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Report No.

Overview of particle and heavy ion transport code system PHITS

Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Niita, Koji*; Matsuda, Norihiro  ; Hashimoto, Shintaro  ; Iwamoto, Yosuke   ; Furuta, Takuya   ; Noda, Shusaku; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko   ; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Fukahori, Tokio  ; Okumura, Keisuke ; Kai, Tetsuya   ; Chiba, Satoshi*; Sihver, L.*

The general purpose Monte Carlo Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System, PHITS, is being developed through a collaboration of several institutes in Japan and Europe. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency is responsible for managing the entire project. PHITS can deal with the transport of nearly all particles, including neutrons, protons, heavy ions, photons, and electrons, over wide energy ranges using various nuclear reaction models and data libraries. This paper briefly summarizes the physics models implemented in PHITS, and introduces some important functions useful for particular purposes, such as an event generator mode and beam transport functions.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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