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 年 ~ 

Solubility of FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr) at 318 K in the presence of iron

吉田 泰*; 北村 暁  ; 澁谷 早苗*

Yoshida, Yasushi*; Kitamura, Akira; Shibutani, Sanae*

The concentration of Se equilibrated with FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr) was determined by solubility experiments under reducing conditions and 318 $$pm$$ 1 K. Agreement between the solubility data obtained from the over and under saturation directions suggested the attainment of equilibrium. FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr) phase only formed. The log$$_{10}$$$${it K}$$$$^{0}$$ values of -5.0 $$pm$$ 1.4 and -14.9 $$pm$$ 1.5 for the FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr) solubility reactions respectively were determined. Moreover, the selenium solubility was discussed. At the experimental conditions corresponding to the typical pH and Eh of anoxic groundwater and the equilibrium with stable FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr), the Se solubilities were remained as constant in spite of the linear relationship between iron concentrations with pH. This indicated that Se was consumed before the formation of FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr). This behavior indicated that consideration of reaction paths to equilibrium with FeSe$$_{2}$$(cr) is necessary for an estimation of Se solubility for performance assessment in geological disposal system.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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