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Journal Articles

Front-loading for metal powder additive manufacturing processes with a computational science simulation code SPLICE

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Aoyagi, Yuji*; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

Nihon Kikai Gakkai 2017-Nendo Nenji Taikai Koen Rombunshu (DVD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2017/09

A general-purpose three-dimensional thermohydraulics numerical simulation code SPLICE was developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency and designed to deal with gas-liquid-solid consolidated incompressible viscous flows with a phase change process in various laser applications, such as welding, coating, cutting, etc. The result obtained from metal powder laser additive manufacturing simulations is very encouraging in the sense that the SPLICE code would be used as one of efficient tools to provide the laser irradiation conditions.

Journal Articles

Water experiment on phased array acoustic leak detection system for sodium-heated steam generator

Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 289, p.1 - 7, 2015/08

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:55.62(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A phased array acoustic leak detection system for sodium heated steam generator has been proposed. The major advantage of the new system is it could provide information of acoustic source direction. An acoustic source of a sodium-water reaction is supposed to be localized while the background noise of the steam generator operation is uniformly distributed in the steam generator tube region. Therefore the new system could separate the target leak source from steam generator background noise. In the previous study, the methodology was proposed and basic performance was confirmed by numerical analysis. However, in the numerical analysis, acoustic transportation through the SG tube bundle was not modeled. In the present study, performance the proposed system has been confirmed in water experiments with mockup tube bundles.

Journal Articles

Development of FR construction cost estimation method in FaCT project

Kato, Atsushi; Kotake, Shoji; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR 2009) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2012/00

Within the FaCT project, commodities shall be reduced by introducing innovative technologies. In order to evaluate the economy for the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR), the account code named SCALLE (Sum of Cost Account Leading to future Logistics Economy) has been developed, in which the basic methodology is bottom up of component costs based on amounts of material and corresponding unit costs.

JAEA Reports

Simulation of a dry reprocessing plant operation

; ; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

JNC TN9400 2002-040, 49 Pages, 2002/07


Operations of a dry reprocessing plant are characterized by batch processing with remote-control material handling machines, so plant -wise simulation of their mechanical actions is required to evaluate the overall performance of the plant. Therefore a simulator has been developed using virtual engineering techniques. The results performed in JFY 2001 are as follows: (1)Construction of an operation simulator of a dry-reprocessing plant design. An operation simulator was developed based on the preliminarily conceptual design of the oxide-electrowinning reprocessing plant made at the phase one of the Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems. The simulator is able to correspond changes of the plant design in future. (2)Evaluation of the oxide-electrowinning reprocessing plant design Simulation was performed using the simulator of the preliminarily conceptual design of the oxide-electrowinning reprocessing plant. The results show that the capacity of the plant will be much lower than the designed one (50tHM/y) due to the speed of material handling machines. The results of the parametric survey of gripping and fixing time also show that the plant capacity can attain 94% of the required capacity even if the gripping and the fixing time decrease to zero. This indicates that only increasing the speed is not enough to dissolve the problem.

JAEA Reports

Study of maintenance methods for pyrochemical process by using virtual engineering models

Kakehi, Isao; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

JNC TN9400 2001-054, 144 Pages, 2001/03


This report describes accomplishment of simulations of maintenance methods for the pyrochemical process by using virtual engineering models. The pyrochemical process using molten salt electrorefining would introduce new technologies for new fuels of particle oxide, particle nitride and metallic fuels. This system is a batch treatment system of reprocessing and re-fabrication, which transports products of solid form from a process to next process. The maintenance of this process needs remote control, because the process equipments are arranged in a large hot cell. In this study, a simulation code system has been prepared, which provides virtual engineering environment to evaluate the maintenance methods, which we have planned for the pyrochemical process. The simulation study has been conducted to evaluate the required system functions of the maintenance, including methods procedure, handling system, equipments, and remote control. The simulation study has been conducted in the case of the maintenance of molten salt electrorefiner. As a result of simulation of the process maintenance, which we have designed, the realistic maintenance system for the pyrochemical process have been shown. The issues for the system development have been pointed out.

Oral presentation

Study on removal technologies for Fukushima fuel debris using laser light, 10; Evaluation of transient temperature characteristics during a laser cutting process by the SPLICE code

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Yamada, Tomonori; Nguyen, P. L.; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*; Kondo, Atsuya*; Furutani, Akira*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Provision of laser coating irradiation conditions with a computational science simulation code SPLICE

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Yoshiuji, Takahiro

no journal, , 

A general-purpose three-dimensional thermohydraulics numerical simulation code SPLICE was developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency and designed to deal with gas-liquid-solid consolidated incompressible viscous flows with a phase change process in various laser applications, such as welding, coating, cutting, etc. The result obtained from laser coating simulations is very encouraging in the sense that the SPLICE code would be used as one of efficient tools to provide the laser coating irradiation conditions.

Oral presentation

Water experiments on phased-array acoustic leak detection for sodium heated steam generator

Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Provision of laser irradiation conditions for metal powder additive manufacturing processes with a computational science simulation code SPLICE

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Aoyagi, Yuji*; Yoshiuji, Takahiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

9 (Records 1-9 displayed on this page)
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