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Journal Articles

Computer code analysis of irradiation performance of an annular mixed oxide fuel element

Yokoyama, Keisuke; Uwaba, Tomoyuki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(10), p.1219 - 1227, 2023/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Validation of fuel behavior analysis code FEMAXI-8 using fast reactor MOX fuel irradiation tests

Ikusawa, Yoshihisa; Nagayama, Masahiro*

JAEA-Data/Code 2023-006, 24 Pages, 2023/07


Core fuels with stainless steel cladding and high plutonium content mixed oxide (MOX) fuel in a water-cooled environment, such as supercritical water-cooled reactors (SCWR) and reduced-moderation water reactors (RMWR), have been studied. In order to contribute to the research and development of such a core fuel concept, the fuel performance code "FEMAXI-8" was verified based on the results of post irradiation examinations of MOX fuel irradiated in the experimental fast reactor "JOYO". FEMAXI-8 is the latest version of the behavior analysis code developed by JAEA to analyze the behavior of light water reactor fuels under normal operation and transient conditions. This latest code has been improved and developed to allow the selection of stainless steel cladding property models to analyze improved fuels such as accident tolerant fuels. The purpose of this report is to confirm the prediction accuracy of FEMAXI-8 for the irradiation behavior of the new type of core fuel that is currently being developed. As a result of the verification, it was confirmed that FEMAXI-8 has sufficient analysis accuracy for the irradiation behavior of sodium-cooled fast reactor MOX fuel with stainless steel cladding, which exceeds the plutonium content and irradiation conditions of light water reactors. In the future, the analysis accuracy of FEMAXI-8 could be improved by adopting the O/M ratio dependence of MOX fuel thermal conductivity and the irradiation behavior evaluation model at high temperature.

Journal Articles

Oxygen potential of neodymium-doped U$$_{0.817}$$Pu$$_{0.180}$$Am$$_{0.003}$$O$$_{2 pm x}$$ uranium-plutonium-americium mixed oxides at 1573, 1773, and 1873 K

Vauchy, R.; Sunaoshi, Takeo*; Hirooka, Shun; Nakamichi, Shinya; Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Kato, Masato

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 580, p.154416_1 - 154416_11, 2023/07

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:96.18(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Influence of plutonium content in dissolver solutions derived from irradiated fast reactor fuels on plutonium stripping in multistage countercurrent liquid-liquid extraction with acid split flowsheet

Nakahara, Masaumi; Shibata, Atsuhiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(7), p.849 - 858, 2023/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To develop the acid split method which has highly nuclear proliferation resistance, influence of Pu content in dissolver solutions derived from irradiated fast reactor fuel on the Pu stripping was investigated in experiments and a calculation. The Pu content in the U/Pu and U products increased with increasing the Pu content in the dissolver solution. Moreover, the calculated results indicate that the Pu leakage into the U product is suppressed with the Pu stripping solution only at low temperature.

JAEA Reports

Introduce of friction model into fuel pin bundle deformation analysis code "BAMBOO"

Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Ito, Masahiro*; Ishitani, Ikuo*

JAEA-Technology 2023-006, 36 Pages, 2023/05


The BAMBOO code developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency is a computer code to analyze fuel pin bundle deformation in a fast reactor wire-spaced type fuel pin bundle subassembly. In this study we developed an analysis model to consider friction at the contact points between adjacent fuel pins, and at these between outermost fuel pins and a duct that are due to bundle-duct interaction. This model deals with friction forces at contact points in the contact and separation analysis of the code, and employs a convergent calculation where contact forces are gradually determined to avoid numerical instability when the friction occurs. Analyses of BAMBOO with the model showed very slight effects on the onset of contact between outer most pins and a duct, and on directions of pin displacements, within the range of practical friction coefficients.

