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JAEA Reports

Development of dissimilar welding technique between PNC-FMS wrapper tube and SUS316 steel (1); Investigation of $$delta$$ ferrite formation and evaluation of charpy impact property

; Mizuta, Shunji;

JNC TN9400 2000-104, 132 Pages, 2000/10


Ferritic/Martensitic steel (PNC-FMS) with superior resistance to swelling is being developed as wrapper tube for the long-life core of large-scale fast breeder reacor. If the $$delta$$ ferrite phase would be formed at heat affected zone(HAZ)in welding between PNC-FMS wrapper tube and SUS316 steel,and thus toughness degradation would be suspected due to $$delta$$ ferrite formation. In this study, the formation of the $$delta$$ ferrite in applying TIG welding and EB welding are investigated using base metal of 3 types, which are Ni$$_{eq}$$ max./Cr$$_{eq}$$ min., Ni$$_{eq}$$ min./Cr$$_{eq}$$ max. and the center of chemical composition in the specification. The effect of the amount of the $$delta$$ ferrite formation and characteristics of toughness change with thermal aging were evaluated. The results are summarized as follows. (1)The $$delta$$ ferrite generation can be suppressed in the combination of welding process and chemical composition. (a)In case of specification center, the $$delta$$ ferrite formation can be suppressed about 1% by EB welding. (b)In case of Ni$$_{eq}$$ max./Cr$$_{eq}$$ min. in the specification, the $$delta$$ ferrite formation can be perfectly suppressed even in TIG welding or EB welding.

JAEA Reports

Gas phase adsorption technology for nitrogen isotope separation and lts feasibility for highly enriched nitrogen gas production

; ; Izumi, Jun*;

JNC TN9400 2000-072, 65 Pages, 2000/04


Highly enriched nitrogen-15 gas is favorable to reduce radioactive carbon-14 production in reactor. The cost of highly enriched nitrogen-15 gas in mass production is one of the most important subject in nitride fuel option in "Feasibility Study for FBR and Related Fue1 Cycle". ln this work gas phase adsorption technology was verified to be applicable for nitrogen isotope separation and feasible to produce highly enriched nitrogen-15 gas in commercial. Nitrogen isotopes were separated while ammonia gas flows through soudium-A type zeolite column using pressure swing adsorption process. The isotopic ratio of eight samples were measured by high resolution mass spectrometry and Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy. Gas phase adsorption technology was verified to be applicable for nitrogen isotope separation, since the isotopic ratio of nitrogen-15 and nitrogen-14 in samples were more than six times as high as in natural. The cost of highly enriched nitrogen-15 gas in mass production were estimated by the factor method. lt revealed that highly enriched nitrogen-15 gas could be supplied in a few hundred yen per gram in mass production.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of cost reduction method for manufacturing ODS Ferritic claddings

Fujiwara, Masayuki; Mizuta, Shunji;

JNC TN9400 2000-050, 19 Pages, 2000/04


For evaluating the fast reactor system technology, it is important to evaluate the practical feasibility of ODS ferritic cdaddings, which is the most promising matelials to attain the goal of high coolant temperature and more than 150 GWd/t. Based on the results of their technology development, mass production process with highly economically benefit as well as manufacturing cost estimation of ODS ferritic claddings were preliminarily conducted. From the view point of future utility scale, the cost for manufacturig mother tubes has a dominant factor in the total manufacturing cost. The method to reduce the cost of mother tube manufacturing was also preliminarily investigated.

