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高速増殖原型炉もんじゅ; その軌跡と技術成果

Prototype fast breeder reactor Monju; Its history and achievements


Tsuruga Comprehensive Research and Development Center

1968年の研究開発着手から約半世紀にわたる高速増殖原型炉もんじゅ(「もんじゅ」)の歴史と技術成果を取りまとめた。高速実験炉「常陽」に続く原型炉として、「もんじゅ」は、半世紀にわたる設計, 建設, 運転, 保守等を通じて、数多くの成果を生んできた。本報告書は、「開発経緯と実績」,「設計と建設」,「試運転」,「原子炉安全」,「炉心技術」,「燃料・材料」,「原子炉設備」,「ナトリウム技術」,「構造・材料」,「運転・保守」,「事故・トラブル経験」の計11章に分けて、特徴や成果を概括している。

This report summarizes the history and achievements of the prototype fast breeder reactor Monju. The development of Monju started in 1968 as a prototype reactor following the experimental fast reactor Joyo. The development covers all the activity related to the fast reactor; plant design, mockup tests, construction, operation, and plant management. This report summarizes the history and achievements for 11 technical areas: history and principal achievements, design and construction, operation test, plant safety, core physics, fuel, plant system, sodium technology, materials and mechanical design, plant management, and trouble management.



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