JAEA Reports

Investigation of the core neutronics analysis conditions for evaluation of burn-up nuclear characteristics of the next-generation fast reactors

Takino, Kazuo; Oki, Shigeo

JAEA-Data/Code 2023-003, 26 Pages, 2023/05


Since next-generation fast reactors aim to achieve a higher core discharge burn-up than conventional reactors do, core neutronics design methods must be refined. Therefore, a suitable analysis condition is required for the analysis of burn-up nuclear characteristics to accomplish sufficient estimation accuracy while maintaining a low computational cost. We investigated the effect of the analysis conditions on the accuracy of estimation of the burn-up nuclear characteristics of next-generation fast reactors in terms of neutron energy groups, neutron transport theory, and spatial mesh. This study treated the following burn-up nuclear characteristics: criticality, burn-up reactivity, control rod worth, breeding ratio, assembly-wise power distribution, maximum linear heat rate, sodium void reactivity, and Doppler coefficient for the equilibrium operation cycle. As a result, it was found that the following conditions were the most suitable: 18-energy-group structure, 6 spatial meshes per assembly with diffusion approximation. Additionally, these conditions should apply to correction factors for energy group structure, spatial mesh and transport effects.

Journal Articles

Validation of feedback reactivity evaluation models for plant dynamics analysis code during unprotected loss of heat sink event in sodium-cooled fast reactors

Yoshimura, Kazuo; Doda, Norihiro; Igawa, Kenichi*; Tanaka, Masaaki; Yamano, Hidemasa

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 9(2), p.021601_1 - 021601_9, 2023/04

Feedback reactivity automatically caused by radial expansion of the core is known as one of the inherent safety features in a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). In order to validate the evaluation models of the reactivity feedback equipped in the in-house plant dynamics analysis code named Super-COPD, the benchmark analyses for the unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS) tests of BOP-302R and BOP-301 in an experimental SFR, EBR-II were conducted and the applicability of the evaluation method for the reactivity feedback was indicated during the ULOHS even, by comparing the numerical results and the experimental data.

Journal Articles

ARKADIA; For the innovation of advanced nuclear reactor design

Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Asayama, Tai; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Tanaka, Masaaki; Uchibori, Akihiro; Takata, Takashi; Seki, Akiyuki; Enuma, Yasuhiro

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 9(2), p.025001_1 - 025001_12, 2023/04

This paper describes the outline and development plan for ARKADIA to transform advanced nuclear reactor design to meet expectations of a safe, economic, and sustainable carbon-free energy source. ARKADIA will realize Artificial Intelligence (AI)-aided integrated numerical analysis to offer the best possible solutions for the design and operation of a nuclear plant, including optimization of safety equipment. State-of-the-art numerical simulation technologies and a knowledge base that stores data and insights from past nuclear reactor development projects and R&D are integrated with AI. In the first phase of development, ARKADIA-Design and ARKADIA-Safety will be constructed individually, with the first target of sodium-cooled reactor. In a subsequent phase, everything will be integrated into a single entity applicable not only to advanced rectors with a variety of concepts, coolants, configurations, and output levels but also to existing light-water reactors.

Journal Articles

Machine learning sintering density prediction model for MOX fuel pellet

Kato, Masato; Nakamichi, Shinya; Hirooka, Shun; Watanabe, Masashi; Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Ishii, Katsunori

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi (Internet), 22(2), p.51 - 58, 2023/04

Uranium and Plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) pellets used as fast reactor fuels have been produced from several raw materials by mechanical blending method through processes of ball milling, additive blending, granulation, pressing, sintering and so on. It is essential to control the pellet density which is one of the important fuel specifications, but it is difficult to understand relationships among many parameters in the production. Database for MOX production was prepared from production results in Japan, and input data of eighteen types were chosen from production process and made a data set. Machine learning model to predict sintered density of MOX pellet was derived by gradient boosting regressor, and represented the measured sintered density with coefficient of determination of R$$^{2}$$=0.996

Journal Articles

Study on actinide burning core concepts for the future phaseout of a fast reactor fuel cycle

