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Report No.

Composite behavior of lath martensite steels induced by plastic strain, a new paradigm for the elastic-plastic response of martensitic steels

Ung$'a$r, T.*; Harjo, S.   ; Kawasaki, Takuro   ; Tomota, Yo*; Rib$'a$rik, G.*; Shi, Z.*

Based on high-resolution neutron diffraction experiments we will show that in lath martensite steels the initially homogeneous dislocation structure is disrupted by plastic deformation, to produce a composite on the length scale of martensite lath packets. The diffraction patterns of plastically strained martensitic steel reveal characteristically asymmetric peak profiles in the same way as has been observed in materials with heterogeneous dislocation structures. Lath packets oriented favorably or unfavorably for dislocation glide become soft or hard. The lath packet type develops by work softening or work hardening in which the dislocation density becomes smaller or larger compared to the initial average one. The decomposition into soft and hard lath packets is accompanied by load redistribution between the two lath packet types. The composite behavior of plastically deformed lath martensite opens a new way to understand the elastic-plastic response in this class of materials.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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