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Journal Articles

Soft, skin-interfaced microfluidic systems with wireless, battery-free electronics for digital, real-time tracking of sweat loss and electrolyte composition

Kim, S. B.*; Lee, K.-H.*; Raj, M. S.*; Reeder, J. T.*; Koo, J.*; Hourlier-Fargette, A.*; Bandodkar, A. J.*; Won, S. M.*; Sekine, Yurina; Choi, J.*; et al.

Small, 14(45), p.1802876_1 - 1802876_9, 2018/11

 Times Cited Count:79 Percentile:93.91(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Excretion of sweat from eccrine glands is a dynamic physiological process that varies with body position, activity level, and health status. Information content embodied in sweat rate and chemistry can be used to assess health status and athletic performance. This paper presents a thin, miniaturized, skin-interfaced microfluidic technology that includes a reusable, battery-free electronics module for measuring sweat conductivity and rate in real-time using wireless power from and data communication with capabilities in near field communications (NFC). Systematic studies of these combined microfluidic/electronic systems, accurate correlations of measurements performed with them to those of laboratory standard instrumentation, and field tests on human subjects establish the key operational features and their utility in sweat analytics.

Journal Articles

Characteristics of global energy confinement in KSTAR L- and H-mode plasmas

Kim, H.-S.*; Jeon, Y. M.*; Na, Y.-S.*; Ghim, Y.-C.*; Ahn, J.-W.*; Yoon, S. W.*; Bak, J. G.*; Bae, Y. S.*; Kim, J. S.*; Joung, M.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 54(8), p.083012_1 - 083012_11, 2014/08

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:37.25(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

We evaluate the characteristics of global energy confinement in KSTAR ($$tau_{E, rm KSTAR}$$) quantitatively by comparing it with multi-machine scalings, by deriving multiple regression equations for the L- and the H-mode plasmas, and evaluating confinement enhancement of the H-mode phase compared with the L-mode phase in each discharge. From the KSTAR database, $$tau_{E, rm KSTAR}$$ of L-mode plasmas exhibits $$sim 0.04$$ s to $$sim 0.16$$ s and $$tau_{E, rm KSTAR}$$ of H-mode plasmas $$sim 0.06$$ s to $$sim 0.19$$ s. The multiple regression equations derived by statistical analysis present the similar dependency on PL and slightly higher dependency on IP compared with the multi-machine scalings, however the dependency on elongation $$kappa$$ in both L- and H-mode plasmas draw the negative power dependency of $$kappa^{-0.68}$$ and $$kappa^{-0.76}$$ for H-mode and for L- mode database, respectively on the contrary to the positive dependency in all multi-machine empirical scalings. Although the reason is not clear yet, two possibilities are addressed. One is that the wall condition of KSTAR was not clean enough. The other is that striking points on the divertor plate were uncontrolled. For these reasons, as $$kappa$$ increases, the impurities from the wall can penetrate into plasmas easily. As a consequence, the confinement is degraded on the contrary to the expectation of multi-machine scalings.

Journal Articles

Influencec of atmospheric disturbances on the lower trophic level ecosystem in the Japan Sea

Onitsuka, Go*; Yanagi, Tetsuo*; Uno, Itsushi*; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Yoon, J.-H.*; Yamanaka, Yasuhiro*

Engan Kaiyo Kenkyu, 50(1), p.45 - 51, 2012/08

A seasonal variation of phytoplankton concentration is remarkable in the surface layer of the Japan Sea, because of a seasonal variation of solar radiation and nutrient. While, it is suggested that atmospheric perturbation such as typhoon effects a lower level ecosystem in the surface layer. An effect of atmospheric perturbation on the lower level ecosystem was estimated by means of an ocean general circulation model and a lower level ecosystem model in this study. Results of numerical experiments suggested that the atmospheric perturbation enhances a primary production in the Japan Sea.

