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マイクロリアクタ流水試験によるガラス固化体溶解/変質の速度論的評価; ガラス初期溶解速度のpH/温度依存性

Evaluation of HLW glass dissolution/alteration kinetics by using micro-reactor flow-through test method; Initial glass dissolution rate as a function of pH and temperature

酒谷 圭一*; 稲垣 八穂広*; 牧垣 光; 出光 一哉*; 有馬 立身*; 三ツ井 誠一郎  ; 野下 健司*

Sakatani, Keiichi*; Inagaki, Yaohiro*; Makigaki, Hikaru; Idemitsu, Kazuya*; Arima, Tatsumi*; Mitsui, Seiichiro; Noshita, Kenji*


A new type of flow-through test method using micro-reactor was developed and applied to measurement of dissolution kinetics for a Japanese simulated HLW glass, P0798. By using this method we measured the initial dissolution rate as a function of pH and temperature. The results showed that the initial dissolution rate has "V-shaped" pH dependence at any temperature and Arrhenius-type temperature dependence. Furthermore, consistency of glass dissolution amount between solid and solution analyses demonstrates the reliability of this test method.



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