JAEA Reports

The evaluation of material base standard of ODS ferritic stainless steel core component for fast breeder reactors

Mizuta, Shunji; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-048, 28 Pages, 2000/04


ODS (Oxide Dispersion Strengthened) ferritic-martainsitic steels are one of the most prospective cladding materials for advanced fast breeder reactors, since they are expected to have excellent swelling resistance and superior high temperature strength due to the finely distributed stable oxide particles(Y$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$). Properties and the tentative strength equations for ODS ferritic-martainsitic were proposed on the basis of the latest data to apply to the feasibility study of the sodium coolant MOX fuel plant. The items of equations are follows. (1)creep rupture strength (2)correction factor of creep rupture strength (in Na and in reactor) (3)outer surface eorrosion (Na) (4)inner surface corrosion (in MOX fuel pin) (5)thermal conductivity

JAEA Reports

Modification of the evaluation model for Pu redistribution phenomena

Ishii, Tetsuya; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-045, 64 Pages, 2000/03


During the irradiation, the Pu redistribution phenomena would occur in the FBR MOX fuel pellets. The phenomena would considerably affect on the thermal properties of the fuels, therefore, it is need to establish the evaluation method for Pu redistribution phenomena. ln JNC, the efforts for development of the evaluation model for the phenomena had been continued and the simple evaluation model was constructed in 1992. In this work, the modification of the simple model developed in JNC has been done and the following results were obtained. (1)Based on the recent data of the MOX fuel irradiation tests, the evaluation model for Pu redistribution phenomena constructed in l992 is modified. And the model is included into the fuel performance analysis code "CEDAR". (2)To calibrate the modified CEDAR code, it is confirmed that the uncertainty in the Pu concentration evaluation for the center of the fuel pellet at EOL is about $$pm$$3wt.%. (3)Based on the results of the evaluations using the modified CEDAR code, it is found that, in the early stage of the irradiation, the Pu redistribution is controlled by the vapor transportation mechanism via pores, and after that, the Pu redistribution is kept in progress due to the thermal diffusion mechanism with the change of the Pu concentration due to the degradation of U and Pu by fissions. And it is also found that the O/M ratio dependence of the U-Pu inter diffusion coefficients would affect on the Pu redistribution mechanisms, in especial, in the early stage of the irradiation.

JAEA Reports

lrradiation behavior and performance model of nitride fuel

; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-041, 29 Pages, 2000/03


Irradiation behavior and performance models were investigated in order to apply for nitride fuel options in feasibility study on fast breeder reactor and related recycle systems. (1)MechanicaI design of nitride fuel pin: The behaviors of fission gas release (increase of internal Pressure) and fuel-to-cladding chemical interaction (decrease of cladding thickness) are needed to evaluate cumulative damage fraction in case of fuel pin mechanical design. The behaviors of fission gas release and fuel-to-cladding chemical interaction were investigated from the past studies up to high burnuP, since the lower fission gas release in nitride fuel than in oxide fuel could contribute to reduce the plenum volume and result in the shortening of fuel Pin length. (2)Fuel pin smear density: The higher fuel smear density is preferred for the higher fissile density to improve the core characteristic. The behaviors of fuel pellet swelling were investigated from the past studies up to higher burnup, since the larger fuel pellet swelling in nitride fuel than in oxide fuel would restrict high burunp capability due to fuel-cladding mechanical interaction. (3)Compatibility of nitride fuel with high Temperature water: Compatibility of nitride fuel with high temperature water were investigated from the past studies to contribute water cooled fast breeder reactor options.

JAEA Reports

lnvestigation for corrosion behavior of ferritic core materials in CO$$_{2}$$ gas cooled reactor

; ; Mizuta, Shunji

JNC TN9400 2000-040, 41 Pages, 2000/03


The corrosion behavior of ferritic stainless steels applied to core components under C0$$_{2}$$ gas environment was investigated in order to be helpful to fuel design in C0$$_{2}$$ gas cooled reactor as the feasibility study for fast breeder reactor. The dependence of the corrosion behavior, before a breakaway occurs, on C0$$_{2}$$ gas temperature, Si and Cr contents of ferritic steels was determined quantitatively. The following correlations to calculate the metal loss thickness was established. X = 4.4w w = √(k$$times$$t) k = $$alpha$$ $$times$$ exp( - 5.45[Si]) $$times$$ exp( - 1.09[Cr]) $$times$$ exp( - 11253/T) $$alpha$$ = 1.65 $$times$$ 10$$^{8}$$$$sim$$4.40 $$times$$ 10$$^{9}$$ X : metal loss thickness[$$mu$$ml, w : corrosion weight gain [mg/cm$$^{2}$$] k : parabola constant [(mg/cm$$^{2}$$)$$^{2}$$/hr], t : time [hr], $$alpha$$ : constant [Si] : Si content[wt.%], [Cr] : Cr content [wt.%], T : temperature [K]