Journal Articles

Characteristics of the first H-mode discharges in KSTAR

Yoon, S. W.*; Ahn, J.-W.*; Jeon, Y. M.*; Suzuki, Takahiro; Hahn, S. H.*; Ko, W. H.*; Lee, K. D.*; Chung, J. I.*; Nam, Y. U.*; Kim, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 51(11), p.113009_1 - 113009_9, 2011/11

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:78.77(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Typical ELMy H-mode discharges have been achieved on the KSTAR tokamak with the combined auxiliary heating of NBI and ECRH. The minimum external heating power required is about 1.1 MW at a line-averaged density higher than 1.4$$times$$10$$^{19}$$ m$$^{-3}$$ and a toroidal field of 2 T. There is a clear indication of the increase of the L-H threshold power at densities lower than $$1.4times 10^{19} {rm m}^{-3}$$. The initial analysis of energy confinement time ($$tau$$$$_{E}$$) predicted that $$tau$$$$_{E}$$ was higher than the prediction of multi-machine scaling laws by a factor 1.4-1.6. However, when the contribution of fast ion confinement to the total energy was taken into account, $$tau$$$$_{E}$$ better agreed with the scaling results. A clear increase of electron and ion temperature in the pedestal was observed in the H-mode phase but the core ion temperature did not change significantly. On the other hand, the toroidal rotation also increased over all radii in the H-mode phase. The measured ELM frequency was from 30-50 Hz and the drop of total energy appeared to be less than 5%. Between large ELM spikes, small/grassy ELMs were also identified when mixed heating of NBI and ECRH was applied.

Journal Articles

Modeling of the branches of the Tsushima Warm Current in the eastern Japan Sea

Kawamura, Hideyuki; Ito, Toshimichi; Hirose, Naoki*; Takikawa, Tetsutaro*; Yoon, J.-H.*

Journal of Oceanography, 65(4), p.439 - 454, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:15.26(Oceanography)

This study aims at reproducing branches of the Tsushima Warm Current making use of an ocean general circulation model, which is important for movement of pollutants in the Japan Sea. The model was laterally exerted by volume transports measured by ADCP through the Tsushima Straits and the Tsugaru Strait. Sea level variation measured by coastal tide-stations as well as satellite altimeters is assimilated into the numerical model. It was demonstrated that an assimilation of sea level variation at the coastal tide-stations is useful to simulate oceanic condition in the nearshore region.

Journal Articles

Trends in stimulated Brillouin scattering and optical phase conjugation

Ostermeyer, M.*; Kong, H.-J.*; Kovalev, V. I.*; Harrison, R. G.*; Fotiadi, A. A.*; M$'e$gret, P.*; Kalal, M.*; Slezak, O.*; Yoon, J. W.*; Shin, J. S.*; et al.

Laser and Particle Beams, 26(3), p.297 - 362, 2008/09

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:55.22(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Sequential forecasting of the surface and subsurface conditions in the Japan Sea

Hirose, Naoki*; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Lee, H. J.*; Yoon, J.-H.*

Journal of Oceanography, 63(3), p.467 - 481, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:30 Percentile:54.01(Oceanography)

This study estimates and forecasts a realistic change of the Japan Sea by assimilating satellite measurements into an eddy-resolving circulation model. Suboptimal but feasible assimilation schemes of approximate filtering and nudging play essential roles in a system. The sequential updates of error covariance significantly outperforms the asymptotic covariance due to irregular sampling patterns from multiple altimeter satellites. The best estimate shows an average rms difference of 1.2 $$^{circ}$$C only to the radiometer data, and also explain about half of sea level variances measured by the microwave observation. It is demonstrated that a forecast persistency strongly depends on variable, depth, and location.

Journal Articles

Formation rate of water masses in the Japan Sea

Kawamura, Hideyuki; Yoon, J.-H.*; Ito, Toshimichi

Journal of Oceanography, 63(2), p.243 - 253, 2007/04

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:27.17(Oceanography)

Water masses in the subsurface and intermediate layer are formed vigorously due to strong winter convection in the Japan Sea. Taking it into account that a part of pollutants is carried into the layer below the sea surface together with such water masses, it is significant to estimate a formation rate and turnover time of water masses to study a fate of pollutants. This study aims to estimate the formation rate and turnover time of water masses by using a three-dimensional ocean circulation model and particle chasing method. The total formation rate of water masses below the sea surface amounts to about 3.63 Sv in the Japan Sea. The formation rates of the Upper portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water (UJSPW) and Japan/East Sea Intermediate Water (JESIW) are estimated to be about 0.37 and 1.51 Sv, respectively. An estimate of turnover time shows that the UJSPW and JESIW circulate in the subsurface and intermediate layer with time scales of about 22.6 and 2.1 years, respectively.

