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Journal Articles

Tungsten impurity density in fusion plasma

Nakano, Tomohide; Shumack, A.*; Maggi, C. F.*

Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2 Pages, 2016/01

Collaboration of researchers from Japan Atomic Energy Agency and EUROfusion Consortium (Dutch Institute For Fundamental Energy Research, Max-Planck-Institut f$"{u}$r Plasmaphysik and so on) successfully led to determination of tungsten ion density in high temperature plasmas in Joint European Torus (JET) with an upgraded X-ray spectrometer. The researchers used the FAC code and successfully identified $$mbox{W}^{45+}$$, $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ and $$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$ spectral lines. The $$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$ line identification was confirmed experimentally by Mo injection to the plasma. From the measured absolute intensity of these spectral lines, tungsten and molybdenum ion densities in the plasma core were determined.

Journal Articles

Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an X-ray range spectrum in JET with the ITER-like wall configuration

Nakano, Tomohide; Shumack, A.*; Maggi, C. F.*; Reinke, M.*; Lawson, K.*; Coffey, I.*; P$"u$tterich, T.*; Brezinsek, S.*; Lipschultz, B.*; Matthews, G. F.*; et al.

Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(14), p.144023_1 - 144023_11, 2015/07

 Times Cited Count:30 Percentile:82.76(Optics)

The $$mbox{W}^{45+}$$ and $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ 3p-4d inner shell excitation lines in addition to $$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$ 2p-3s lines have been identified from the spectrum taken by an upgraded high-resolution X-ray spectrometer. It is found from analysis of the absolute intensities of the $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ and $$mbox{Mo}^{32+}$$ lines that W and Mo concentrations are in the range of $$sim10^{-5}$$ and $$sim10^{-6}$$, respectively, with a ratio of $$sim$$ 5% for ELMy H-mode plasmas with a plasma current of 2.0- 2.5 MA, a toroidal magnetic field of 2.7 T and a neutral beam injection power of 14-18 MW. For the purpose of checking self-consistency, it is confirmed that the W concentration determined from the $$mbox{W}^{45+}$$ line is in agreement with that from the $$mbox{W}^{46+}$$ line within 20% and that the plasma effective charge determined from the continuum of the first order reflection spectrum is also in agreement with that from the second order within 50%. Further, the determined plasma effective charge is in agreement with that determined from a visible spectroscopy, confirming that the sensitivity of the X-ray spectrometer is valid and that probably the W and the Mo concentrations are also valid.

Journal Articles

Shape evolution in heaviest stable even-even molybdenum isotopes studied via Coulomb excitation

Wrzosek-Lipska, K.*; Zieli$'n$ska, M.*; Hady$'n$ska-Kl$c{e}$k, K.*; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Iwanicki, J.*; Katakura, Junichi; Kisieli$'n$ski, M.*; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Kowalczyk, M.*; Kusakari, Hideshige*; et al.

International Journal of Modern Physics E, 20(2), p.443 - 450, 2011/02

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:41.88(Physics, Nuclear)

The quadrupole shape evolution in heaviest stable Mo isotopes is studied in terms of the shape coexistence phenomenon occurrence in this region of nuclear chart. Quadrupole deformation parameters of the $$^{96,98,100}$$Mo isotopes in the low-lying (ground and excited) 0$$^+$$ states were deduced using Coulomb excitation method. In all cases rich sets of electromagnetic reduced matrix elements were determined using the GOSIA code and then analyzed using the Quadrupole Sum Rules formalism. Discussion of the experimental results in comparison with the predictions of microscopic calculations within the general quadrupole collective Bohr Hamiltonian model is presented for $$^{100}$$Mo.

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