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Journal Articles

How different is the core of $$^{25}$$F from $$^{24}$$O$$_{g.s.}$$ ?

Tang, T. L.*; Uesaka, Tomohiro*; Kawase, Shoichiro; Beaumel, D.*; Dozono, Masanori*; Fujii, Toshihiko*; Fukuda, Naoki*; Fukunaga, Taku*; Galindo-Uribarri, A.*; Hwang, S. H.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 124(21), p.212502_1 - 212502_6, 2020/05

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:72.90(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The structure of a neutron-rich $$^{25}$$F nucleus is investigated by a quasifree ($$p,2p$$) knockout reaction. The sum of spectroscopic factors of $$pi 0d_{5/2}$$ orbital is found to be 1.0 $$pm$$ 0.3. The result shows that the $$^{24}$$O core of $$^{25}$$F nucleus significantly differs from a free $$^{24}$$O nucleus, and the core consists of $$sim$$35% $$^{24}$$O$$_{rm g.s.}$$, and $$sim$$65% excited $$^{24}$$O. The result shows that the $$^{24}$$O core of $$^{25}$$F nucleus significantly differs from a free $$^{24}$$O nucleus. The result may infer that the addition of the $$0d_{5/2}$$ proton considerably changes the neutron structure in $$^{25}$$F from that in $$^{24}$$O, which could be a possible mechanism responsible for the oxygen dripline anomaly.

Journal Articles

Density and X-ray emission profile relationships in highly ionized high-Z laser-produced plasmas

Yoshida, Kensuke*; Fujioka, Shinsuke*; Higashiguchi, Takeshi*; Ugomori, Teruyuki*; Tanaka, Nozomi*; Kawasaki, Masato*; Suzuki, Yuhei*; Suzuki, Chihiro*; Tomita, Kentaro*; Hirose, Ryoichi*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 106(12), p.121109_1 - 121109_5, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:43.95(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

LET dependency of human normal dermal cells survival in carbon ion irradiation

Yoshida, Yukari*; Mizohata, Kensuke*; Matsumura, Akihiko*; Isono, Mayu*; Yako, Tomoko*; Nakano, Takashi*; Funayama, Tomoo; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Kanai, Tatsuaki*

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 81, 2015/03

In the clinical application of carbon-ion (C-ion) radiation therapy in Japan, different RBE values of carbons have been used for clinical and biological endpoints. The biological RBE (bRBE) was estimated by a method that is based on the linear-quadratic (LQ) model, and was defined ${it in vitro}$ at the 10% surviving fraction of human salivary gland (HSG) tumor cells. However, many of biological parameters, that is, type of tissues, different sort of cells, oxygenation levels, and all, could affect radiosensitivity. Thus, normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) cells were exposed to C-ion beams at Gunma University (10-80 keV/micrometer) and TIARA (108 and 158 keV/micrometer). The surviving fractions were analyzed with colony formation assays. The experimental RBE (eRBE) values were estimated from the radiation dose survival curve fitted by LQ model, and defined ${it in vitro}$.

Journal Articles

Efficient extreme ultraviolet emission from one-dimensional spherical plasmas produced by multiple lasers

Yoshida, Kensuke*; Fujioka, Shinsuke*; Higashiguchi, Takeshi*; Ugomori, Teruyuki*; Tanaka, Nozomi*; Ohashi, Hayato*; Kawasaki, Masato*; Suzuki, Yuhei*; Suzuki, Chihiro*; Tomita, Kentaro*; et al.

Applied Physics Express, 7(8), p.086202_1 - 086202_4, 2014/08

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:74.35(Physics, Applied)

We demonstrate high conversion efficiency for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission at 6.5-6.7 nm from multiple laser beam-produced one-dimensional spherical plasmas. Multiply charged-state ions produce strong resonance emission lines, which combine to yield intense unresolved transition arrays in Gd, Tb, and Mo. The maximum in-band EUV conversion efficiency was observed to be 0.8%, which is one of the highest values ever reported due to the reduction of plasma expansion loss.

Journal Articles

Halo structure of the island of inversion nucleus $$^{31}$$Ne

Nakamura, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Nobuyuki*; Kondo, Yosuke*; Sato, Yoshiteru*; Aoi, Nori*; Baba, Hidetada*; Deguchi, Shigeki*; Fukuda, Naoki*; Gibelin, J.*; Inabe, Naoto*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 103(26), p.262501_1 - 262501_4, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:198 Percentile:97.50(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

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Oral presentation

LET dependency of relative biological effectiveness in normal human dermal fibroblasts irradiated with carbon ion beam

Mizohata, Kensuke*; Yoshida, Yukari*; Matsumura, Akihiko*; Isono, Mayu*; Yako, Tomoko*; Ando, Koichi*; Funayama, Tomoo; Ono, Tatsuya*; Nakano, Takashi*; Kanai, Tatsuaki*

no journal, , 

Clinical RBE (cRBE), which was used to decide a clinical dose of carbon ion radiotherapy, is calculated by multiply experimental RBE (eRBE) by scaling factor. A value of eRBE was measured by colony formation assay of HSG cells in past, and adopted to the therapy of all patients and organ. However, there are question whether it was proper to use conventional eRBE in a different organization, different cell type. Therefore, we irradiated X-rays or a carbon line to NHDF cell and performed a colony assay to determine RBE of different cell type. The value of RBE was calculated from the cell survival rate fit in LQ model. As a result, the value of RBE was increased in LET-dependent manner, and the RBE obtained from the NHDF cell exhibited higher value than that of HSG cells. Thus, we concluded that it might be necessary to change scaling factor when evaluate different organ.

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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