JAEA Reports

lnvestigation for corrosion behavior of core materials in lead cooled reactor

Kaito, Takeji

JNC TN9400 2000-039, 19 Pages, 2000/03


The corrosion behavior of core materials in lead cooled reactor was investigated as the feasibility study for fast breeder reactor. The results are summarized as follows. (1)The corrosion of stainless steels under lead and lithium occurs mainly due to the dissolution of nickel. Consequently ferritic stainless steels have better resistance to corrosion under lead and lithium than austenitic stainless steels, and the corrosion resistance of high nickel steels is worst. (2)The dissolution rate, D(mg/m$$^{2}$$/h), is correlated with lead and lithium temperature, T(K), as log$$_{10}$$ Da = 10.7873 - 6459.3/ T and log$$_{10}$$Df = 7.6185 - 4848.4/T, where D a is the dissolution rate for austenitic steels and D f is for ferritic steels. lt's possible to calculate the corrosion thickness, C($$mu$$m), using the following correlation: C = (D$$times$$t)/$$rho$$$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$, where t is exposure time(hr) and $$rho$$ is density of the core matelial (g/cm$$^{3}$$). (3)The corrosion thickness estimated for austenitic steels using above correlations was extremely larger than ferritic steels, about 6 times at 400$$^{circ}$$C and more than 20 times at above 600$$^{circ}$$C. lt's considered that applicable temperature in lead cooled reactor core is below 400$$^{circ}$$C (about 60$$mu$$m corrosion thickness after 30000 hr) for austenitic steels, and below 500$$^{circ}$$C (about 80 $$mu$$m after 30000 hr) for ferritic steels.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of charpy impact property in high strength ferritic/martensitic steel (PNC-FMS)


JNC TN9400 2000-035, 164 Pages, 2000/03


High Strength Ferritic/Martensitic Steel (PNC-FMS : 0.12C-11Cr-0,5Mo-2W-0.2V-0.05Nb), developed by JNC, is one of the candidate materials for the long-life core of large-scale fast breeder reactor. Ductile brittle transition temperature (DBTT) was tentatively determined in 1992 in material design base standard of PNC-FMS. Howevcr, specimen size effect on impact property and upper shelf energy (USE) have not been evaluated. ln this study, effects of specimen size, thermal aging and neutron irradiation on the charpy impact property of PNC-FMS were evaluated, using together with recently obtained data. The design value of USE and DBTT as fabricated and each correlation of aging and irradiation effects were determined. The results are summarized as follows. (1)lt was found that USE is related to (Bb) as USE=m(Bb)$$^{n}$$, where B is specimen width, b is ligament size and both m and n are constant. For PNC-FMS, n value is equal to 1.4. It's possible to determine n value from USE (J) for full size specimen using the correlation: n=1.38$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$ USE + 1.20. (2)lt was clarified that DBTT is correlated with (BKt) as DBTT=p(log$$_{10}$$BKt)+q, where Kt is elastic stress concentration factor and both p and q are constant. For PNC-FMS, the correlation is as follows: DBTT=119(log$$_{10}$$BKt)-160. (3)DBTT estimated at the irradiation temperature from 350 to 650 $$^{circ}$$C for sub size specimen (width and height are 3 and 10 mm, respectively), was below 180 $$^{circ}$$C, based on the design value of DBTT as fabricated and each correlation of aging and irradiation effects.