Mori, Tetsuya; Naganuma, Masayuki; Oki, Shigeo

Nuclear Technology, 209(4), p.532 - 548, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper deals with a conceptual study on a plutonium (Pu) and minor actinide (MA) burning fast reactor core for the distant future phaseout of a fast-reactor fuel cycle after it is commercialized and used for a long time. This burning core aims to reduce the Pu and MA inventories contained in the fuel cycle through multiple recycling. A key point for the core design is the degradation of Pu and MA during multiple recycling. This degradation affects the core feasibility by increasing the sodium void reactivity and decreasing the absolute value of the Doppler constant. A feasible core concept was found by incorporating the following three factors to improve the reactivity coefficients: core flattening, fuel burnup reduction, and the use of silicon carbide (SiC) in the cladding and wrapper tubes. Notably, softening the neutron spectrum using the SiC structural material not only improved the reactivity coefficients but also indirectly mitigated the degradation of Pu and MA. Consequently, the designed core allowed for multiple recycling to continue until the Pu and MA reduced significantly, particularly by about 99% in a phaseout scenario starting from a fast-reactor fleet of 30-GWe nuclear power capacity. Fast reactors were found to have the potential to become self-contained energy systems that can minimize the inventories of Pu they produced themselves, as well as long-lived MA. Fast reactors can be among the important options for environmental burden reduction in the future.

JAEA Reports

In-vessel source term analysis code TRACER Version 2.4.1 (User's manual)

Ono, Masahiro*; Uchibori, Akihiro; Okano, Yasushi; Takata, Takashi*

JAEA-Testing 2022-004, 193 Pages, 2023/03


A computer code TRACER (Transport phenomena of Radionuclides for Accident Consequence Evaluation of Reactor) version 2.4.1 has been developed to evaluate species and quantities of fission products (FPs) released into cover gas due to a fuel pin failure in an LMFBR. The TRACER version 2.4.1 includes the models related to NUREG-0772 and also new or modified computational program codes in order to possess a new function shown below, and partial modify of coefficient of FP transition model between coolant and cover gas. This manual includes manual conventions for TRACER Version 2.3, addition of reference such as formula, improvement of explanation of input file creation method, addition of improvement of NUREG-0772 model added to TRACER code, modification of figure of sample analysis performed in appendix. It includes modifications and additions of sample analysis.

Journal Articles

Applicability evaluation of Akaike's Bayesian information criterion to covariance modeling in the cross-section adjustment method

Maruyama, Shuhei; Endo, Tomohiro*; Yamamoto, Akio*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, p.00008_1 - 00008_9, 2023/03

The applicability of Akaike's Bayesian Information Criterion (ABIC) to covariance modeling in the cross-section adjustment method was investigated. One of the most important things for a reliable cross-section adjustment method is giving a suitable covariance matrix. However, since we cannot know the true covariance matrix in advance, we usually estimate and assume it. To judge the goodness of the covariance matrix modeling, a metric is desirable. As a candidate for this metric, we focus on ABIC which is one of the information criteria in Bayesian inference, because the cross-section adjustment method is often discussed within the framework of Bayesian inference. In the conventional cross-section adjustment method, incorporation of the analysis model uncertainty in a covariance matrix still requires ad hoc treatment. In JAEA, the integral experimental database for fast reactors has been developed and the adjusted cross-section set ADJ2017 has been created based on this database. Many of the core characteristics in the database have been analyzed by a deterministic method. Therefore, the predicted core characteristics have non-negligible uncertainties with correlations due to some numerical approximations. However, the evaluations of the uncertainties and their correlations are still challenging issues. In addition, there would be unknown uncertainties that experimenters and analysts of reactor physics experiments could not recognize. To judge the goodness of the covariance matrix related to these uncertainties, the applicability of ABIC to the cross-section adjustment method was investigated.

Journal Articles

Development of adjusted nuclear data library for fast reactor application

Yokoyama, Kenji

EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, p.00004_1 - 00004_10, 2023/03

In Japan, development of adjusted nuclear data library for fast rector application based on the cross-section adjustment method has been conducted since the early 1990s. The adjusted library is called the unified cross-section set. The first version was developed in 1991 and is called ADJ91. Recently, the integral experimental data were further expanded to improve the design prediction accuracy of the core loaded with minor actinoids and/or degraded Pu. Using the additional integral experimental data, development of ADJ2017 was started in 2017. In 2022, the latest unified cross-section set AJD2017R was developed based on JENDL-4.0 by using 619 integral experimental data. An overview of the latest version with a review of previous ones will be shown. On the other hand, JENDL-5 was released in 2021. In the development of JENDL-5, some of the integral experimental data used in ADJ2017R were explicitly utilized in the nuclear data evaluation. However, this is not reflected in the covariance data. This situation needs to be considered when developing a unified cross-section set based on JENDL-5. Preliminary adjustment calculation based on JENDL-5 is performed using C/E (calculation/experiment) values simply evaluated by a sensitivity analysis. The preliminary results will be also discussed.

