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 年 ~ 

Selective extraction of Pt(IV) over Fe(III) from HCl with an amide-containing tertiary amine compound


前田 泰生*; 成田 弘一*; 所 千晴*; 田中 幹也*; 元川 竜平   ; 塩飽 秀啓   ; 矢板 毅

Maeda, Motoki*; Narita, Hirokazu*; Tokoro, Chiharu*; Tanaka, Mikiya*; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

The separation properties of Pt(IV) over Fe(III) in HCl solutions using $$N$$-2-ethylhexyl-bis($$N$$-di-2-ethylhexyl-ethylamide)amine (EHBAA) were investigated and then compared with those using the conventional extractant tri-$$n$$-octylamine (TOA). Also, the structural analyses of Pt(IV) in both of the aqueous (HCl solution) and organic (EHBAA in $$n$$-dodecane-2-ethylhexanol solution) phases were performed with EXAFS spectroscopy. The extractability of Pt(IV) was much higher with EHBAA than with TOA in the studied HCl concentration range (0.2-0.8 M HCl); additionally, EHBAA selectively extracted Pt(IV) over Fe(III) under the condition of [EHBAA] $$leq$$ 0.1 M and [HCl] $$leq$$ 1 M. The Pt(IV) loading capacity of 0.1 M EHBAA was about 9.2 g/L (about 0.05 M). Most of the Pt(IV) extracted with 0.1 M EHBAA from 1 M HCl was stripped with 0.1 M NaOH; the co-extracted Fe(III) was selectively scrubbed with distilled water. The structural studies indicated that the Pt(IV) extracted with EHBAA from 1 M HCl formed an ion-pair complex, [PtCl$$_{6}$$]$$cdot$$(EHBAA$$cdot$$H)$$_{2}$$.



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分野:Engineering, Chemical



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