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Journal Articles

Biological significance of fluorine-18-$$alpha$$-methyltyrosine (FAMT) uptake on PET in patients with oesophageal cancer

Suzuki, Shigemasa*; Kaira, Kyoichi*; Ohshima, Yasuhiro; Ishioka, Noriko; Soda, Makoto*; Yokobori, Takehiko*; Miyazaki, Tatsuya*; Oriuchi, Noboru*; Tominaga, Hideyuki*; Kanai, Yoshikatsu*; et al.

British Journal of Cancer, 110(8), p.1985 - 1991, 2014/04

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:60.05(Oncology)

Oral presentation

Study of an epithermal neutron generator for BNCT using 400 MeV protons

Tahara, Yoshihisa*; Abe, Shinji*; Yonai, Shunsuke*; Baba, Mamoru*; Unno, Yasuhiro*; Sasa, Toshinobu; Iwanaga, Kohei; Yokobori, Hitoshi*; Tsutsui, Takehiko*; Kamei, Yoshihide*

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To realize the boron neutron capture therapy, the existence of the method using the 400 MeV proton beam, which is planned to supply the J-PARC transmutation experimental facility, are studied. As the preliminary examination, a method to obtain epithermal neutron using neutrons which generated by Ta target bonbarded by 400 MeV protons and moderated with iron and fluental moderators. To suppress the unexpected exposure, lead reflector is located around the target and moderators. By the preliminary analysis using MCNPX code and LA150 cross section library, the beam current about 5 micro ampere are enough for effective for brain-canther treatment.

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