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 年 ~ 

Determination of trace amounts of plutonium in low-active liquid wastes from spent nuclear-fuel reprocessing plants by flow injection-based solid-phase extraction/electrochemical detection system


田口 茂郎 ; 山本 昌彦   ; 駿河谷 直樹 ; 黒沢 明; 檜山 敏明; 田中 龍彦*

Taguchi, Shigeo; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Surugaya, Naoki; Kurosawa, Akira; Hiyama, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Tatsuhiko*

A flow injection (FI)-based electrochemical detection system coupled to a solid-phase extraction column was developed for the determination of trace amounts of plutonium in liquid wastes from spent nuclear-fuel reprocessing plants. The relative standard deviation of ten analyses was 1.1% for a plutonium standard solution of 25 $$mu$$g L$$^{-1}$$ containing 0.05 $$mu$$g of Pu. The detection limit calculated from three-times the standard deviation was 0.82 $$mu$$g L$$^{-1}$$ (1.64 ng of Pu).



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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