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Neutrino-nucleus reaction cross sections for light element synthesis in supernova explosions


吉田 敬*; 鈴木 俊夫*; 千葉 敏; 梶野 敏貴*; 横枕 英和*; 木村 恵一*; 高村 明*; Hartmann, D. H.*

Yoshida, Takashi*; Suzuki, Toshio*; Chiba, Satoshi; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Yokomakura, Hidekazu*; Kimura, Keiichi*; Takamura, Akira*; Hartmann, D. H.*


The neutrino-nucleus reaction cross sections of $$^4$$He and $$^{12}$$C are evaluated using new shell model Hamiltonians. The new cross sections enhance the yields of $$^7$$Li and $$^{11}$$B produced during the supernova explosion of a 16.2 $$M_odot$$ star model compared to the case using the conventional cross sections by about 10%. On the other hand, the yield of $$^{10}$$B decreases by a factor of two. The yields of $$^6$$Li, $$^9$$Be, and the radioactive nucleus $$^{10}$$Be are found at a level of $$sim 10^{-11} M_odot$$. The temperature of $$nu_{mu,tau}$$- and $$bar{nu}_{mu,tau}$$-neutrinos inferred from the supernova contribution of $$^{11}$$B in Galactic chemical evolution models is constrained to be in the range 4.3 MeV to 6.5 MeV. The increase in the $$^7$$Li and $$^{11}$$B yields due to neutrino oscillations is demonstrated with the new cross sections.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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