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ORIGEN2 Cross-Section Libraries for Fast Reactors Based on JENDL-3.3

神 智之*; 大木 繁夫 

Jin, Tomoyuki*; Oki, Shigeo


ORLIBJ32 is a set of ORIGEN2 cross-section libraries for light water reactors and fast reactors based on Japanese evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-3.2. It has been opened since 1999. Following the latest revision of JENDL-3.2 to JENDL-3.3 in 2002, we have prepared new ORIGRN2 libraries for fast reactors. By using the same tool that made the fast reactor libraries in ORLIBJ32, the 73-group infinitely-diluted cross sections for 327 nuclides generated from JENDL-3.3 were collapsed into 1-group cross sections with an arbitrary weighting spectrum. For main nuclides, we used the 1-group shielded cross sections obtained by the fast reactor group constant set JFS-3-J3.3. As an isomeric ratio (g/(g+m)) for 241Am capture reaction, the value 0.85 was used instead of the conventional value of 0.80 in consequence of the latest research development of nuclear data. The new libraries were prepared for the following sodium-cooled fast reactors just like ORLIBJ32: JOYO (MK-I), MONJU, several kinds of a prototype reactor (600 MWe) parameterized by both fuel type (MOX, Metal, Nitride) and Pu isotopic composition, a commercial-size reactor (1300 MWe), and a Pu burning reactor. We performed burnup calculations with the new ORIGEN2 libraries in order to investigate the effect caused by the revision of the library.



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