JAEA Reports

The survey and evaluation of oxidation for core material of the austenitic stainless steels in carbon dioxide gas-cooled reactor

Mizuta, Shunji; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-032, 38 Pages, 2000/03


lt is necessary for feasibility study of fast reactor to evaluate the oxidation of the austenitic stainless steels in the case of using for core material in carbon dioxide gas-cooled reactor. The properties for oxidation of austenitic stainless steels in carbon dioxide were surveyed in literatures and the data were selected after evaluation of factors for oxidation in carbon dioxide. The equation of oxidation in carbon dioxide for PE16, 20Cr/25Ni/Nb, 18Cr-8Ni and JNC Cladding materials were proposed. The equation for oxidation of austenitic stainless steels were expressed as upper limit for the equation according to parabolic law. The equation for JNC cladding materials (PNC316, PNC1520, 14Cr-25Ni) was proposed based the oxidation behavior of 18Cr-8Ni which is same oxidation region for weight gain in three-component system of Fe-Cr-Ni, in addition to evaluate of effect for silicon content. The oxidation equation of 20Cr/25Ni/Nb was applied to the high Ni alloy of JNC cladding material. The obtained equation is as follows, X = 4.4W$$times$$1000, W = $$sqrt{(kp・t)}$$, kp = $$alpha$$ exp(-Q/(RT)), X: oxide thickness[$$mu$$m], W : weight gain[g$$times$$cm$$^{-2}$$], kp : parabolic rate constant[g$$^{2}$$$$times$$cm$$^{-4}$$$$times$$ s$$^{-1}$$], t :time[sec] $$alpha$$ : constant[g$$^{2}$$$$times$$cm$$^{-1}$$$$times$$S$$^{-1}$$], Q : activation energy[J・mol$$^{-1}$$], R : gas constant[8.314J $$times$$K$$^{-5}$$ $$times$$mol$$^{-1}$$], T : temperature[K] (1) PE16 : kp = 1.090$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$ exp(-192,500/(RD)), (2) 20Cr/25Ni/Nb : kp = 1.651$$times$$10$$^{-2}$$ exp(-201,300/(RT)) High Ni alloy (JNC), (3)18Cr-8Ni : kp = 1.503$$times$$10$$^{-8}$$ exp(-60,000/(RT)), (4) PNC316, PNC1520 : kp = 1.503$$times$$10$$^{-8}$$ exp(-60,000/(RT))$$times$$0.62$$^{2}$$ 14Cr-25Ni(JNC) The weight gain is (3)$$rangle$$(4)$$rangle$$(2)$$rangle$$(1) in order.

JAEA Reports

Investigations on the evaluation methods of the irradiation performance of FBR metallic fuel for the design study

Ishii, Tetsuya;

JNC TN9400 2000-031, 15 Pages, 2000/03


For the irradiation performance of metallic fuel, many of the analyses were conducted in USA using EBR-l and EBR-II. ln this study, based on the published data and papers on the above results, the appropriate methods to the evaluation of the irradiation performance of FBR metallic fuel for the design study were considered, as the fbasibility study for FBR. The followings are the targets in this work; (1)deformation of cladding (2)deformation of fuel slug (3)FP gas release (4)fluctuation of the bonding Na level in the fuel pin (5)FCCI

JAEA Reports

Development of optimized advanced austenic steels (II); Evaluation of out-of-pile testing results of the fabricated fuel claddings

Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Mizuta, Shunji;

JNC TN9400 2000-028, 41 Pages, 2000/03


14Cr-25Ni optimized advanced austenic steels have been developed to improve the swelling resistance of 15Cr-20Ni austenic stainless steels used for FBR fuel cladding. ln this improvement, Ti,Nb,V and P were dissolved into 14Cr-25Ni marix by means of the high-temperature solution treatment to make finely distributed and stabilized precipitates in the operation. Furthermore, at the final stage of cold-working, cold-working level increased and residual stress was reduced. ln this study, as fablicated microstructure observation, solubility of alloying elements and grain size test in the manufacturing process were evaluated. Following results were obtained. (1)Spherical precipitates were observed in the grain. Most of them were identified as conjugated carbo-nitride [Ti,Nb(C,N)] by EDX analysis. (2)The dissolved percentages of Ti and Ni in the matrix were about 70% and 30% respectively. Undissoved Ti and Nb may react with undissolved carbon and precipitate as MC carbides. (3)High-temperature solution treatment is effective for the sufficient solubility of alloying elements, but it is likely to induce very large grains, which is the cause of defective signal in the ultrasonic alloy testing. The results of the grain size test showed that the large grain size is reduced in low Nb (0.1wt%) alloy compared with the standard alloy (0.2wt%Nb), and the effectiveness for the grain size control by reducing the Nb content was confirmed. Also, it was suggested that the intermediate heat treatment and cold work conditions would possibly avoid the occurrence of the large grain at the final heat treatment.

