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Report No.

Design of advanced capsule temperature control system

Onuma, Yuichi; Inoue, Shuichi ; Okada, Yuji ; Sakuta, Yoshiyuki; Kanno, Masaru

The Japan Material Testing Reactor (JMTR) in the Oarai Research and Development Center has been continued to improvement of the temperature control capability for irradiation specimens is being carried out for applying the JMTR. The JMTR had developed and been utilized the High accuracy capsule temperature control system had developed by adopting a feed forward control using measured reactor output power, and have been utilized in the JMTR. Based on the development knowledge, the advanced capsule temperature control system is now under development taking into consideration of additional function and so on so as to obtain high quality irradiation test data in the world in order to contribute the nuclear technology development.



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