practical LMFBR in Monju, 2

Saito, Kosuke; Maeda, Seiichiro; Higuchi, Masashi*; Takano, Mitsuhiro*; Nakazawa, Hiroaki

JAEA-Technology 2006-035, 76 Pages, 2006/06


Because of the revision on the standardized strength of the ODS steel, the previous design study of MONJU demonstrative core has been obliged to be reconsidered. For economical advantages, only a 127 pins-bundle core was selected to be redesigned. For the sake of cladding endurance, the ratio of cladding thickness to outer diameter was reset incrementally followed by the determination of the basic specification of a pin. Notwithstanding some deterioration thanks to the reduction of a fuel volume fraction, the prospect in neutronics was obtained. Coolant flow distribution design which was based on power distribution was successfully carried out without overheating cladding. Average burn-up of 150 GWd/t and 380 days-long operational period per cycle are to be attained, and the designed core can thermally afford to receive test fuels. The study has necessity to be advanced extensively for the purpose of materialization according to the circumstances of MONJU in future.

Journal Articles

Acceleration of high current fully stripped carbon ion beam by direct injection scheme

Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Okamura, Masahiro*; Jameson, R. A.*; Hattori, Toshiyuki*; Hayashizaki, Noriyosu*; Sakakibara, Kazuhiko*; Takano, Jumpei*; Yamamoto, Kazuo*; Iwata, Yoshiyuki*; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 77(3), p.03B305_1 - 03B305_4, 2006/03

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:52.15(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Acceleration of a 17mA 100keV/u C$$^{6+}$$ ion beam has been successfully achieved with an RFQ linac by means of "Direct injection scheme". The Direct injection scheme is a new scheme for injecting an ion beam from a laser ion source to the RFQ linac without a low energy beam transport line to avoid a beam loss due to the space charge effect. The high current C$$^{6+}$$ beam is required for single turn injection to a synchrotron to reduce the size of synchrotron magnets. The high current C$$^{6+}$$ beam produced by an ion source with a Nd-YAG laser was injected to the RFQ linac by the Direct injection scheme. It has been proved experimentally that the fully-stripped carbon ion beam with a current more than 10mA can be accelerated by the RFQ linac.

Journal Articles

Operation of JAERI AVF cyclotron system

Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; et al.

JAEA-Review 2005-001, TIARA Annual Report 2004, P. 370, 2006/01

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Journal Articles

Status report on JAERI-AVF cyclotron system

Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Akaiwa, Katsuhiro*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 29th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.209 - 211, 2004/08

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Design Study on a Demonstration Core for a Practical LMFBR in Monju

Maeda, Seiichiro; Togashi, Nobuhito*; Higuchi, Masashi*; Takano, Mitsuhiro*; Abe, Tomoyuki

JNC TN8400 2003-028, 135 Pages, 2003/12


The Monju advanced core concept to demonstrate a practical LMFBR core with 150GWd/t (average discharged burnup) was embodied in this design study. A high performance fuel with annular pellets of a large diameter filled in ODS (oxide dispersion strengthen ferritic steel) claddings was applied in the advanced core. This enables improvement of an internal conversion ratio in combination with increase of effective fuel volume fraction, achievement of high burnup up to 150GWd/t and a long operation period beyond 1 year in Monju. The core in which the practical high burnup lessens a burden for a fuel cycle system including fuel fabrication and reprocessing can be demonstrated. In the first step, constraints in the existing plant and requirements to demonstrate the practical LMFBR were clarified. The core and fuel specifications were surveyed with parameters of a number of fuel pins in an assembly and so on. Two types of cores with 127-pin-bundle and 91-pin-bundle were selected as candidates. In the second step, performances of these core options were specified in this design study. It was shown that major parameters in neutronic design, hydraulic design and fuel design would meet criteria. The application of the high performance fuel significantly contributes the enhancement of economical efficiency of Monju itself. The net operation cost will be greatly reduced by increase of the annual electricity generated caused by a boost of the plant operating rates and by saving of the annual discharged fuel assemblies up to 1/2 or 1/3. The deliberate margin for thermal limits ensures the irradiation field to develop new type fuels and core materials and to demonstrate a low decontaminated fuel with miner actinides as a candidate of advanced fuel cycle. The results in this study may become a technically credible guideline to make the future management plan of Monju.

Journal Articles

Status report on the JAERI AVF cyclotron system

Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Tamura, Hiroyuki; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yokota, Wataru; Okumura, Susumu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Akaiwa, Katsuhiro*; et al.

Proceedings of 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, p.193 - 195, 2001/00

The AVF cyclotron system at JAERI Takasaki has been smoothly operated without serious troubles since the first beam extraction in March, 1991. A yearly operation time is about 3200 hours on an average for recent eight years. In last two years, we performed some improvements and developments as followings: stabilization of the cyclotron beam by addition on an exclusive cooling system, designing and investigation of the flat-top system using fifth-harmonic RF, reconstruction of the rotary shutter for radiation shielding and reinforcement of the magnetic channel and its power supply. Furthermore, the renewal of main circulation pump for cooling system, replacement of shunt resistor in the power supplies and re-alignment of the several magnets along the trunk beam transport line were also carried out.

Oral presentation

Present status of AVF cyclotron system

Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Yokota, Wataru; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro*; Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; et al.

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10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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