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Cesium adsorption/desorption behavior of clay minerals considering actual contamination conditions in Fukushima


向井 広樹*; 廣瀬 農*; 甕 聡子*; 菊池 亮佑*; 田野井 慶太朗*; 中西 友子*; 矢板 毅; 小暮 敏博*

Mukai, Hiroki*; Hirose, Atsushi*; Motai, Satoko*; Kikuchi, Ryosuke*; Tanoi, Keitaro*; Nakanishi, Tomoko*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Kogure, Toshihiro*

Cesium adsorption/desorption experiments for various clay minerals, considering actual contamination conditions in Fukushima, were conducted using the $$^{137}$$Cs radioisotope and an autoradiography using imaging plates (IPs). An aliquot containing 0.185 -1.85 Bq of $$^{137}$$Cs was dropped onto a substrate where various mineral particles were arranged. It was found that partially-vermiculitized biotite, which is termed "weathered biotite" (WB) in this study, from Fukushima sorbed $$^{137}$$Cs far more than the other clay minerals (fresh biotite, illite, smectite, kaolinite, halloysite, allophane, imogolite) on the same substrate. Cs-sorption to WB continued for about one day, whereas that to ferruginous smectite was completed within one hour. The sorbed $$^{137}$$Cs in WB was hardly leached with hydrochloric acid at pH 1, particularly in samples with a longer sorption time. The presence/absence of WB sorbing radiocesium is a key factor affecting the dynamics and fate of radiocesium in Fukushima.



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分野:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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