※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of realized random model for coated fuel particle of prismatic HTGR

Ho, H. Q.   ; 本多 友貴; 後藤 実  ; 高田 昌二; 石塚 悦男   

Ho, H. Q.; Honda, Yuki; Goto, Minoru; Takada, Shoji; Ishitsuka, Etsuo

The Monte-Carlo MCNP code does not provide an appropriate model to simulate random arrangement of coated fuel particles (CFPs) in the fuel compact of high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR). This study developed a MCNP model for the HTTR by using an explicit random method, namely realized random packing (RRP), to improve the accuracy of the benchmark assessment. Criticality results showed that by using the RRP model the accuracy of HTTR benchmark could be improved in comparison with the conventional uniform model.



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