Journal Articles

Development of a robust nuclear data adjustment method to outliers

Fukui, Yuhei*; Endo, Tomohiro*; Yamamoto, Akio*; Maruyama, Shuhei

EPJ Web of Conferences, 281, p.00006_1 - 00006_9, 2023/03

We developed a new nuclear data adjustment method for experimental data containing outliers. This method mitigates the effect of outliers by applying M-estimation, a type of robust estimation, to the conventional nuclear data adjustment method using sensitivity coefficients. Based on the M-estimation, we derived a weighted nuclear data adjustment formula and developed a weight calculation method. The weighted nuclear data adjustment formula was derived by weighting the function to take the extremum of the conventional nuclear data adjustment. The weighting of each nuclear characteristic is calculated from the difference between the measured and calculated values of the nuclear characteristic. This weight calculation method can evaluate the validity of each nuclear characteristic by considering correlations between nuclear characteristics using singular value decomposition. The proposed method and the conventional method were compared and verified by twin experiments. In the twin experiments, the nuclear data were adjusted using experimental data that intentionally included outliers. As a result of twin experiments, it was confirmed that the nuclear data were adjusted robustly and appropriately even with the experimental data containing outliers.

Journal Articles

Toward long-term storage of nuclear materials in MOX fuels fabrication facility

Hirooka, Shun; Nakamichi, Shinya; Matsumoto, Taku; Tsuchimochi, Ryota; Murakami, Tatsutoshi

Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering (Internet), 2, p.1119567_1 - 1119567_7, 2023/03

Storage of plutonium (Pu)-containing materials requires extremely strict attention in terms of physical safety and material accounting. Despite the emphasized importance of storage management, only a few reports are available in the public, e.g., experience in PuO$$_{2}$$ storage in the UK and safety standards in the storage of Pu-containing materials in the US. Japan also stores more U-Pu mixed oxide (MOX) mostly in powder form. Adopting an appropriate storage management is necessary depending on the characteristics of MOX items such as raw powder obtained by reprocessing of spent Light Water Reactor fuels, research and development on the remains of fuel fabrication, which can contain organic materials, and dry-recycled powder during fuel fabrication. Stagnation in fuel fabrications and experience in degradation of MOX containers during extended period of storage have led to the review of the storage method in the Plutonium Fuel Development Center in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The present work discusses the various nuclear materials, storage methods, experience in degradation of containers that occur during storage, and strategies for future long-term storage.

Journal Articles

Chapter 5, Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFRs)/ Chapter 12, Generation-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) concepts in Japan

Kubo, Shigenobu; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kamide, Hideki

Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Second Edition, p.173 - 194, 2023/03

Handbook of Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Second Edition is a fully revised and updated comprehensive resource on the latest research and advances in generation IV nuclear reactor concepts. Editor Igor Pioro and his team of expert contributors have updated every chapter to reflect advances in the field since the first edition published in 2016. JAEA contributes to Chapter 5; Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) and Chapter 12; Generation-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) concepts in Japan. Major characteristics and current technology developments including safety enhancement were described in Chapter 5. Chapter 12 shows design activities of SFR. Innovative technology developments, and update of the Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor design with lessons learned from the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident.

Journal Articles

High-temperature creep properties of 9Cr-ODS tempered martensitic steel and quantitative correlation with its nanometer-scale structure

