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Journal Articles

The Young generation in radiation protection (IRPA YGN) in social media and online learning; "Brave New World" or "Online Nightmare"?

Andresz, S.*; Papp, C.*; Clarijs, T.*; Sakoda, Akihiro; S$'a$ez-Mu$~n$oz, M.*; Qiu, R.*

Journal of Radiological Protection, 42(3), p.031516_1 - 031516_10, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Environmental Sciences)

While online working seems to become more common since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, social media has the potential to offer greater interactivity and networking capacities. It seems therefore relevant for the IRPA Young Generation Network to investigate the usage of social media by the young generation in radiation protection trough a survey disseminated online. It was also the opportunity to investigate the early feedbacks about on-line learning. The survey collected 89 answers from 15 countries. The most commonly used social media platforms are first Facebook, then LinkedIn and Twitter, but other social media where reported too. The respondents have a multi-objectives approach on social media, using it for different purposes (chiefly for sharing of news and RP related information/education material) and different audiences (ex. public, professional audience), and are not frenetic users based on the frequencies of publication and consultation and the challenges they see within social media. The survey collected the view of the young generation about their practical experience about learning in virtual setting and its advantages and disadvantages vs. in-person. Most participants expressed mixed-feeling about on-line learning. These results show that the young generation can play a role in supporting the extra and intra-communication of the RP community.

Journal Articles

The IRPA Young Generation Network; Activity report from the middle of 2018 to the beginning of 2021

Andresz, S.*; Sakoda, Akihiro; Ha, W.-H.*; Kabrt, F.*; Kono, Takahiko; S$'a$ez Mu$~n$oz, M.*; Nusrat, O.*; Papp, C.*; Qiu, R.*; Bryant, P.*

Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 46(3), p.143 - 150, 2021/09

The Young Generation Network (YGN) was officially established as part of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) in the spring of 2018. Since then, it has been dedicated to a variety of activities to promote communication, collaboration and professional development of students and young professionals in the area of radiation protection and its allied fields. This article reports our recent activities from the middle of 2018 to the beginning of 2021, with highlights on some important events: (1) Joint JHPS-SRP-KARP Workshop of Young Generation Network (December 2019 in Japan); (2) Contribution to Nuclear Energy Agency Workshop on Optimization - Rethinking the Art of Reasonable (January 2020 in Portugal); (3) Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on radiation protection among IRPA YGN members (March 2020); (4) Contribution to IRPA15 (January-February 2021; online). The discussion and insight obtained from each activity are also summarized. The IRPA YGN will aim to achieve its on-going activities and continue to follow the ways paved in the Strategic Agenda and despite the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. Namely, running an international survey (for example, on the usage of social media in radiation protection, and on the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic), engaging national YGNs, extending the network, finding new relationships with networks with an interest in the young generation and participation in (remote) events will be aspired for.

Journal Articles

Establishment and activities of Young Generation Network (IRPA YGN) in International Radiation Protection Association

Sakoda, Akihiro; Kono, Takahiko; Kataoka, Noriaki*; Andresz, S.*

Hoken Butsuri (Internet), 54(3), p.181 - 187, 2019/10

no abstracts in English

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