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Effect of minor actinides doping on plutonium produced in large-scale FBR blanket


Meiliza, Y.; 大木 繁夫 ; 大久保 努

Meiliza, Y.; Oki, Shigeo; Okubo, Tsutomu

Plutonium recycling in fast breeder reactors (FBRs) is important from the viewpoint of effective utilization of energy resources. Nuclear nonproliferation must be ensured through all the recycling process. Nuclear safeguards could be used as an extrinsic approach to prevent the diversion and misuse of nuclear material. Moreover, denaturing plutonium as an intrinsic approach is also considered to be effective to enhance the proliferation resistance of the system. As one of plutonium denaturing methods, the present study deals with the possibility of denaturing by MA transmutation in FBR blanket from the viewpoint of accumulating even-mass-number plutonium isotopes.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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