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Improvement in estimation of first peak power based on non-linear temperature feedback reactivity in criticality accident with instantaneous reactivity insertion


山根 祐一  

Yamane, Yuichi


A simple equation for the first peak power in a criticality accident due to instantaneous reactivity insertion into nuclear fuel solution system has been developed to improve the accuracy in the estimation of the first peak power keeping the easiness of calculation. The equation is based on the assumption that temperature feedback reactivity is a second order function of an increase in fuel temperature. Peak power estimated using the equation was in a range between about a half and twice of experimental value. Its applicability to a wide range of initial reactivity and accuracy of estimation have been confirmed in the comparison to one-point kinetics numerical calculation. The expression suggests the first peak power increases with the square of small initial reactivity and three-halves power of large initial reactivity.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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