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Journal Articles

Development of a cryogenic load frame for a neutron diffractometer

Tsuchiya, Yoshinori*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Umeno, Takahiro*; Machiya, Shutaro*; Osamura, Kozo*

Measurement Science and Technology, 21(2), p.025904_1 - 025904_4, 2010/01

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:73.18(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

Strain measurements under loading at cryogenic temperatures are much requested for investigation of the stress/strain effect on the critical current for composite superconductors. In order to provide in-situ measurements of the lattice strain, a cryogenic load frame with a GM refrigerator has been developed, which is suitable for the neutron diffraction facility RESA equipped at JRR-3 in JAEA. The lowest temperature of 4.8 K was achieved, while the capacity of the load frame was 10 kN. Using the present cryogenic load frame, plane spacing measurement was performed under loading for two specified samples of 316 stainless steel and engineering YBCO coated conductor. The relation between applied stress/strain and lattice strain has been made clear in a wide range of temperatures.

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