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 年 ~ 


Study about the dissolution behavior of the irradiated fast reactor fuels in CPF

佐野 雄一   ; 小山 智造; 船坂 英之

Sano, Yuichi; Koyama, Tomozo; Funasaka, Hideyuki


We investigated the factors which affected the dissolution of U and Pu to the nitric acid solution with the fragmentation model, which was based on the results of dissolution experiments for the irradiated fast reactor fuels in the Chemical Processing Facility(CPF). The equation that gave the fuel dissolution rate was estimated with the condition of fabrication (Pu ratio (Pu/(U+Pu))), irradiation (burn-up) and dissolution (nitric acid concentration, solution temperature and U+Pu concentration) by evaluating these effects quantitatively. We also investigated the effects of fuel volume ratio to the solution in the dissolver, burn-up and flouring ratio of the fuel on the f-value (the parameter which shows the diffusion and osmosis of nitric acid to the fuel) in the fragmentation model. It was confirmed that the fuel dissolution rate calculated with this equation had better agreement with the results of dissolution experiments for the irradiated fast reactor fuels in the CPF than that estimated with the surface area model. In addition, the efficiency of this equation was recognized for the dissolution of unirradiated U pellet and high Pu enriched MOX fuel. It was shown that the dissolution rate of the fuel slowed down at the condition of the high U-Pu concentration dissolution by the calculation of the dissolution behavior with this equation. The dissolution of the fuel can be improved by increasing the nitric acid concentration and temperature, but from the viewpoint of lowering the corrosion of the dissolver materials, it is desirable that the f-value is increased by optimizing the condition of shearing and stirring for the improvement of dissolution.



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