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Report No.

Organization of malonamides from the interface to the organic bulk phase

Micheau, C.; Ueda, Yuki   ; Motokawa, Ryuhei   ; Akutsu, Kazuhiro*; Yamada, Norifumi*; Yamada, Masako*; Moussaoui, S. A.*; Makombe, E.*; Meyer, D.*; Berthon, L.*; Bourgeois, D.*

Supramolecular organization of extractant molecules impacts metal ions separation behavior. Probing bulk and interfacial structures of the relevant systems is expected to provide key insights into the metal ion selectivity and kinetic aspects. The supramolecular features of two solvent extraction systems based on malonamide extractants THMA in toluene and DBMA in n-heptane were studied using small-angle X-ray scattering for the organic bulk phases, as well as interfacial tension and neutron reflectivity measurements for the interfaces. In the bulk solution, THMA forms dimeric/trimeric associates but no aggregates in toluene, while DBMA forms large aggregates in n-heptane. On the other hand, THMA accumulates in a diffuse layer at the interface at high THMA concentration, whereas DBMA forms a compact but thinner layer. After Pd(II) extraction, the thickness of interfacial layers decreases in the case of THMA, and totally vanishes in the case of DBMA. Based on these new structural information, two mechanisms are proposed for Pd(II) and Nd(III) extraction with malonamides. In toluene, THMA associates slightly accumulate in the vicinity of the interface, then coordinate Pd(II) and diffuse into the organic bulk phase. In n-heptane, DBMA aggregates adsorb at the interface then pick up Nd(III) cations in their polar cores and finally diffuse into the bulk.



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