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Latent ion tracks were finally observed in diamond

雨倉 宏*; Chettah, A.*; 鳴海 一雅*; 千葉 敦也*; 平野 貴美*; 山田 圭介*; 山本 春也*; Leino, A. A.*; Djurabekova, F.*; Nordlund, K.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.1786_1 - 1786_10, 2024/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00

高い電子的阻止能領域の照射条件で高エネルギー重イオンを固体に照射すると、イオンの飛跡に沿って潜在イオントラックと呼ばれる柱状の損傷領域が形成される。イオントラックは、多くの物質中で形成されていることが知られているが、ダイヤモンドにおいて観察された例は皆無であった。高エネルギー(GeV)のウランイオンにおいてさえ、観察された例はない。本研究では、2-9MeV C$$_{60}$$フラーレンイオンを照射したダイヤモンドにおいて、初めてイオントラックが観察された。高分解能電子顕微鏡による観察により、イオントラックの内部がアモルファス化していることが示唆され、さらに、電子エネルギー損失分光法による分析によって、グラファイト由来の$$pi$$-結合の信号が検知された。分子動力学法に基づく計算シミュレーションで、上記の実験結果を再現することに成功した。


Probing copper and copper-gold alloy surfaces with space-quantized oxygen molecular beam

津田 泰孝; Gueriba, J. S.*; 植田 寛和*; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; 倉橋 光紀*; 岡田 美智雄*

JACS Au (Internet), 2(8), p.1839 - 1847, 2022/08

The orientation and motion of reactants play important roles in reactions. The small rotational excitations involved render the reactants susceptible to dynamical steering, making direct comparison between experiment and theory rather challenging. Using space quantized molecular beams, we directly probe the (polar and azimuthal) orientation dependence of O$$_{2}$$ chemisorption on Cu$$(110)$$ and Cu$$_{3}$$Au$$(110)$$. We observe polar and azimuthal anisotropies on both surfaces. Chemisorption proceeds rather favorably with the O-O bond axis oriented parallel (${it vs.}$ perpendicular) to the surface, and also rather favorably with the O-O bond axis oriented along $$[001]$$ (${it vs.}$ along $$[bar{1}10]$$). The presence of Au hinders the surface from further oxidation, introducing a higher activation barrier to chemisorption, and rendering an almost negligible azimuthal anisotropy. The presence of Au also prevents cartwheel-like rotating O$$_{2}$$ from further reactions.


Multipole polaron in the devil's staircase of CeSb

新井 陽介*; 黒田 健太*; 野本 拓也*; Tin, Z. H.*; 櫻木 俊輔*; Bareille, C.*; 明比 俊太朗*; 黒川 輝風*; 木下 雄斗*; Zhang, W.-L.*; et al.

Nature Materials, 21(4), p.410 - 415, 2022/04

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:77.74(Chemistry, Physical)

Low-energy electronic structures of CeSb which shows multiple phase transitions known as devil's staircase were examined by combination of laser angle-resolved photoemission, Raman and neutron scattering spectroscopies. A new type of electron-boson coupling between the mobile electrons and quadrupole CEF-excitations of the 4f orbitals was found. The coupling is exceedingly strong and exhibits anomalous step-like enhancement during the devil's staircase transition, unveiling a new type of quasiparticle, named multipole polaron.



福光 延吉*; 土谷 邦彦; 有賀 克彦*; 山内 悠輔*

Isotope News, (742), p.20 - 24, 2016/02



Obtainable knowledge for materials from Data-Free-Way; Description method of knowledge obtained from fact database

辻 宏和; 加治 芳行; 藤田 充苗*; 衣川 純一*; 吉田 健司*; 益子 真一*; 志村 和樹*; 宮川 俊一*; 岩田 修一*

Proceedings of 10th German-Japanese Workshop on Chemical Information, p.131 - 133, 2002/00




佐藤 真一郎; 春山 盛善; 小野田 忍; 寺地 徳之*; 磯谷 順一*; 加田 渉*; 大島 武; 花泉 修*

no journal, , 



Probing copper and copper-gold surfaces with space-quantized oxygen molecular beams

津田 泰孝; Gueriba, J. S.*; 植田 寛和; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; 倉橋 光紀*; 岡田 美智雄*

no journal, , 

The interaction of O$$_{2}$$ with various metal surfaces induces changes in its chemical stability and reactivity. And the ability to control such processes bears on the chemical economy. Alloying of pristine metals provides one of the simplest and oldest way to do so. Unraveling the stereochemistry of the processes involved would be imperative for understanding the mechanisms behind of these interactions. The dynamics of reactant molecules (esp., the orientation and the movement of molecules in 3D space) plays an important role in reactions. The small rotational energy excitations involved (ca. less than a few meV) render the reactants susceptible to dynamical steering. This makes direct comparison with theory rather challenging. To directly probe and observe the (polar and azimuthal) orientation dependence of O$$_{2}$$ adsorption on Cu(110) and Cu$$_{3}$$Au(110), we prepared space quantized O$$_{2}$$ molecular beams by sorting the quantum states of the O$$_{2}$$ via Richtungsquantelung (space quantization, as first introduced by the 1922 Stern-Gerlach experiment). We found that chemisorption proceeded rather favorably with the O-O bond axis oriented parallel (vs. perpendicular) to the surface, and also for O-O bond axis oriented along [001] (vs. along [-110]). Alloying with Au introduced a higher activation barrier to chemisorption. This hinders the surface from further oxidation, and azimuthal anisotropy becomes almost negligible. The presence of Au also prevented cartwheel-like rotating O$$_{2}$$ from further reactions.

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