※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of crystal orientation on incipient plasticity during nanoindentation of magnesium


染川 英俊*; 都留 智仁   ; Singh, A.*; 三浦 誠司*; Schuh, C. A.*

Somekawa, Hidetoshi*; Tsuru, Tomohito; Singh, A.*; Miura, Seiji*; Schuh, C. A.*


The effect of crystal orientation on incipient plasticity during nanoindentation was investigated by experiments and molecular statics simulation. Pop-in behavior is a result of dislocation activity, and is therefore influenced by crystal orientation. Experimental results using single crystals indicated that indentations on the basal plane had higher pop-in loads and larger pop-in displacements than those on the prismatic plane, an effect also captured by molecular statics simulation. The difference can be traced to the types of activated dislocations, with not only basal but also pyramidal dislocations active for indentations on the basal plane, but only basal dislocations triggered at the first pop-in on the prismatic plane.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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