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The Application of IAEA safeguards to joint comprehensive plan of action

清水 亮 ; 田崎 真樹子 ; 小鍛治 理紗; 玉井 広史 ; 須田 一則 

Shimizu, Ryo; Tazaki, Makiko; Kokaji, Lisa; Tamai, Hiroshi; Suda, Kazunori


On 14 July 2015, E3/EU+3 and Iran reached final agreement on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran's nuclear program. Iran is now allowed to purse peaceful use of nuclear energy including uranium enrichment under certain pre-agreed conditions. From now on, IAEA inspection subjected to the agreed JCPOA will be further applied. Although Iran has not yet ratified the IAEA Additional Protocol (AP) to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, it now provisionally applies the AP and consequently the IAEA is able to access every nuclear related facilities in Iran including not only uranium mines, but also any places and facilities which have been suspected to relate to nuclear weapon activities. In addition, the JCPOA introduces a new system of monitoring procurement of nuclear related materials and services by Iran. In the study, together with Iran's previous nuclear activities and outline of the JCPOA, various IAEA Safeguards activities in nuclear facilities in Iran and its challenges are analysed.



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