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幌延における地質環境の長期安定性研究に関わる観測データ集; 電磁探査機器およびGPS機器による長期観測

Data book on the results of long-term monitoring in view from long-term stability of the geological environment in and around the Horonobe area.-Long-term monitoring of electromagnetic property and crustal movement by using MT and GPS equipments-

津久井 朗太

Tsukui, Rota


Horonobe Underground Research Center has been carrying out the long-term monitoring of electromagnetic property and crustal movement by using MT and GPS equipments, since Y2002 in terms of the long-term stability of the geological environment in and around the Horonobe area.This document presents following items with sets of data obtained by above equipments. - Aim of long-term monitoring- selecting process of observation points and details of equipments- Locality map of the observation points and layout of equipments at each observation points.



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