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JENDL開発のための軽水炉ベンチマークに関するデータ集の整備; 2017年成果報告書(JAEA-Data/Code 2017-006)のデータ拡充と活用例

Compilation of the data book on light water reactor benchmark to develop JENDL; Utilization and extension of 2017 report (JAEA-Data/Code 2017-006)

JENDL委員会 リアクター積分テストワーキンググループ

Reactor Integral Test Working Group, JENDL Committee


The reactor integral test working group organized in the JENDL committee has prepared the benchmark database which is devoted to performance evaluation and validation testing of JENDL-5 regarding simulation of nuclear fission reactors applications, and the report "JAEA-Data/Code 2017-006" for the aforementioned benchmark database was published in 2017. After the publication of the report, the benchmark database has been extended energetically in Japan Atomic Energy Agency under the cooperation of the JENDL Committee. The database contributes improvement of reliability of JENDL-5. This report is a summary of the aforementioned extended database, and the report is expected to be efficiently utilized for not only the developments of nuclear data library in future but also integral tests of released nuclear data libraries.



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