※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Radiochemical studies of iodine, tritium and neptunium

佐伯 正克

Saeki, Masakatsu


In this review, experimental results on studies of radioactive iodine, tritium and neptunium are summarized. On studies of radioactive iodine, from various experimental results, the process establishing the formation mechanism of organic iodides was fully described. On the basis of formation mechanism, possibilities for the formation of organic iodides under nuclear reactor accidents and so on were also discussed. On studies of tritium, three topics were concisely described on the isotopic composition of tritium gases, the chemical forms and the diffusivity of tritium in various materials, and the sorption and desorption behaviors of tritium on surfaces of various materials. On the neptunium chemistry, the relationship between the structure of neptunium compound and the Moessbauer isomer shift and experimental results on neptunyl(VI) hydroxides were discussed.



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