Otsuka, Satoshi; Shizukawa, Yuta; Tanno, Takashi; Imagawa, Yuya; Hashidate, Ryuta; Yano, Yasuhide; Onizawa, Takashi; Kaito, Takeji; Onuma, Masato*; Mitsuhara, Masatoshi*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(3), p.288 - 298, 2023/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:74.52(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA has been developing 9Cr-oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) tempered martensitic steel(TMS) as a candidate material for the fuel cladding tubes of sodium-cooled fast reactors(SFRs). The reliable prediction of in-reactor creep-rupture strength is critical for implementing the 9Cr-ODS TMS cladding tube in the SFR. This study investigated the quantitative correlation between the creep properties of 9Cr-ODS TMS at 700 $$^{circ}$$C and the dispersions of nanosized oxides by analyzing the creep data and the material's nanostructure. The possibility of deriving a formula for estimating the in-reactor creep properties of 9Cr-ODS TMSs based on an analysis of the nanostructure of neutron-irradiated 9Cr-ODS TMSs was also discussed. The creep properties of 9Cr-ODS TMS at 700 $$^{circ}$$C closely correlated with the dispersion of nanosized oxide particles. The correlation between creep-rupture lives and nanosized oxide particle dispersion was determined using existing creep models. The elucidation of correlation between the stress exponent of secondary creep rate and the nanostructure is essential to enhance future modeling reliability and formulation.

Journal Articles

Measurement of void fraction distribution in a sphere-packed bed using X-ray imaging

Yamamoto, Seishiro*; Odaira, Naoya*; Ito, Daisuke*; Ito, Kei*; Saito, Yasushi*; Imaizumi, Yuya; Matsuba, Kenichi; Kamiyama, Kenji

Konsoryu, 37(1), p.79 - 85, 2023/03

Journal Articles

Verification of fuel assembly bowing analysis model for core deformation reactivity evaluation

Doda, Norihiro; Uwaba, Tomoyuki; Ohgama, Kazuya; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Tanaka, Masaaki; Yamano, Hidemasa

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Kanto Shibu Dai-29-Ki Sokai, Koenkai Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/03

An evaluation method for reactivity feedback due to core deformation during reactor power increase in sodium-cooled fast reactors is being developed for realistic core design evaluation. In this evaluation method, fuel assembly bowing was modeled with a beam element of the finite element method, and the assembly's pad contact between adjacent assemblies was modeled with a dedicated element which could consider the wrapper tube cross-sectional distortion and the pad stiffness depending on pad contact conditions. This fuel assembly bowing analysis model was verified for thermal bowing of a single assembly and assembly pad contact between adjacent assemblies in a core as past benchmark problems. The calculation results by this model showed good agreement with those of reference solutions of theoretical solutions or results by participating institutions in the benchmark. This study confirmed that the analysis model was able to calculate thermal assembly bowing appropriately.

Journal Articles

High temperature mechanical properties and microstructure in 9Cr or 12Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steels

Mitsuhara, Masatoshi*; Kurino, Koichi*; Yano, Yasuhide; Otsuka, Satoshi; Toyama, Takeshi*; Onuma, Masato*; Nakashima, Hideharu*

Tetsu To Hagane, 109(3), p.189 - 200, 2023/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) ferritic steel, a candidate material for fast reactor fuel cladding, has low thermal expansion, good thermal conductivity, and excellent resistance to irradiation damage and high temperature strength. The origin of the excellent high-temperature strength lies in the dispersion of fine oxides. In this study, creep tests at 700 or 750$$^{circ}$$C, which are close to the operating temperatures of fast reactors, and high-temperature tensile tests at 900 to 1350 $$^{circ}$$C, which simulate accident conditions, were conducted on 9Cr ODS ferritic steels, M11 and MP23, and 12Cr ODS ferritic steel, F14, to confirm the growth behavior of oxides. In the M11 and F14 creep test samples, there was little oxide growth or decrease in number density from the initial state, indicating that dispersion strengthening by oxides was effective during deformation. After creep deformation of F14, the development of dislocation substructures such as dislocation walls and subgrain boundaries was hardly observed, and mobile dislocations were homogeneously distributed in the grains. The dislocation density increased with increasing stress during the creep test. In the high-temperature ring tensile tests of MP23 and F14, the strength of both steels decreased at higher temperatures. In MP23, elongation decreased with increasing test temperature from 900 to 1100 $$^{circ}$$C, but increased at 1200 $$^{circ}$$C, decreased drastically at 1250 $$^{circ}$$C, and increased again at 1300 $$^{circ}$$C. In F14, elongation decreased with increasing temperature. It was inferred that the formation of the $$delta$$-ferrite phase was responsible for this complex change in mechanical properties of MP23 from 1200 to 1300 $$^{circ}$$C.

11830 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)