JAEA Reports

Irradiation creep of modified 316 and 15Cr-20Ni base austenitic S.S. fuel pins (MFA-1, 2) irradiated in FFTF

; ; Mizuta, Shunji

JNC TN9400 2000-023, 126 Pages, 2000/02


Modified 316 and 15Cr-20Ni base austenitic stainless steels had been developed by Japan Nuclear Cycle Development lnstitute as the candidate materials for Monju and Demonstration fast breeder reactor. Previously, irradiation creep correlation of modified 316 and 15Cr-20Ni had been evaluated using pressurized tubes irradiated in FFTF/MOTA. 0n the other hand, for other austenitic S.S. developed abroad, it was reported that irradiation creep behavior of fuel pin could not be sufficiently described using results of pressurized tube experiments. ln this study, irradiation creep properties of modified 316 and 15Cr-20Ni fuel pins (MFA-I, 2) irradiated in FFTF were evaluated. And irradiation deformation of MFA-1, 2 fuel pins were estimated using the irradiation creep correlation based on MOTA data. The results are summarized as follows : (1)Irradiation creep compliance B$$_{0}$$ calculated from MFA-I, 2 data are 5.6$$sim$$ 15.0$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ [($$times$$I0$$^{26}$$n/m$$^{2}$$, E>0.1Mev)$$^{-1}$$(MPa)$$^{-1}$$], Which are larger than B$$_{0}$$ based on MOTA data of 2.2$$sim$$6.4$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ and are within the range of B$$_{0}$$ of other austenitic S.S. abroad. (2)Creep-swelling coupling coefficient D derived from MFA-1, 2 data tend to decrease with increasing swelling rate. And the range of D based on MFA-1, 2 data include values calculated from MOTA data of 3.8$$sim$$8.2$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$ [(MPa)$$^{-1}$$] and for other austenitic S.S. abroad. (3)As the result that irradiation creep deformation of MFA-1, 2 fuel pins could be appropriately estimated using the irradiation creep correlation derived from MOTA data, it is considered that the creep, correlation based on MOTA data can be applied to estimation of fuel pin deformation.

JAEA Reports

Analysis of the secondary stress in the fuel pin cladding due to the swelling gradient through the direction of its thickness

Uwaba, Tomoyuki; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-006, 50 Pages, 1999/11


In the fast reactor the swelling of the fuel cladding occur due to the irradiation. Under the irradiation, the temperature gradient of the cladding through the direction of its thickness causes the swelling gradient and this will cause the secondary stress. In this study, we analyzed this secondary stress using the finite element model of the irradiation induced deformation of the cladding by FINAS code. The result of this analysis is summarized as follows. (1)The secondary stress is mainly caused by the gradient of the incubation period of the swelling, The secondary stress becomes very small at the end of irradiation due to the relieving of the stress by the irradiation creep deformation accelerated by the swelling. (2)The calculated maximum stress including the secondary stress under the irradiation is compared with the design value of the ultimate tensile strength for PNC316 for trial. The calculated value are lower than the design value. (3)The effect of the swelling accelerated by the stress is analyzed using the correlation between the swelling and the stress. The result shows that the increasing of the secondary stress due to the acceleration of the swelling is very small because the irradiation creep deformation relieves the stress more effectively by the acceleration of the irradiation creep rate due to the swelling.

14 (Records 1-14 displayed on this page)
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