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Report No.

Development of production methods of the Sr-90/Y-90 source for hydrogen production experiments

Motoki, Riyozo; Aoki, Hiromichi; Uchida, Shoji; Nagaishi, Ryuji ; Yamada, Reiji

The study of producing hydrogen with a Sr-90/Y-90 source is planned to utilze the radioactive waste effectively. Therefore we developed two methods of caking Sr-90 and a catalyst for the production of hydrogen effectively. One is a method of caking $$^{90}$$SrTiO$$_{3}$$ and TiO$$_{2}$$ in a silica gel. And another is a method of caking $$^{90}$$SrSO$$_{4}$$ and TiO$$_{2}$$ in a silica gel. These solid matters are porous materials, which has a radiation resistant and chemical resistant. In addition, Y-90 which is a daughter nuclide of Sr-90 can be also used for hydrogen production.



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