Journal Articles

Simulation of the formation process of the Japan/East Sea intermediate water with the nested model

Kawamura, Hideyuki; Yoon, J.-H.*; Ito, Toshimichi

Umi To Sora, 80(1), p.37 - 45, 2004/07

The Japan/East Sea Intermediate Water (JESIW) characterized by Salinity Minimum Layer (SML) with dissolved oxygen (DO) maximum was frequently observed in the Japan Sea. It is suggested that the origin of the JESIW is the coastal fresh water along the Primorye and North Korean coasts. The fresh water near the subpolar front along 40$$^{circ}$$N advected from the coastal region has the possibility to sink into intermediate depth. This study aims to understand the formation mechanism of the JESIW by using the three-dimensional nested model. The results show that 1/18$$^{circ}$$-resolution model can reproduce the strong downward velocity with the maximum of about 0.05 cm/s along the subpolar front in the Japan Sea. It results in the patch of low salinity water in the intermediate depth, which is consistent with the observational result. It is indicated that the high-resolution model is useful to reproduce the JESIW, since it can reproduce the meso-scale phenomenon such as baroclinicity near the frontal area, which is an important factor for surface water transport into the intermediate depth.

Oral presentation

Extending KSTAR operation regime for advanced operation scenario development

Suzuki, Takahiro; Kim, J. H.*; Na, Y. S.*; Ide, Shunsuke; Mueller, D.*; Miyata, Yoshiaki; Kim, H. S.*; Hahn, S. H.*; Yoon, S. W.*; Kim, W. C.*

no journal, , 

We have started advanced operation scenario development in KSTAR in this campaign, which opens up a new research area directly connecting to ITER and DEMO. The advanced scenario, which has higher performance than the standard H-mode, typically possesses lower internal inductance li (safety factor q above unity without sawtooth). In conventional KSTAR operation scenarios, divertor configuration with high elongation is realized after or near the end of Ip ramp-up, where sawtooth activity starts during the ramp-up before entering into the higher performance phase. Thus, we need a new KSTAR operation scenario without sawtooth during the Ip ramp-up and with lower li than unity. Our idea is to delay the inductive current penetration by simultaneous EC&NB heating application into the full-bore divertor plasma during the Ip ramp-up as early as possible. After the optimization, we have successfully established a start-up scenario without sawtooth throughout the Ip ramp-up. In a shot 7897, high $$beta_{N}sim2.5$$ reaching an advanced scenario regime has been achieved in ELM-free H-mode ($$H_{89P}sim2.3$$) at $$q_{95}sim6$$.

Oral presentation

Effect of synoptic scale meteorological peturbation on primary production in the Japan Sea

Onitsuka, Go*; Yanagi, Tetsuo*; Uno, Itsushi*; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Yoon, J.-H.*; Yamanaka, Yasuhiro*

no journal, , 

It is suggested that seasonal variation of phytoplankton concentration in the surface layer is remarkable in the Japan Sea and it is additionally reported that increase of phytoplankton concentration is found due to synoptic scale meteorological perturbation. In this study, effect of synoptic scale meteorological perturbation and deposition of nitrogen from atmosphere on primary production in the Japan Sea is estimated in numerical experiments. Short period oscillation of primary production due to synoptic scale meteorological perturbation is dominant between April and November in the numerical experiments. It is suggested that the primary production in the Japan Sea is supported by supply of nutrient due to synoptic scale meteorological perturbation by about 5% and that from atmosphere by about 2%, respectively.

Oral presentation

Modeling of the nearshore branch of the Tsushima Warm Current with data assimilation

Kawamura, Hideyuki; Ito, Toshimichi; Hirose, Naoki*; Yoon, J.-H.*; Takikawa, Tetsutaro*

no journal, , 

An assessment system for oceanic environment in the Japan Sea has been developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Realistic reproduction of oceanic condition such as current and temperature is necessary to calculate movement of materials in the ocean. A circulation in the Japan Sea is strongly effected by the Tsushima Warm Current through the Tsushima Straits and the Tsugaru Warm Current through the Tsugaru Strait. In this study, an ocean general circulation model was drived by realistic volume transports of the Tsushima Warm Current and the Tsugaru Warm Current observed by Kyushu University and JAEA, respectively. In addition, the satellite altimeter data and sea surface height at coastal stations were assimilated by the Kalman filter. Model results well reproduced current field along the Japanese coast observed from September to October in 2000.

12 (Records 1-12 displayed on this page)
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